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College of Arts & Sciences

Synoptic and mesoscale meteorology encompasses what we normally associate with "weather," such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, local weather patterns, hurricanes, tropical convection, warm and cold fronts, high and low pressure systems, and jet streams. Research in this area can involve making field measurements, analyzing data, and conducting computer simulations. The ultimate goal of most research in this area is to improve weather forecasts and severe weather warnings.


Timothy Logan

  • Director of the Houston Lightning Mapping Array (HLMA) Network
  • Assistant Professor
Timothy Logan

Istvan Szunyogh

  • Professor
Istvan Szunyogh

Christopher Nowotarski

  • Associate Professor
Christopher Nowotarski

Courtney Schumacher

  • E.D. Brockett Professor of Geosciences
  • Professor
Courtney Schumacher

John Nielsen-Gammon

  • Texas State Climatologist; Director, Southern Regional Climate Center
  • Regents Professor
  • Office: Eller O&M 1205C
  • Phone: (979) 862-2248
  • Email:
John Nielsen-Gammon

Craig Epifanio

  • Associate Professor
Craig Epifanio

Don Conlee

  • Instructional Professor
Don Conlee

R. Lee Panetta

  • Professor Emeritus, Research Scientist
R. Lee Panetta

Robert Korty

  • Professor
Robert Korty