We are currently seeking to fill several graduate research assistantships, for enrollment starting Fall 2024. A summary of each opportunity is listed below. There may also be new opportunities that are not listed here. For additional information, please contact any of the faculty members in research areas of interest to you via email.
The graduate research assistantships, which may be offered at the MS or PhD level, cover tuition and fees, and provide a monthly stipend.
For full consideration, we encourage submitting your applications by January 1, 2024, although applications submitted later will also be considered.
- Climate extremes and impact to human society
- Aerosol Chemistry, Morphology, and Climate Impacts
- Aerosols, clouds and atmospheric electricity
- Climate variability and climate Change
- Improving short-range prediction and warnings of tropical cyclone tornadoes
- Studying tropical deep convection using satellite observations
- Atmospheric ice nucleation in lab and field measurements
- Impact of aerosols on clouds and climate
- Dynamics and chemistry of summer stratosphere

Climate Extremes and Impact to Human Society
Research Assistant
Professor Andrew Dessler is seeking to recruit a graduate student at the Ph.D. level.
The student will work on understanding how climate extremes have changed and how they will continue to change, and how these changes impact human society. Experience programming in python and analysis of big data sets would be helpful.
For more information contact: Professor Andrew Dessler, adessler@tamu.edu

Aerosol Chemistry, Morphology, and Climate Impacts
Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Researcher
The chemical composition, chemical processes, and morphology of the particles can strong impact their climate effects. Professor Yue Zhang is seeking for one graduate student and one postdoctoral research to examine how aerosol chemistry and aerosol physicochemical properties will impact their climate impacts. The research will combine field work with the 10 cubic meter Texas A&M Environmental Chamber and box models to jointly answer the above scientific question. Results may be applied to future air quality and climate models. Student will also learn to operate advanced mass spectroscopic instruments, microscopic instruments, and aerosol-climate instruments.
For more information contact: Professor Yue Zhang, yuezhang@tamu.edu

Aerosols, Clouds and Atmospheric Electricity
Research Assistant
Aerosols have profound impacts on cloud development and atmospheric electricity. Professor Tim Logan is seeking to recruit graduate students at the Masters and Doctoral levels. Students having a diverse interdisciplinary background of geoscience, programming/machine learning skills, and GIS skills are preferred. Active research areas include: (a) processing HLMA data along with other lightning datasets to investigate the feasibility of using lightning activity to predict the severity of deep convection; (b) investigating the behavior of lightning over continental and marine regions; (c) Analyzing data from the TAMU micropulse lidar and laser spectroscope to determine how the various aerosol types can influence cloud development with respect to their physical, chemical, and radiative properties.
For more information contact: Professor Tim Logan, tlogan52@tamu.edu

Climate Variability and Climate Change
Research Assistant
Professor Yangyang Xu is seeking to recruit a graduate student at M.S. or Ph.D. level.
The student will work on decadal climate variability and long-term climate change problems, including the potential causes due to anthropogenic aerosols, and the regional impact on extreme weathers.
For more information contact: Professor Yangyang Xu, yangyang.xu@tamu.edu

Investigations of Deep Convection and Severe Thunderstorm Hazards
MS or PhD student
Dr. Chris Nowotarski's research group investigates processes by which thunderstorms develop strong updrafts, downdrafts, precipitation, and severe hazards including tornadoes. He is seeking a MS or PhD student to work on existing and potential new projects focused on observational data analysis and numerical modeling of subtropical deep convection and/or severe thunderstorms.
For more information contact: Professor Chris Nowotarski, cjnowotarski@tamu.edu

Understanding Precipitation-Anvil Relationships In Tropical Deep Convection With Satellite Observations
Graduate Research Assistant
Graduate research assistantship available with Professor Anita Rapp. This project will use satellite-based cloud and precipitation observations to understand how the precipitation-anvil cloud relationship varies with the environment and large-scale ITCZ state.
For more information contact: Professor Anita Rapp, arapp@tamu.edu

Atmospheric Ice Nucleation in Lab and Field Measurements
Research Assistant and Postdoctoral Fellows
Professor Sarah Brooks is seeking to recruit two new group members, a Ph.D. student and a postdoc. New members will join ongoing endeavors to understand atmospheric ice nucleation through laboratory and field measurements.
For more information contact: Professor Sarah D. Brooks, sbrooks@tamu.edu

Exploring the Impacts of Aerosols on Clouds, Climate and the Overall Earth System
Graduate Students
Professor Xiaohong Liu is seeking to recruit two graduate students.
This project will explore the roles of natural and anthropogenic aerosols as they modify the microphysical and macrophysical properties of clouds. The simulation of aerosol-cloud interactions with Earth System Models is laced with uncertainty, so we seek to develop and evaluate the next generation of these state-of-the-art models such as E3SM and CESM2.
For more information contact: Professor Xiaohong Liu, xiaohong.liu@tamu.edu