The First Year Chemistry Program presents a series of lectures from an eclectic group of speakers ranging from world-class researchers to individuals whose interests span a wide variety of topics on the outskirts of chemistry. The range of topics one finds here is also eclectic; some lectures are among the most important of our day, sometimes the lectures are just for fun.
Support for the lectures has come from:

Drugging Long-Term Memory
Andrew Kennedy, Ph.D.
April 17, 2023
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Nanotechnology, the Laws of Thermodynamics, and the Future of Solar Energy
Dr. Matthew Sheldon, Ph.D.
February 17, 2023
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Mechanochemistry: From Antiquity to a Modern Approach for Sustainable Chemical Synthesis
James D. Batteas, Ph. D.
October 14, 2022
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Can we Really Capture CO2, Store Heat, and Make Batteries from Salad Dressing?
Emily Pentzer, Ph. D.
October 3, 2022
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The Science of Cooking: No Surprises... It is Chemistry!
Rosana G. Moreira, Ph. D., P.E.
February 5, 2020
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The Ocean's Periodic Table: Tracing Mysteries of the Sea Using 'Elemental Personalities'
Dr. Jessica Fitzsimmons
November 19, 2019
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The Future of the Periodic Table
Prof. Cody Folden
October 18, 2019
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Using Nanomaterials to Transform 3D Printing
Dr. Micah J. Green
September 12, 2018
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The Chemistry of Cooking
Dr. Lesa Tran Lu
March 26, 2018
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Harnessing the Power of Plastics in Li-ion Batteries
Dr. Jodie Lutkenhaus
February 19, 2018
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Isoscapes: The Spatial Fingerprints of Biology on Earth's Chemistry
Dr. Jason B. West
October 23, 2017
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Using Geochemistry to Deal with the Fallout in Fukushima
Dr. Daniel Ferreira
October 20, 2017
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350: The Most Important Number in the World
Mr. Bill McKibben
April 10, 2014
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Going After Fluoride Anions in Water: From Drinking Water Analysis to Cancer Imaging
Dr. Francois Gabbai
February 11, 2014
lecture not available

The Chemistry of Cooking: Why Chemists Make the Best Chefs (or should)
Dr. Nancy Mills
October 30, 2013
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Designing a Sustainable Tomorrow

SpongeBob, Cancer, and Molecular Engineering
Dr. Daniel Romo
April 15, 2013
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Hydrogen to Copernicium: The World of Chemistry on Stamps
Dr. Daniel Rabinovich
April 16, 2012
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Chemistry and the Greehouse Effect in Climate Science
Dr. Gerald R. North
February 21, 2012
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Can Science Shape Art or Art Shape Science?
Dr. Catalina Achim
November 11, 2011
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Where Stuff Comes From Now and in the Future: Feedstocks and Energy for the Chemical Industry
Dr. James C. Stevens
September 19, 2011
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Glucose Metabolism in Living Things
Dr. Mark Lenox
November 2, 2010
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The Global Energy Challenge
Dr. Daniel Nocera
October 26, 2010
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Powering the Planet with Solar Fuel
Dr. Harry B. Gray
April 27, 2010
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Big Fights in Little Medicines: Using Nano Against Cancer
Dr. Eric Simanek
February 8, 2010
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Crossing Boundaries: Chemistry of Art
G. A. Russell, Ph.D.
October 26, 2009
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Emergency Relief Systems: Using Thermodynamics to Protect Process Equipment from Overpressure
Nancy Faulk, Ph.D.
September 22, 2009
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Chemistry Never Tasted This Good!
Mitch Siegert
April 20, 2009
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Traveling the Nano Road of Science, Art & Discovery
Donald A. Tomalia, Ph.D.
March 10, 2009
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Dating the Native American Peyote Tradition: Past and Present
Professor Marvin Rowe
February 17, 2009
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Down to Earth Chemistry: Improving Global Health with Clay Minerals
Professor Timothy D. Phillips
November 12, 2008
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Smart Polymers: Teaching Molecules to Stay, Go and Fetch
Professor David Bergbreiter
October 29, 2008
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Nuclear Chemistry and Dirty Bombs
Dr. Abraham Clearfield
April 8, 2008
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Nautical Archeology and Conservation
Jim Jobling, M.A.
March 18, 2008
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The General Chemistry of Wine and Spirits
Robert Rex, Winemaker
February 19, 2008
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Crystals Full of Nothing for Clean Energy
Dr. Omar Yaghi
April 16, 2007
lecture not available

Chemistry & the Air we Breathe: A Molecular View of the Atmosphere
Dr. Simon North
March 20, 2007
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Chemistry of Love: Controlling White Tail Deer Populations
Dr. Roel Lopez
February 28, 2007
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How to Think Like a Scientist
Professor Gregory Benford
November 6, 2006
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Gold: A Special Metal from Antiquity
Professor John Fackler, Jr.
October 16, 2006
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Fossil Humans and the Anthropologists Who Date Them
Sheela Athreya
September 12, 2006
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The Science of Antarctica: Chemistry Matters in the Land of the Penguin
Dr. Mahlon C. Kennicut II
March 28, 2006
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Chemistry at the Environmental Contaminants Laboratory of Texas Parks and Wildlife
Dr. David Klein
March 9, 2006
lecture not available

Diagnosing and Treating Cancer with General Chemistry: A Role for Innovations in Imaging
Dr. Ralph Mason
February 2, 2006
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