Wayne Saslow headshot
  • Professor Emeritus
Research Areas
  • Magnetism and Superconductivity


Professor Saslow's research is in the theory of condensed matter physics. Currently, this includes spintronics (Spin Hall Effect; spin-pumping and spin-transfer torque); magnetism in thin films; charge transport in multi-carrier systems (including semiconductors, mixed ionic-electronic conductors, and biological systems); electrical properties of small systems (e.g., quantum dots, buckyballs, thin wires, nanotubes). He has also published in: random magnetic systems (spin glasses, disordered ferromagnets, and re-entrant spin glasses); superfluidity in 3He and 4He; and transport processes at low temperatures. This work comprises well over 100 research articles -- many of them single author. He has also written 10 pedagogical articles, three of which have made the American Journal of Physics' Most Memorable list. He has also written an introductory textbook for well-prepared physics majors and honors students: "Electricity, Magnetism, and Light". In addition to careful treatments of the usual topics, it contains retro but correct treatments (a la J. J. Thomson) of voltaic cells, and of the exterior magnetic fields of magnets via magnetic poles; nineteenth century (e.g. J. C. Maxwell) derivations of the laws of the magnetism of electric currents; and discusses the successes and failures (in light of quantum mechanics) of the electric fluid model.

Awards & Honors

  • Fellow (2005)
  • Faculty Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching (1995)