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College of Arts & Sciences

The Texas A&M master’s program in philosophy serves three purposes:

  • First, it helps students prepare for study in a PhD program in philosophy. Our MA program has a strong record placing graduates in high-quality philosophy PhD programs around the country.
  • Second, it enables professionals and advanced students from other disciplines to complement their training with systematic study of the philosophical concepts most relevant to their specialty.
  • Finally, it enables students, including those who may have come to the study of philosophy late in their careers or who are returning to academic pursuits after pursuing other interests, to continue to enjoy the personal enrichment of pursuing philosophical questions.

General admissions for the terminal MA program are no longer being accepted. Exceptions may be considered in special cases, but no funding is available for terminal masters students (and there is no waiver for tuition or fees, which will be paid in full by the student). Exceptional cases may include students who have funding from external sources such as grants, fellowships, or the military. Any student applying as such an exception should be aware that they may be the only student in the terminal master’s program and that their application will be judged purely on its academic merits.

Two options for obtaining the MA are available: A non-thesis internship option and a thesis option. Students interested in applying their philosophical skills to other environments, such as education, medicine, law, the military or business, may arrange a professional internship in addition to taking 30 semester hours of course work (9 of which may be in other disciplines). Individuals who choose to write a master’s thesis must take at least 24 semester hours (6 of which may be in other disciplines) in addition to their thesis research. Depending on their background, applicants may be required to take particular undergraduate courses in order to enhance their program of study.


Director of Graduate Studies: Omar Rivera

Associate Director of Graduate StudiesAmir Jaima

Staff Liaison: Lauren McAuliffe