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College of Arts & Sciences
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This combined program enables motivated and exceptional students to efficiently complete both the Bachelor of Science in Geography and the non-thesis option Master of Geoscience degrees in five years. This accelerated program is intended for highly motivated students.

Through this program, you'll learn about human geography, physical geography and human-environment interactions. You'll also develop a foundation in geospatial skills.

The Master of Geoscience portion of this program is designed to emulate the geographic information science and technology track of our professional Master of Geoscience degree. The graduate portion of this five-year program includes some online (distance education) courses.

Five-Year Program: Bachelor of Science in Geography + Master of Geoscience Program Requirements


This program will prepare you to drive innovation and apply modern technologies to careers in nonprofit, government or business sectors.

Applying to the Program

You will need to submit your application to the combined program by June 15 after the completion of your junior year. Applications submitted after that time will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

You will be assigned a faculty advisor. You may seek additional mentors, but a formal committee is not required.

You will receive both your bachelor's and master's degrees after you complete 150 credit hours and satisfy all master's requirements, including completion of your final project and exam.

If you are not admitted or wish to discontinue the graduate portion of the five-year program, you will earn your bachelor's degree in geography after successfully completing 120 hours of coursework.