Serving the Mathematical Community since 1989

Upcoming Conference:

62th meeting at Texas A&M University, College  Station, November 8-10, 2019


Irina Bobkova, Texas A&M University,  Picard groups in chromatic homotopy theory Andreas Cap, University of Vienna,  Geometric compactifications and parabolic geometries Mikhail Gromov, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at NYU and IHES,  Metric inequalities for manifolds with positive mean curvatures and with positive scalar curvatures

John Lott, UC Berkeley,  Almost Ricci-flat 4-manifolds Mikhail Lyubich, Stony Brook University, Conformal dynamics: Julia sets, Kleinian groups, and Schwarz reflections Mateusz Michalek, Max Planck Institute, Leipzig,  From topology to algebraic geometry and back again Kirsten Wickelgren, Duke University,  An arithmetic count of rational plane curves Tian Yang, Texas A&M University,  Some progress on the volume conjecture for the Turaev-Viro invariants

On Friday, November 8, 5pm, Andreas Cap will give a talk for graduate students entitled
Cartan geometries

This Conference is supported by the National Science Foundation and Texas A&M University.


There are no registration fees, everyone is welcome, but we ask all participants to register. Register by clicking here!

Some support  is available. Graduate students, post-docs, junior faculty, women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are especially encourage to participate and to apply for support. The deadline for the application for support is October 15

The schedule of the talks, the information on accommodation and directions to Texas A&M University will be posted soon

Administrative questions? Contact Cara Barton (979) 845-2915.

Conference Information

The Texas Geometry and Topology Conference (TGTC) is dedicated to the enhancement of both the educational and the research atmosphere of the community of geometers and topologists in Texas and surrounding states. The TGTC has three specific goals:

  • The TGTC is committed to bring researchers of national and international stature to the region to discuss their research and to interact with mathematicians from Texas and surrounding states.
  • The TGTC provides the community of geometers and topologists from Texas and surrounding states a convenient forum to meet and share mathematics on a regular basis. The geographic region is so large that few reasonable alternatives exist. The conference strongly encourages both individual research and productive cooperative efforts between schools.
  • The TGTC is committed to the strengthening and enrichment of the mathematics personnel base. Graduate students, junior faculty, women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are especially encouraged to participate..