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College of Arts & Sciences

Riley, B. B. (2021). Comparative assessment of Fgf’s diverse roles in inner ear development: A zebrafish perspective. Dev. Dyn. in press.

Holloway, N., Riley, B. and MacKenzie, D. (2021). Expression of the sodium iodide symporter (NIS) in reproductinve and neural tissues in teleost fish. Gen. Comp. Enochrinol. 300, 113632

Vonica, A., Bhat, N., Phan, K., Guo, J., Iancu, L., Wber, J. A., Karger, A., Cain, J. W., Wang, C. E., DeStefano, G. M., O’Donnell-Luria, A. H., Christiano, A. M., Riley, B., Butler, S. J. and Luria, B. (2020). APCDD1 is a dual BMP/WNT inhibitor in the developing nervous system and skin. Dev. Biol. 464(1), 71-87. PMCID:PMC7307705.

Kantarci, H. Gou, Y. and Riley, B. B. (2020). The Warburg Effect and lactate signaling augment Fgf-MAPK to promote sensory-neural development in the otic vesicle. Elife 2020;9:e56301. PMCID: PMC7253172.

Gou, Y., Guo, J., Maulding, K. and Riley, B. B. (2018). sox2 and sox3 cooperate to regulate otic/epibranchial placode induction in zebrafish. Dev. Biol. 435, 84-95. PMCID: PMC5818308

Gou, Y., Vemaraju, S., Sweet, E. M., Kwon, H.-J. and Riley, B. B. (2018). sox2 and sox3 play unique roles in development of hair cells and neurons in the zebrafish inner ear. Dev. Biol. 435, 73-83. PMCID: PMC5818298

Kantarci, H., Gerberding, A. and Riley, B. B. (2016). Spemann organizer gene Goosecoid promotes delamination of neuroblasts from the otic vesicle. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.     113(44), E6840-E6848. PMCID: PMC5098670

Kantarci, H., Edlund, R. K., Groves, A. K. and Riley, B. B. (2015). Tfap2a promotes specification and maturation of neurons of the inner ear through modulation of Bmp, Fgf      and Notch signaling. PLoS Genetics 11(3): e1005037. PMCID: PMC4364373

Edlund, R. K., Ohyama, T., Kantarci, H., Riley, B. B. and Groves, A. K. (2014). Foxi transcription factors promote pharyngeal arch development by regulating formation of   FGF signaling centers. Dev. Biol. 390, 1-13. PMCID: PMC4013273

Maulding, K., Padanad, M. S., Dong, J. and Riley, B. B. (2014). Mesodermal Fgf10b cooperates with other Fibroblast Growth Factors during induction of otic and epibranchial placodes in zebrafish. Dev. Dyn. 243, 1275-1285. PMCID: PMC4313390

Riley, B. B. (2013). Induction and morphogenesis of the inner ear, in “Molecular signaling of mammalian inner ear development”, Nova Science Publishers, New York.

Bhat, N., Kwon, H. J. and Riley, B. B. (2013). A gene network that coordinates preplacodal competence and neural crest specification in zebrafish. Dev. Biol. 373, 107-117. PMCID:              PMC3508392

Vemaraju, S., Kantarci, H., Padanad, M. S. and Riley, B. B. (2012). A spatial and temporal gradient of Fgf differentially regulates distinct stages of neural development in the zebrafish inner ear. PLoS Genetics 8(11), e1003068. PMCID: PMC3499369

Padanad, M. S., Bhat,  N., Guo, B. and Riley, B. B. (2012). Conditions that influence how cells respond to Fgf during otic placode induction. Dev. Biol. 364, 1-10.  PMCID: PMC4709014

Bhat, N. and Riley, B. B. (2011). Integrin-5 coordinates assembly of posterior cranial placodes in zebrafish and enhances Fgf-dependent regulation of otic/epibranchial cells. PLoS ONE  6(12), e27778. PMCID: PMC3229493.

