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College of Arts & Sciences

Research in the Department of Biology spans the entire breadth of biology: from ecology and evolution to molecular, cellular, and developmental biology. Our research is supported by a wide array of funding sources, including NIH, NSF and the Welch Foundation.

Many departmental faculty members actively participate in campus-wide interdisciplinary graduate research programs, including Genetics & Genomics, Neuroscience, Molecular and Environmental Plant Sciences, and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology.


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Faculty potentially interested in accepting graduate students are indicated by §
Applicants are encouraged to contact faculty directly to discuss prospects for rotations


§ Rodolfo Aramayo § Jeff Jones Kathryn Ryan
§ Deb Bell-Pedersen § Alex Keene Matt Sachs
Michael Benedik § Matthias Koch § Lamba Omar Sangare
§ Heath Blackmon § Wanhe Li § Tapasree Roy Sarkar
Lisa Campbell § Dylan McCreedy § Shogo Sato
§ Mahul Chakraborty Thomas McKnight Tim Scott
§ Charles Criscione § Jerome Menet Deborah Siegele
§ Kira Delmore § Christine Merlin § James Leif Smith
§ Jennifer Dulin § Angela Mitchell § Michael Smotherman
§ David Earnest § Rachel Moran § Joseph Sorg
§ James Erickson William Murphy § Marie Strader
§ Isabella Farhy § Beiyan Nan § Wayne Versaw
§ Courtney Fitzpatrick § Ben Neuman Mary Wicksten
Luis Rene Garcia § Daniel Paredes-Sabja Michael Young
§ Richard Gomer Alan Pepper Ry Young
§ Lawrence Griffing § Hongmin Qin § Aref Zarin
Paul Hardin Jolene Ramsey Xiuren Zhang
§ Bruce Riley Mark Zoran