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College of Arts & Sciences

BioGSA (Biology Graduate Students’ Association)

Biology Graduate Students’ Association acts as a platform for graduate students to address issues that are of concern and advocates for student needs at the department, college and university level. The group also facilitates in the expansion and improvement of the department of Biology by aiding in the recruitment of new students, helping in the annual department research symposium, administering travel awards and selecting student speakers at the department seminars, among other activities.

front page

Event Calendar

Name Description Occurrence
Welcome Social A Social gathering for new graduate recruits to hang out with their peers Before the beginning of Fall semester
Fall student speaker selection Selection of student speakers for dept. seminar through voting for the best abstracts Aug.- Sept.
Fall Fundraising Selection of T-shirt design via polling of collected designs; Administering T-shirt/jacket/other merchandise sales Sept.-Dec.
Fall Town Hall Discussion on student concerns and seek suggestions for future events esp. professional development After student seminar – end of Oct.
Professional Development Establish a program catered for the students/postdocs; organize events, invite speakers to discuss various career paths for students Dec. – April
Spring International Festival A BioGSA fundraiser where groups of students showcase their country/region/state by presenting traditional/typical foods and/or drinks, customs, clothing, art, and music. Mid-January
Spring student speaker selection Selection of student speakers for dept. seminar through voting for the best abstracts Jan.-Feb.
Spring Travel award selection Assessing criteria for Travel awards and finalizing the selection Feb.-Mar.
Spring Town Hall Discussion on student concerns and seek suggestions for future events April
Officer elections and transition Holding elections for the incoming panel of BioGSA officers and arranging officer transition meetings April-May

Sara Maynard

  • Graduate Student, Griffing Lab
  • President, BioGSA
Sara Maynard

Ebi Preh

  • Graduate Student, Bell-Pedersen Lab
  • Vice President, BioGSA
Ebi Preh

Haley Bennett

  • Graduate Student
  • Treasurer, BioGSA
Haley Bennett

Joseph Carr

  • Graduate Student, Mitchell Lab
  • Fundraising, BioGSA
Joseph Carr

Nopakorn Hansanant

  • Graduate Student, Smith Lab
  • GRAC Representative, BioGSA
Nopakorn Hansanant

Merilyn Beebe

  • Graduate Student, Sorg Lab
  • Faculty Meeting Representative, BioGSA
Merilyn Beebe

Sam Park

  • Graduate Student
  • GPSG Senator, BioGSA
Sam Park

Nolan Dittenhauser

  • Graduate Student
  • GPSG Representative, BioGSA
Nolan Dittenhauser

Riley Buhrow

  • Graduate Student
  • GPC Representative, BioGSA
Riley Buhrow

Prakruthi Amar Kumar

  • Graduate Student Dulin Lab
  • SPRC Representative, BioGSA
Prakruthi Amar Kumar

Javier Sanchez

  • Graduate Student, Paredes-Sabja Lab
  • SPRC Representative, BioGSA
Javier Sanchez

Jorden Holland

  • Graduate Student, Riley Lab
  • Diversity Committee, BioGSA
Jorden Holland

Maureen Hayden

  • Graduate Student, Wicksten Lab
  • Diversity Committee, BioGSA
Maureen Hayden


Profile Photo of Deb Bell Pedersen

Deb Bell-Pedersen

BioGSA Advisor

March 2023 Agenda and Minutes

September 2022 Agenda and Minutes

March 2022 Agenda and Minutes

February 2022 Agenda and Minutes

January 2022 Agenda and Minutes

December 2021 Agenda and Minutes

November 2021 Agenda and Minutes

October 2021 Agenda and Minutes 

Biology Travel Awards criteria

BioGSA has been asked to administer the allocation for departmental travel funds in the Spring Semester of each academic year. We have introduced a two-tier ranking system to maintain fairness in distribution of funds. Amounts may vary every year depending on the total allocation.

Lower Tier Criteria (awards up to $300):

  • 50% attendance in Tuesday seminars (will need to personally sign in at each seminar attended)
  • One of the following department events —
  • Full day attendance of SPRC and performance of assigned duties for arrangements (or virtually hosted equivalents)
  • Attend recruitment party at Matt Sachs’ house (or alternative pandemic-appropriate event)
  • Attend 25% of BioGSA Friday seminar/professional development events

Upper Tier Criteria (awards up to $750):

  • Fulfillment of the Lower Tier and any one of the following:
  • Present a poster or give a talk at SPRC
  • Submit an abstract to be considered as a speaker for Tuesday Seminar
  • Participate in at least one outreach event of the department per academic year
  • Be a mentor for incoming graduate recruits
  • Give a presentation/lead a discussion at a BioGSA graduate student seminar event

Exceptions can be made for religious reasons,  time conflicts with a registered TAMU class, or TA duties

All of these criteria are designed to encourage overall student involvement in the graduate program and to enhance your learning experience.