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P. Adsley, M. Heine, D. G. Jenkins, S. Courtin, R. Neveling, J. W. Brümmer, L. M. Donaldson, N. Y. Kheswa, K. C. W. Li, D. J. Marín-Lámbarri, P. Z. Mabika, P. Papka, L. Pellegri, V. Pesudo, B. Rebeiro, F. D. Smit, and W. Yahia-Cherif. “Extending the Hoyle-State Paradigm to 12C+12C Fusion.” Physical Review Letters, 129(10), Sep 2022.
D. S. Harrouz, N. de Séréville, P. Adsley, F. Hammache, R. Longland, B. Bastin, T. Faestermann, R. Hertenberger, M. La Cognata, L. Lamia, A. Meyer, S. Palmerini, R. G. Pizzone, S. Romano, A. Tumino, and H.-F. Wirth. “Experimental study of the 30Si(3He,d)31P reaction and thermonuclear reaction rate of 30Si(p,γ)31P.” Physical Review C, 105(1), Jan 2022.
M. La Cognata, S. Palmerini, P. Adsley, F. Hammache, A. Di Pietro, P. Figuera, R. Alba, S. Cherubini, F. DellAgli, G.L. Guardo, M. Gulino, L. Lamia, D. Lattuada, C. Maiolino, A. Oliva, R.G. Pizzone, P.M. Prajapati, S. Romano, D. Santonocito, R. Spartá, M.L. Sergi, and A. Tumino. “Exploring the astrophysical energy range of the 27Al(p,α)24Mg reaction: A new recommended reaction rate.” Physics Letters B, 826, 136917, Jan 2022.
K. C. W. Li, et al. “Multiprobe study of excited states in 12C: Disentangling the sources of monopole strength between the energy of the Hoyle state and Ex=13 MeV.” Physical Review C, 105(2), Feb 2022.
K.C.W. Li, et al. “Investigating the predicted breathing-mode excitation of the Hoyle state.” Physics Letters B, 827, 136928, Apr 2022.
M. Williams, P. Adsley, B. Davids, U. Greife, D. Hutcheon, J. Karpesky, A. Lennarz, M. Lovely, and C. Ruiz. “New measurement of the Ec.m.=323 keV resonance in the F19(p,γ)Ne20 reaction.” Phys. Rev. C, 103(5), 055805, May 2021.
Philip Adsley, Umberto Battino, Andreas Best, Antonio Caciolli, Alessandra Guglielmetti, Gianluca Imbriani, Heshani Jayatissa, Marco La Cognata, Livio Lamia, Eliana Masha, Cristian Massimi, Sara Palmerini, Ashley Tattersall, and Raphael Hirschi. “Reevaluation of the Ne22(α,γ)Mg26 and Ne22(α,n)Mg25 reaction rates.” Phys. Rev. C, 103(1), 015805, Jan 2021.
P. Adsley, V. O. Nesterenko, M. Kimura, L. M. Donaldson, R. Neveling, J. W. Brümmer, D. G. Jenkins, N. Y. Kheswa, J. Kvasil, K. C. W. Li, D. J. Marín-Lámbarri, Z. Mabika, P. Papka, L. Pellegri, V. Pesudo, B. Rebeiro, P.-G. Reinhard, F. D. Smit, and W. Yahia-Cherif. “Isoscalar monopole and dipole transitions in Mg24 , Mg26 , and Si28.” Phys. Rev. C, 103(4), 044315, Apr 2021.
P. Adsley, J. W. Brümmer, T. Faestermann, S. P. Fox, F. Hammache, R. Hertenberger, A. Meyer, R. Neveling, D. Seiler, N. de Séréville, and H.-F. Wirth. “High-resolution study of levels in the astrophysically important nucleus Mg26 and resulting updated level assignments.” Phys. Rev. C, 97(4), 045807, Apr 2018.
K. C. W. Li, R. Neveling, P. Adsley, P. Papka, F. D. Smit, J. W. Brümmer, C. Aa. Diget, M. Freer, M. N. Harakeh, Tz. Kokalova, F. Nemulodi, L. Pellegri, B. Rebeiro, J. A. Swartz, S. Triambak, J. J. van Zyl, and C. Wheldon. “Characterization of the proposed 4-α cluster state candidate in O16.” Phys. Rev. C, 95(3), 031302, Mar 2017.