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College of Arts & Sciences

4-year Plans by Semester

*Departmental GPA Requirements*

If a grade of D or F is earned in any of the following courses, MATH 151/MATH 171, MATH 152/MATH 172, MATH 221/MATH 251/MATH 253, MATH 220, MATH 323 or MATH 308, this course must be immediately retaken and a grade of C or better earned. The department will allow at most two Ds in upper-level (325-499) courses. If a third D is earned, one of the three courses in which a D was earned must be retaken and a grade of C or better earned.

**University Writing Requirement**

All undergraduates must complete the University Writing requirement. The requirement may be met by passing two writing (W) courses or one writing (W) course and one oral communication (C) course. This requirement may not be met by any course listed as a University Core Curriculum communication requirement, nor may it be met through credit-by-examination. All math majors are required to take Math 220 which counts as one W course. All MATH and APMS majors may take MATH 396, MATH 442, MATH 467, or MATH 482 for their second W or C course. Other eligible W courses depend on degree plan: RDNG 372 for BA certification majors, and ECMT 463 for APMS - Actuarial Science and APMS Economics majors.

2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog (Edition 140) 2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog (Edition 139)

For the rest of catalogs please refer to Registrar Office.