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Prospective Students
Why should you pursue graduate studies in Anthropology at Texas A&M?
The Department of Anthropology at Texas A&M University offers each graduate student unique experiences on their journey toward earning a graduate degree. With a variety of coursework on topics within the discipline, numerous opportunities to conduct research and fieldwork, and a wide range of research interests among our faculty, graduate students in the Department of Anthropology are able to tailor their experience and individual degree plan specifically to their own research interests and goals.
Graduate Degrees
Our department is currently offering a MS in Maritime Archaeology and Conservation (begun in Fall 2015) and a PhD in Anthropology. Students in the PhD program often complete an MA in Anthropology en route to the PhD in Anthropology.
Are you curious about what kind of courses we offer to graduate students? Take a look at our Course Schedule to see what graduate students are currently taking in the department.
Our Admissions page is where you can find specific information about application instructions and the admissions process at Texas A&M University and for the Department of Anthropology in particular. This information covers applications, program requirements for each subfield, tips for writing your letter of intent, a brief overview of funding in the department, and an expected timeline for the application process.
If you have any questions about applying for a graduate degree in the Department of Anthropology, please contact Leslie Mora, (lesliemora@tamu.edu), (979) 845-5242.
Opportunities for Fieldwork Experience
Our graduate students also participate in and often conduct their own research projects throughout their degree track. Field experience is often tailored to each graduate student and is dependent on which degree they are pursuing. Such research and field experiences include archaeological fieldwork, ethnographic fieldwork, laboratory opportunities, independent research projects, and other related opportunities.
Current Graduate Students/Prospective Students
Funding and Award Opportunities
There are numerous Funding and Award Opportunities for graduate students at all stages (graduate study, fieldwork, and dissertation write-up) which include both internal and external opportunities. Many of our graduate students have earned various grants and awards for their graduate study, summer research projects, and dissertation fieldwork and write-up.
These outstanding achievements include several students receiving external funding through the National Science Foundation (NSF) Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, Primate Conservation Incorporated Research Grant, P.E.O. Scholar Award, Wenner-Gren Foundation Wadsworth International Fellowship, Social Science and Humanities Research Council Canada Doctoral Fellowship, and Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Grant.
Internal awards within Texas A&M University include Texas A&M College of Liberal Arts Dissertation Grant, College of Liberal Arts Vision 2020 Dissertation Improvement Grant, Glasscock Center for Humanities Research Graduate Scholar Award, Graduate Research Fellowship at Glasscock Center for Humanities Research, Texas A&M Office of Graduate Studies Diversity Fellowship, Texas A&M Office of Graduate Studies Merit Fellowship, and Texas A&M Office of Graduate Studies Dissertation Fellowship.
Current Graduate Research
Current graduate students’ interests may also be viewed in their personal biographies. To search for a specific student or to peruse through each subfield, please visit graduate student bios.
For our current graduate students, we have a page filled with resources regarding travel, research, degree paperwork, and annual evaluations.
Recent Job Placements of MA and PhD Graduates
Want to see where our recent graduates are today? Go through Grad Placement to see a list of academic and professional positions held by recent PhD and MA recipients.
In addition to staying in touch with many of our recent graduates, we maintain an extensive list of their completed and defended MA theses and PhD dissertations. If you are curious about the topics covered by our graduate students, or if you are searching for a specific graduate, please visit Theses/Dissertations.
Unable to find what you are looking for in the Graduate section?
Contact Leslie Mora at lesliemora@tamu.edu