Teresa Vilarós-Soler
  • Professor


Professor Teresa Vilarós’ work is interdisciplinary in nature. Her research-base is in Spanish and Catalan modern/contemporary visual and cultural studies, with a strong focus on psychoanalytical theory, and critical and political thought. She has written extensively on the cultural and social effects of the years of the political transition in Spain in the seventies and eighties, especially on the radical art of La Movida; on the middle-years of the Francoist dictatorship, analyzing the use of media and visual technologies in the sixties by the state as a means for bio-political control; and on La Escuela de Barcelona experimental film. Her current research focuses on contemporary experimental film, and on pre-digital and digital art conceptualizations of post-human landscapes and cyborgian forms of life in Gaudí and Dalí. Professor Vilarós is also currently working on a book on poetics in the Marrano register in twentieth-century Spain.

Professor Vilarós is co-founder and co-editor of the Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies.

Sample publications include: “Modernidad nuclear: Dalí, Benjamin, Zambrano” (JSCS, 2011); “Barcelona come piedras: La impolítica mirada de Jacinto Esteva y Joaquim Jordà,” Hispanic Review, 2010); “Salvador Espriu and the Marrano Home of Language.” Minority Literatures in the Global Scene, Reno: University of Nevada, 2009; “El Mono loco: Retiro y memoria de la Movida.” In La Movida. VVAA. Madrid: Comunidad de Madrid, 2007; “The Spirit of the Beehive: On Carl Schmitt’s Nomos, Name, Nahme.” SAQ 104.2 (2005); “Banalidad y biopolítica” (Desacuerdos 2, MACBA,2005); El mono del desencanto: Una lectura cultural de la transición española (Madrid: Siglo XXI, 1998); Galdós: Invención de la mujer y poética de la sexualidad (Madrid: Siglo XXI, 1995).

Research Interests

  • Spanish Modern and Contemporary Visual and Cultural Studies
  • Hispanic Studies