- Environmental Geoscience, B.S.
- Environmental Studies, B.S.
- Environmental Geosciences, B.S. + Master of Ocean Science and Technology
- Environmental Geosciences, B.S. + Water Management and Hydrological Science, M.S.
- Environmental Geosciences Minor
- Neuroscience Minor
- Women's & Gender Studies, B.A./B.S.
- Women's & Gender Studies Minor
- Classics, B.A.
- Modern Languages, B.A. (French, German or Russian)
- Race, Gender, Ethnicity
- Spanish, B.A.
- Africana Studies Minor
- Arabic Studies Minor
- Chinese Minor
- Classical Studies Minor
- Comparative Cultural Studies – International Minor
- French Minor
- German Minor
- Hispanic Studies for Community Engagement Minor
- Italian Minor
- Japanese Minor
- Religious Studies Minor
- Russian Minor
- Spanish Minor
University Studies
A University Studies degree differs from a traditional “major” in that it consists of a concentration and two minors. We offer 19 university studies concentrations:
aggieTEACH-Arts & Sciences
Texas A&M leads the state in the production of university-prepared secondary mathematics and science teachers! You can double your career potential by obtaining a Texas high school science or math teaching certificate through aggieTEACH-Arts & Sciences as you earn your bachelor’s degree.
aggieTEACH-Arts & Sciences is part of a network of colleges and programs in the Texas A&M University System that offer pathways to teacher certification for non-education majors. The larger aggieTEACH initiative is coordinated by the School of Education and Human Development.