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College of Arts & Sciences

Documents and records produced at Texas A&M are public and have a retention policy that is established by Texas statute. In addition, these documents must not be thrown away, but properly destroyed and have the destruction documented and recorded on file with the records management office at Texas A&M. Once the retention period has passed, contact Scott Morris for proper procedures and documentation.


Listed below are some of the more common documents that must be retained for a certain amount of time, and a link to the full retention schedule.

  • Completed Class Tests and Examinations, Student’s Course Papers – End of Academic Term + 1 year
  • Curriculum Files, including revisions – Until Superseded + 5 years
  • Instructor/Faculty Evaluations – End of Academic Term + 1 year
  • Instructor Grade Books/ Instructor Grade Sheets – End of Academic Term + 1 year


Full list of record retention schedules found here.

Records Retention website found here.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Scott Morris.