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College of Arts & Sciences

Getting Started

Making Research Part of Your Degree Program

Each of these courses allows you engage in philosophical research.

PHIL 291. Research. Credit 3. Research conducted under the direction of faculty member in the department of philosophy and humanities. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: Freshman or sophomore classification and approval of department head.

PHIL 491Research. Credit 3. Research conducted under the direction of faculty member in the department of philosophy and humanities. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: Junior or senior classification and approval of dean of college.

PHIL 497Independent Honors Studies. Credit 1 to 3. Directed independent studies in specific philosophical problems. Prerequisites: Junior or senior classification either as Honors students or with overall GPR of 3.25; letter of approval from head of student’s major department.

Launch at TAMU LAUNCH provides high-impact educational experiences and challenges students in all academic disciplines to graduate from an enriched, demanding curriculum. The programs administered by the office bring together outstanding students and faculty to build a community of knowledge-producers, life-long learners, nationally-recognized scholars, and world citizens. Through LAUNCH, motivated students have access to Honors courses, co-curricular enrichment activities, scholarly engagement, and/or research programs that can be customized to enhance each student’s personal, professional, and intellectual development.

Where can you showcase your work?

You can present your work at an undergraduate conference, or have it published in an undergraduate journal. TAMU offers both options. Other universities issue calls for conferences and calls for papers. These are listed below.

Showcasing your work at TAMU

Aletheia, The Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy at Texas A&M

Regular Editions

Aletheia publishes at least two regular editions: A fall semester (Aug-Dec) edition and a spring (Jan-May) semester edition.

A call for papers typically goes out by the third week of each semester.

Special Editions

Aletheia publishes at least one special edition. It publishes the proceeding of the IvCUP each year. Additional special editions are at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.

Contact Dr. D. Raymond for information:

IvCUP, International Virtual Conference for Undergraduate Philosophy

The IvCUP is a biannual, online undergraduate conference. Students from Texas A&M share their work with students from partner institutions. Past participants include the University of Stockholm, Western University (Canada), and St. Francis University.

Contact: Dr. Dwayne Raymond for information:

Other Opportunities

Search for upcoming undergraduate conferences and calls for papers from undergraduate journals at PhilEvents.