Ajithamithra Dharmasiri, a Texas A&M graduate student and DEEP mentor, has been awarded an APS FOEP Minigrant ($2,500) for the project, "From Theory to Reality: Hands-On Photon Entanglement Exploration." This ambitious project aims to develop an apparatus for exploring photon entanglement, with the potential for broad impact. Dharmasiri will present the exciting results at the 2026 APS meeting.
The DEEP (Discover, Explore, and Enjoy Physics and Engineering) program at Texas A&M University, funded by a Tier One grant, unites graduate and undergraduate students from the Physics & Astronomy and Engineering Departments to collaboratively research, design, and fabricate science demonstration experiments, which are showcased at festivals, shows, and outreach events to inspire public engagement and enrich undergraduate education. For more information, go to the DEEP home page.