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College of Arts & Sciences

ACS Local Section 450

American Chemical Society (ACS) Local Section 450


The Graduate Student Association of Chemistry (GSAC) represents the department's graduate student body. All graduate students are members; each division elects two representatives to serve on the GSAC Board. Beyond being a voice for the graduate students, GSAC helps with Graduate Visitation Weekend and organizes social events throughout the year.


NOBCChE is the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers student chapter at Texas A&M University. The chapter stimulates interest and promotes awareness in chemistry, chemical engineering and related areas for under-represented students. The main focus is to encourage these students to pursue advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.


The Organization for Cultural Diversity in Chemistry (OCDC) is a university recognized organization that was established in the spring of 2014 at Texas A&M University. The organization consists of grad students, undergrad students, and postdocs of all races and nationalities. They value diversity of thought, background, ethnicity, and perspective and seek to promote and maintain a healthy department climate.


Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM) is a national society dedicated to educating and fostering leadership for LGBTQ+ communities in STEM fields. The main goals of an oSTEM Chapter at Texas A&M: identify, address, and advocate for the needs of LGBTQ+ students in STEM fields and to educate, assist, and engage LGBTQ+ students in STEM fields.


The Postdoctoral Association of Chemistry (PAC) at Texas A&M University aims to enhance the educational and research experience of the postdoctoral researchers in the Department of Chemistry. In addition to supporting our scientific training, PAC will foster diversity within the department and the university as a whole. We believe all the postdoctoral researchers in our department will be actively involved in the development of PAC.


Phi Lambda Upsilon (PLU) is the National Chemical Honorary Society. It was founded by several senior chemistry majors at the University of Illinois in 1899 with the purpose of promoting high scholarship and original research in all branches of pure and applied chemistry. Membership in PLU is by invitation only and is restricted to juniors, seniors, and graduate students with distinguished records of scholarship and research and that have demonstrated promise of leadership and success in the field of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Biochemistry. The chapter at Texas A&M University is the Beta Beta chapter. PLU sponsors a series of activities during the year to encourage the study of chemistry at all levels.


The Texas A&M University Chapter of the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) is a non-excluding organization that provides support for Hispanics/Chicanos, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and any other underrepresented minority students in science, engineering and technology fields. The organization’s aim is to foster the success in the attainment of advanced degrees, careers and leadership.


Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) is the largest individual-member organization serving managers, engineers, scientists and other professionals worldwide in the upstream segment of the oil and gas industry. SPE offers a unique opportunity to contribute to the profession through its programs and activities.


Women in Science & Engineering (WISE) is an organization of graduate students, faculty, postdoctoral fellows and staff at Texas A&M University. WISE began in the Department of Chemistry when a handful of women graduate students gathered to discuss the alarming dropout rate among their fellow female students. An informal survey identified the isolation that many of these women felt within the department and also pointed out issues that contributed to the uncomfortable environment often encountered by women entering nontraditional fields. These conditions resulted in an unusually large number of women leaving without a degree, especially those who were to have entered their second year of study. Armed with this information, WISE set out to improve conditions on campus, and from this small beginning, WISE has grown to include women from all technical and scientific Colleges on campus.