Image of Professor Moyna
  • Professor


María Irene Moyna (Ph.D., Linguistics, University of Florida) came to Texas A&M in 2006, where she was granted tenure in 2010. Prior to that, she worked at San Diego State University.

Dr. Moyna is the author of Compound Words in Spanish: Theory and history (John Benjamins, 2011). She is also co-editor of Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Linguistic Heritage (Arte Público Press, 2008), with Alejandra Balestra and Glenn Martínez; Forms of Address in the Spanish of the Americas, with Susana Rivera-Mills (John Benjamins, 2016); and It’s Not All About You: New Perspectives on Address Research, with Bettina Kluge (John Benjamins, 2019). Her latest book, Beyond Binaries in Address Research, co-edited with Víctor Fernández-Mallat, is forthcoming in 2025. Her work has appeared in numerous peer reviewed journals, including, most recently Diversity and Inclusion Research, International Journal of Bilingualism, Journal of Historical Linguistics, Journal of Historical Pragmatics, Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics, Language and Communication, and Latino Studies. Dr. Moyna was Associate Editor for the 5th and 6th editions of the Chicago Spanish Dictionary (University of Chicago, 2002, 2012) and is co-editor of the book series Topics in Address Research (John Benjamins). She is currently completing a large-scale project on address in Uruguayan Spanish and is gathering data for a study of Spanish in Houston.

Dr. Moyna has taught Hispanic linguistics (phonology, morphology, sociolinguistics, dialectology, Spanish in the United States, bilingualism), global studies (languages of the world), and Spanish language development (grammar, translation, professional Spanish). She is the recipient of several grants, including an NEH Connections Grant (AKA-260429-18, Growing the Heart of Texas), which developed Spanish curriculum for students in agriculture.

Research Interests

  • Hispanic Linguistics
  • Language Change and Variation
  • Spanish in the United States