David Koepsell
  • Instructional Assistant Professor of Philosophy

Research Interests

  • Digital Identities
  • Digital Selves
  • Legal Philosophy
  • Legal Ontology


I am an attorney, philosopher, entrepreneur, and author, as well as a proud parent of two lovely children with my dear partner who is a genomic scientist. I continue to study, teach, and research on issues of law, technology, and ethics. Most recently I wrote a book on Scientific Integrity which is published in Spanish in Mexico where I lived since 2014, funded by the national science foundation of Mexico, CONACyT. My current research interests include unique digital identities and digital selves.

Educational Background

  • Ph.D. Philosophy, University of Buffalo, 1997

  • J.D. Law, University of Buffalo, 1995

  • B.A. English/ Political Science, University of Buffalo, 1990

Fall 2024 Course Schedule

  • Phil 251.502 - Introduction to Philosophy. T, TH - 2:20-3:35 p.m. - YMCA 109.

  • Phil 334.500 - Philosophy of Law. T, TH - 11:10 a.m.-12:25 p.m. - YMCA 109.

  • Phil 334.501 - Philosophy of Law. M, W - 4:10-5:25 p.m. - BLOC 457.

Office Hours

  • Wednesday – 9:00-12:00

  • Online – by appointment