Sweet, E. M., Vemaraju, S. and Riley, B. B. (2011). Sox2 and Fgf interact with Atoh1 to promote sensory competence throughout the zebrafish inner ear. Dev. Biol. 358, 113-121.    PMCID: PMC3171634.

Padanad, M. S. and Riley, B. B. (2011). Pax2/8 proteins coordinate sequential induction of otic and epibranchial placodes through differential regulation of foxi1, sox3 and fgf24 Dev. Biol. 351, 90-98. PMCID: PMC3039053.

Kwon, H. J., Bhat, N., Sweet, E. M., Cornell, R. A. and Riley, B. B. (2010). Identification of early requirements for preplacodal ectoderm and sensory organ development.  PLoS Genetics  6 (9), e1001133. PMCID: PMC2944784.

Manohar, M., Mei, H., Franklin, A., Sweet, E., Shigaki, T., Riley, B., MacDiarmid, C. and Hirshi, K. (2010). A zebrafish (Danio rerio) endomembrane antiporter similar to yeast cation/H+ transporter is required for neural crest development.  Biochem.  49, 5667-6566.

Millimaki, B. B., Sweet, E. M. and Riley, B. B. (2010). Sox2 is required for maintenance and regeneration, but not initial development, of hair cells in the zebrafish inner ear. Dev. Biol. 338, 262-269.  PMCID: PMC2815045.

Riley, B. B., Sweet, E. M., Heck, R., Evans Fernandez, A., McFarlen, K. N., Warga, R. M. and Kane, D. A. (2010). Characterization of harpy/Rca1/emi1 mutants: Patterning in the absence of cell division. Dev. Dyn. 239, 828-843. PMCID: PMC3086590.

Kwon, H.-J. and Riley, B. B. (2009). Mesendodermal signals required for otic induction: Bmp-antagonists cooperate with Fgf and can facilitate formation of ectopic otic tissue. Dev. Dyn. 238, 1582-1594. PMCID: PMC2835543.

Petko, J. A., Millimaki, B. B., Canfield, V. A., Riley, B. B. and Levenson, R. (2008). Otoc1: A novel Otoconin-90 ortholog required for otolith mineralization in zebrafish. Dev. Neurobiol. 68, 209-222. PMCID: PMC2730775.

Millimaki, B. B., Sweet, E. M., Dhason, M. S. and Riley, B. B. (2007).  Zebrafish atoh1 genes: Classic proneural activity in the inner ear and regulation by Fgf and Notch. Development 134, 295-305.

Kwak, S. J., Vemaraju,  S., Moorman, S. J., Zeddies, D., Popper, A. N., and Riley, B. B. (2006). Zebrafish pax5 regulates development of the utricular macula and vestibular function. Dev. Dyn. 235, 3026-3038.

Phillips, B.T., Kwon, H.-J., Melton, C., Houghtaling, P., Fritz, A., and Riley, B. B. (2006). Zebrafish msxB, msxC and msxE function together to refine the neural-nonneural border and regulate cranial placodes and neural crest development. Dev. Biol. 294, 376-390.

Mackereth, M. D., Kwak, S.-J., Fritz, A. and Riley, B. B. (2005). Zebrafish pax8 is required for otic placode induction and plays a redundant role with Pax2 genes in the maintenance of the otic placode. Development 132, 371-382.

Riley, B. B., Chiang, M.-Y., Storch, E., Heck, R., Buckles, G. R. and Lekven, A. C. (2004). Rhombomere boundaries are Wnt signaling centers that regulate metameric patterning in the zebrafish hindbrain.  Dev. Dyn. 231, 278-291.

Phillips, B. T., Storch, E. M., Lekven, A. C. and Riley, B. B. (2004). A direct role for Fgf but not Wnt in otic placode induction. Development 131, 923-931.

