Lianghua (Glenn) Zhou
  • Assistant Professor of Philosophy

Areas of Specialization

  • Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy
  • Early Modern Philosophy
  • Ancient Chinese Philosophy
  • Early Analytic Philosophy
  • Metaphysics
  • Natural Philosophy
  • Moral Psychology

Contributes to Departmental Research Strengths In

  • Decision Theory, Logic, and Rationality


Lianghua (Glenn) Zhou is an Assistant Professor in the Philosophy Department at Texas A&M University.  He received his PhD in Philosophy and MA in Greek from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.  His primary research focus is on ancient Greek and Roman philosophy.  He also has strong research interests in early modern philosophy and ancient Chinese philosophy.  His research projects explore the intersection of metaphysics, natural philosophy, and moral psychology across different historical periods and traditions.  They involve three core themes: (1) the role of boundaries in Aristotle’s natural philosophy and its relevance to contemporary metaphysics and social philosophy; (2) the psychology of value-involved representation in Aristotle, the Stoics, and Descartes; (3) the different approaches to sagehood in ancient Chinese philosophy.  Additionally, he has a long-term translation project on Russell’s lectures in China.

Educational Background

  • University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ph.D. in Philosophy & M.A. in Greek, 2024

  • Yale University, Visiting Researcher, Spring 2023

  • Stanford University, Visiting Researcher, Fall 2022

  • University of Virginia, Ph.D. Student, 2016-18

  • University of Alberta, M.A. in Philosophy, 2015

  • Jilin University, B.A. in Philosophy, 2013

Scholarly Achievements

  • "Descartes on the Source of Error: The Fourth Meditation and the Correspondence with Elisabeth," British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 30(6), 2022, 992-1012.

  • "Russell's Two Lectures in China on Mathematical Logic,” (with Bernard Linsky), Russell, 38(1), Summer 2018, 52-68.

  • "A Critical Bibliography of Russell's Addresses and Lectures in China," Russell, 36(2), Winter 2016-17, 144-62. 

Fall 2024 Course Schedule

  • Phil 410.900 - Classical Philosophy. M, W, F - 12:40-1:30 p.m. - YMCA 113