Fig. 1 ISI meeting Paris 1961. On right side, starting with second person, Ingram Olkin, Dorothy Gilford, Emanuel Parzen, Carol Parzen, Ellen Chernoff, Judy Chernoff. On left side, starting with second person, Betty Scott, Jerzy Neyman, Ann Durbin, Jim Durbin, Miriam Chernoff, Herman Chernoff. Ed Deming is also in the picture.

Fig. 2 ISI meeting Paris 1961. Sam Greenhouse, Sir Ronald A. Fisher, unknown, Carol Parzen, Ingram Olkin, Emanuel Parzen.

Fig. 4 Statistical Time Series Analysis U.S.-Japan Joint Seminar Hawaii January 25-29, 1993. First row: David Brillinger, Manny Parzen, Ruey Tsay, George Tiao, Joe Newton. Second row: Yudi Pawitan, David Stoffer, Bob Shumway, Will Gersch, Peter Brockwell, Clive Granger.

Fig. 5 Horotugu Akaike, Manny Parzen, Maurice Priestley.

Fig. 6 Time Series Analysis and Signal Processing Cutting Edge Advanced Seminar. Held in Austin and College Station, TX, May 23-June 4, 1986. T shirt present to Professor Parzen proclaims “CATs, Quantiles, Windows, and RKHS. No place but Texas” and “Long Memories of the Cutting Edge of Time Series.” First row: Randy Eubank, Ritei Shibata, Richard Jones, Manny Parzen, Craig Ainsley, Maurice Priestley and Joe Newton.

Fig. 7 Manny Parzen and Miklos Csorgo, 1979 ISI meeting in New Delhi, discussing applications to quantile data analysis of strong approximation limit theorems for quantile processes.

Fig. 8 Ph.D. Students and colleagues of Emanuel Parzen celebrating his 60th birthday in 1989 in College Station, TX. Don Ylvisaker, Grace Wahba, Joe Newton, Marcello Pagano, Manny Parzen, Will Alexander, Marvin Zelen, Scott Grimshaw. Recent distinguished Ph.D. students include Cheng Cheng and Todd Ogden.

Fig. 9 Jim Calvin, Joe Newton, Brad Efron, Manny Parzen, Carol Parzen, Michael Parzen at the ceremony awarding the 1998 Parzen Prize to Efron.