Riley, B. B. (2003). Genes controlling the development of the zebrafish inner ear and hair cells. Current Topics in Developmental Biology 57, 357-388.

Riley, B. B. and Phillips, B. T. (2003). Ringing in the new ear: Resolution of cell interactions in otic development. Dev. Biol. 261, 289-312.

Kwak, S.J., Phillips, B. T., Heck, R. and Riley B. B. (2002).  An expanded domain of fgf3 expression in the hindbrain of zebrafish valentino mutants results in mispatterning of the otic vesicle. Development 129, 5279-5287.

Whitfield, T. T., Riley, B. B., Chiang, M.-Y., and Phillips, B. T. (2002). Development of the zebrafish inner ear. Dev. Dyn. 223, 427-458.

Phillips, B. T., Bolding, K. and Riley, B. B. (2001). Zebrafish fgf3 and fgf8 encode redundant functions required for otic placode induction. Dev. Biol. 235, 351-365.

Riley, B. B. and Moorman, S. J. (2000). Development of utricular otoliths, but not saccular otoliths, is necessary for vestibular function and survival.  J. Neurobiol. 43, 329-337.

Riley, B. B., Chiang, M.-Y., Farmer, L., and Heck, R. (1999). The deltaA gene of zebrafish mediates lateral inhibition of hair cells in the inner ear and is regulated by pax2.1. Development 126, 5669-5678.

Appel, B., Fritz, A., Westerfield, M., Grunwald, D. J., Eisen, J. S., and Riley, B. B. (1999). Delta-mediated specification of midline cell fates in zebrafish embryos. Current Biology 9, 247-256.

Mendonsa, E. S., and Riley, B. B. (1999).  Genetic analysis of tissue-interactions required for otic placode induction in the zebrafish. Dev. Biol. 206, 100-112.

Riley, B. B., Zhu, C., Janetopoulos, C., and Aufderheide, K. J. (1997). A critical period of ear development controlled by distinct populations of ciliated cells in the zebrafish.  Dev. Biol.191, 191-201.

Riley, B. B. and Grunwald, D. J. (1996).  A mutation in zebrafish affecting a localized cellular function required for normal ear development.  Dev. Biol. 179, 427-435. PMID:8903357.

Riley, B. B. and Grunwald, D. J. (1995).  Efficient induction of point mutations allowing recovery of specific locus mutations in zebrafish.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 5997-6001.

Olwin, B. B., Kudla, A., Hannon, K., Hein, P., McFall, A., Riley, B., Szebenyl, G., Zhou, Z., Zuber, M. E., and Rapraeger, A. C. (1994).  Role of FGF’s in skeletal muscle and limb development.  Molecular Reproduction and Development 39, 90-100.

Savage, M. P.,  Hart, C. E., Riley, B. B., Sasse, J., Olwin, B. B.,  and Fallon, J. F. (1993).  The distribution of FGF-2 suggests it has a role in chick limb bud growth.  Dev. Dyn. 198,159-170.

Riley, B. B., Savage, M. P., Simandl, B. K., Olwin, B. B., and Fallon, J. F. (1993). Retroviral expression of FGF-2 (bFGF) affects patterning in chick limb bud. Development 118, 95-104.

Riley, B. B. and Barclay, S. L. (1990). Conditions that alter intracellular cAMP levels affect expression of the cAMP phosphodiesterase gene in Dictyostelium.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87, 4746-4750.

Riley, B. B. and Barclay, S. L. (1990). Ammonia promotes accumulation of intracellular cAMP in differentiating amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum Development 109, 715-722.

Riley, B. B., Jensen, B. R., and Barclay, S. L. (1989). Conditions that elevate intracellular cAMP levels promote spore formation in Dictyostelium Differentiation 41, 5-13.

Riley, B. B. and Barclay, S. L. (1986). Inhibitors of intracellular cyclic AMP accumulation affect differentiation of sporogenous mutants of Dictyostelium discoideum FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 37, 221-226.