The Department of Anthropology has affiliations with the following programs, centers, and organizations at Texas A&M University:
Applied Biodiversity Science (ABS) Program: Dr. Amanda Stronza serves as one of the PIs for this project. She is a full-time faculty member in the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences, and an adjunct & affiliated faculty member in the Department of Anthropology. Dr. Michael Alvard, in the Department of Anthropology, is a participating faculty member.
Archaeological Institute of America – College Station: Several faculty members and graduate students actively participate in activities organized by the AIA.
Center for the Study of the First Americans (CSFA): Housed in the Department of Anthropology, CSFA is a research center that explores questions surrounding the peopling of the Americas. Three faculty members in the department are affiliated with the center: Dr. Mike Waters (Director), Dr. Ted Goebel (Associate Director) and Dr. Kelly Graf.
Center for Maritime Archaeology and Conservation (CMAC): Housed in the Department of Anthropology, CMAC is a research center devoted to nautical, underwater, and maritime archaeology, as well as artifact conservation. Seven faculty members are affiliated with the center: Dr. Donny Hamilton (Director), Dr. Deborah Carlson, Dr. Filipe Castro, Dr. Kevin Crisman, Dr. Chris Dostal, Dr. Cemal Pulak, and Dr. Shelley Wachsmann.
Classics Program: Dr. Deborah Carlson is an active member of the Classics Program (within the Department of International Studies), and regularly teaches courses in Classical Archaeology and Latin. Two affiliated faculty (Drs. Nancy Klein and Kevin Glowacki) are also part of the Classics program.
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Program: The Interdisciplinary Research Program (IRP) in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) at Texas A&M University is represented by a group of faculty from multiple departments in several colleges within the university. The purpose of the IRP in EEB is to integrate research programs related to the disciplines of ecology and evolutionary biology and heighten awareness of this important area of biological research within our institution. The program fosters collaboration for both research and teaching in the disciplines of ecology and evolutionary biology. Several faculty members in the Department of Anthropology are part of this program: Dr. Mike Alvard, Dr. Darryl de Ruiter, Dr. Sharon Gursky, and Dr. Jeffrey Winking.

Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA): Members of the Nautical Archaeology Program work closely with INA, a non-profit educational organization that is housed in the Anthropology Building. Dr. Deborah Carlson is currently the President of INA, and Drs. Kevin Crisman and Cemal Pulak both serve as Vice-Presidents.
Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research: Multiple faculty and graduate students have participated in events and received funding from the Glasscock Center.
Race and Ethnic Studies Institute (RESI): Several faculty members and graduate students actively participate in activities organized by RESI.
Texas A&M ADVANCE : ADVANCE is a unit within the Dean of Faculties Office that strives to create a psychologically healthy workplace at Texas A&M where all faculty can thrive and succeed. A key objective of ADVANCE is to weave the values of diversity, inclusion, and respect into the culture of the institution. ADVANCE does this by providing education, support and outreach for ALL Texas A&M faculty in the form of programs, resources, presentations, and research. Several anthropology faculty in the department have been involved with ADVANCE programs and/or served on ADVANCE committees.
Women’s and Gender Studies Program: The Women’s and Gender Studies Program at Texas A&M University is a program of the College of Liberal Arts, using an interdisciplinary approach to the study of gender in culture and society and the achievements of women in the arts, literature, sciences, and in other human endeavors. Attention is given to the historical, cross-cultural and multicultural aspects of gender in the experience of women and men. Dr. Cynthia Werner is an affiliated faculty member within the Women’s and Gender Studies Program.