• Distinguished Professor
  • William R. Thurman ’58 Chair in Physics
Research Areas
  • Magnetism and Superconductivity
  • Nanophysics
  • Quantum Systems and Statistical Physics
Valery Pokrovsky L


V.L Pokrovsky graduated from Kharkov University (Ukraine) as MS in 1953, defended PhD at Tomsk University (Russia) 1957 and Doctor of Physics and Mathematics (highest degree) at Siberian Branch of Soviet Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk in 1962. Worked in Novosibirsk till 1966, then at Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russia. He is a specialist in Theoretical Physics, His main works are on basic problems of Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Physics, Magnetism, Superconductivity and Superfluidity. Starting from 1992 he is Professor at Department of Physics (later Physics and Astronomy) of TAMU. From 1998 he was named a Distinguished Professor. His awards include Landau Prize (1982) of the Soviet Academy of Sciences (together with A.Z. Patashinskii) for fundamental works on Phase Transition Theory; Humboldt Prize (2000) for a Senior American Scientist of the Humboldt Association (Germany); Onsager Prize (2005) of the American Physical Society for original and important contributions in Statistical Physics; Landau Gold Medal for fundamental contributions in Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences (2018).

PDF Page: valery-l-pokrovsky.pdf

Awards & Honors

  • Onsager Prize (2005)
  • Humboldt Award for a Senior American Scientist (2000)
  • Landau Prize (1982)