Dynamical meteorology is the physical science of atmospheric motion at all spatial and temporal scales. Topics of dynamical meteorology include the dynamics of the atmospheric general circulation, jet streams, midlatitude storm tracks, tropical cyclones, mesoscale vortices, convective scale storms, boundary layer turbulence, air-sea interactions, atmospheric waves and instabilities, etc.
Kenneth Bowman
- David Bullock Harris Professor of Geosciences
- Research Professor
- Office: Eller O&M 1014A
- Phone: (979) 862-4060
- Email: k-bowman@tamu.edu

R. Saravanan
- Department Head
- Professor
- Office: Eller O&M 1204GA
- Phone: (979) 845-0175
- Email: sarava@tamu.edu

R. Lee Panetta
- Professor Emeritus, Research Scientist
- Office: Eller O&M 1007A
- Phone: (979) 845-1386
- Email: r-panetta@tamu.edu

Christopher Nowotarski
- Associate Professor
- Office: Eller O&M 1002A
- Phone: (979) 845-3305
- Email: cjnowotarski@tamu.edu

Craig Epifanio
- Associate Professor
- Office: Eller O&M 1017A
- Phone: (979) 845-9224
- Email: epifanio@tamu.edu

Don Conlee
- Instructional Professor
- Office: Eller O&M 1210F
- Phone: (979) 845-5099
- Email: dconlee@tamu.edu