The Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies (GLST) is a humanities-oriented major emphasizing cultural literacy. The major in GLST prepares students to take on global challenges in a workforce that needs people who can speak with nuance, clarity, and confidence about social and cultural issues at home and abroad. Career paths include careers in education, international development, non-profit agencies and NGOs, translating and interpreting, public relations and marketing, government service, international law, international business, and research.
The study of languages and culture are the foundations of the GLST curriculum. Courses focus on making connections across human and natural systems, and how people experience the cultures they live in. Course topics emphasize how literature, films, new media, arts, and built environments convey values; ideas that shape the world; and how people, communities, languages, and cultures circulate around the globe. A study abroad experience and language fluency are part of the GLST curriculum.
International Experience
- Immerse yourself in the world and increase your cultural awareness by participating in a study abroad experience. All Global Studies majors must complete a 10-week minimum experience.
- Study abroad options include university-sponsored, reciprocal, affiliated and independent programs. Selection of location and type of experience abroad should be made in consultation with departmental advisors
- Education Abroad
Minor Field
- The Global Studies BA requires a minor, which can be in or outside the Department of Global Languages and Cultures. Minors are 15–18 credit hours and will display on your transcript after graduation.
- University - Approved Minors
Flexible Pathways to Your Global Career
The Global Studies BA offers paths of study that align with different careers and jobs. Here are some ways you might organize your coursework and helpful guidelines showcasing possible course combinations and career trajectories. Students are encouraged to create their own unique path through the program by selecting courses that match their interests and goals.
Below are three sample course combinations. There are many more ways to design your Global Studies degree in consultation with your advisor and faculty.
Global Media & Digital Culture
Courses in this group develop sought-after professional skills for today's digital global marketplace while preparing students for careers in marketing, PR, and digital media. Students master international media analysis, cross-cultural communication, and digital literacy. Through foundational courses in technology, visual arts, global cinema, and digital culture, students gain expertise in media strategy and cultural analysis.
- GLST 215 – Global Cinema
- GLST 408 – Techne, Technology and the Visual Arts
- GLST 475 – Film, Propaganda, and Dissidence
- GLST 406 – Humanities Studies in Science and Technology
- AFST 326 – Africana Popular Culture
- CHIN 250 – Popular Culture in Modern China
- HISP 352 – Hispanic Literature and Film
- JWST 315 – Cinema in Israel
- ITAL 455 – Italian Cinema
- GERM 440 – Global Germany
- ITAL 251 – Global Italy
Cross-Cultural Communication & Translation
These courses explore how cultures emerge, interact, and transform across space and time. Students investigate what it means to be global citizens while developing practical skills in translation, cultural mediation, and educational engagement. The focus on cultural movement and exchange prepares students for careers in translation, interpretation, cross-cultural communication, and education. Graduates might work in international schools, study abroad programs, translation services, cultural organizations, language education, and international exchange programs.
- GLST 209 – Languages of the U.S.
- GLST 210 – Languages of the World
- MODL 221/222 – World Literature
- GLST 407 – Migration, Indigeneity, and Diaspora
- ARAB 258 – Global Middle Eastern Cultures
- CHIN 405 – Modern Chinese Fiction
- FREN 422 – Studies in Gender and French Literature
- GERM 441 – Representations of the Holocaust
- HISP 204 – Spanish and Spanish American Literature
- HISP 363 – Borderlands: U.S. and Mexico
- ITAL 453 – Literatures of Italy
- RUSS 441/442 – The Russian Novel
- JWST 301 – Contemporary Jewish Cultures
- ITAL 456 Contemporary Italian Cultures
Sustainable Development & Global Change
This group of courses addresses ecological and social challenges of our time while preparing students for careers in international development and NGOs. Students develop interdisciplinary knowledge and critical thinking skills around climate, environment, and sustainable development, with emphasis on practical solutions and policy implications.
- GLST 201 – Introduction to Global Studies
- GLST 205 – Research in Global Studies
- GLST 401/INTA 401 – The City and its Global Contexts
- GLST 402 – Global Perspectives on Environmental Humanities
- GLST 413 – Race, Gender, and the Environment
- RELS 420 – Religion and the Environment
- GLST 410 – Gender and Globalization
- AFST 391 – Africana Feminism
- GLST 400 – Global Africa
- RELS 350 – Religions, Utopias, and Happiness
- ITAL 453 – Topics in Italian Women and Gender Studies
Note: Some courses may count toward multiple requirements. Students work with advisors about course selection and prerequisites.