Sigma Delta Pi is the only honor society devoted exclusively to students of Spanish in four-year colleges and universities. With over 170,000 members, it is the largest foreign-language honor society in existence, and one of the elite, as attested by its membership in the Association of College Honor Societies. Sigma Delta Pi was established on November 14, 1919, at the University of California in Berkeley.
Sigma Delta Pi offers a growing scholarship program exclusively for its active members, research grants for graduate students, and annual undergraduate awards (18) for summer study in Spain and Ecuador. Unique honors, such as the Gabriela Mistral Award, are available to one outstanding member per chapter annually, and the Mario Vargas Llosa Award, a joint Sigma Delta Pi-AATSP recognition, is granted yearly to one outstanding undergraduate Spanish major or minor. Our Department houses the Lambda Tau Chapter, whose faculty sponsor is Dr. Alain Lawo-Sukam. For more information contact him at lawosukam@tamu.edu or visit the official website of the society at http://www.sigmadeltapi.org.