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College of Arts & Sciences

Accurate and Efficient Solution Techniques

An example of Error Control and Dynamic Mesh Adaptation

Error Control & Dynamic Mesh Adaptation

An example of Error Control and Dynamic Mesh Adaptation where the goal is to develop reliable and efficient solution methodology

Parallel HPC

  • Technological advances facilitate research requiring very large scale computations
  • High computing power is needed in many FE/FVM simulations (fluid flow & transport in porous media, heat & mass transfer, elasticity, etc.)
    • Higher demand for simulation accuracy
      • Higher demand for computing power
  • To meet the demand for high computational power:
    • The use of sequential machines is often insufficient (physical limitations of both system memory and computer processing speed)
      • Use parallel machines
    • Develop better algorithims
      • Accuracy and reliability of the computational method
      • Efficient use of the available computing resources
      • Closely related to:
        • Error control and adaptive mesh refinement
        • Optimization

Scientific Visualization

An example of VTK based added support to aid in volume visualization
  • Importance
  • Integration of ParaGrid with visualization (not compiled together):
    • Save mesh and solution in files for later visualization
    • Exchange data through sockets for real-time visualization
  • GLVis
    • Portable, based on OpenGL (compiled also with Mesa)
    • Visualize simple geometric primitives (vertices, lines and polygons)
    • Can be used as a "server"
      • Waits for data to be visualized
      • Uses fork after every data set received
      • Combines parallel input (from ParaGrid) into a sequential visualization
  • VTK based
    • Added to support volume visualization

Numerical Results

A graphic representation of the numerical results from the study