Ege Selin Islekel
  • Assistant Professor of Philosophy

Areas of Specialization

  • Social and Political Philosophy
  • Feminist Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Race

Contributes to Departmental Research Strengths In

  • Continental Philosophy
  • Philosophies of the Global South


Ege Selin Islekel is Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Affiliated Faculty Member of Race and Ethnic Studies at Texas A&M University. Her work is on 20th Century Continental Philosophy, Post-Foucauldian Biopolitics,  and Decolonial Feminisms, focusing on critical approaches to the politics of death especially in relation to collective memory, and epistemic responses to contexts of overwhelming presence of death. Her first book Nightmare Remains: The Politics of Mourning and Epistemologies of Disappearance, forthcoming with Northwestern University Press (Spring 2024), investigates epistemic and political resistances engaged through collective acts of mourning in Turkey and Latin America. She is currently working on her second book, Monstrous Visions: Mechanisms of Defense and Regimes of Visibility, which provides a decolonial genealogy of monstrosity and analyzes how the notion of danger renders racialized modes of death invisible. She is the co-editor of Foucault, Derrida, and the Biopolitics of Punishment (Northwestern University Press, 2022). Her articles in English and Turkish appear in journals such as Foucault Studies, Philosophy Compass, Theory&Event, Hypatia, CLR James Journal, philoSOPHIA, Philosophy Today, and anthologies such as Turkey’s Necropolitical Laboratory, and Cinsiyeti Yazmak (Writing Sex).

Educational Background

  • Ph.D in Philosophy – with Distinction, DePaul University, 2018

  • Graduate Certificate in Women’s and Gender Studies, DePaul University, 2015

  • M.A. in Philosophy – with Distinction, DePaul University, 2013

  • B.A. in Philosophy – with Honors, Koc University, 2011

Scholarly Achievements

  • Nightmare Remains: The Politics of Meaning and Epistemologies of Disappearance ( Northwestern University Press, Spring 2024)

  • Monstrous Visions: Mechanisms of Defense and Regimes of Visibility (Forthcoming)

  • Foucault, Derrida, and the Biopolitics of Punishment (Northwestern university Press, 2022, co-editor)

Spring 2024 Course Schedule available on Howdy

  • Search faculty member Ege Islekel

Office Hours

  • Wednesdays, 3:00-5:00 p.m.