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College of Arts & Sciences


  1. Horne, K., and Gomer, R.   IAU Circular No. 3379 (1979).
  2. Horne, K., and Gomer, R. Phase variability in the rapid oscillation of SS Cygni.  Astrophysical Journal 237, 845-849 (1980).
  3. Lanning, H.H., Horne, K., and Gomer, R. Lanning 10.  IAU Circular No. 3567 (1981).
  4. Petro, L.D., Bradt, H.V., Kelley, R.L., Horne, K., and Gomer, R. Rapid X-ray and optical flares from Scorpius X-1.  Astrophysical Journal 251, L7-L11 (1981).
  5. Horne, K., Lanning, H.H., and Gomer, R. A first look at the cataclysmic variable Lanning 10. Astrophysical Journal 252, 681-689 (1982).
  6. Jensen, K.A., Cordova, F.A., Middleditch, J., Mason, K.O., Grauer, A.D., Horne, K., and Gomer, R. The correlated X-ray and optical time variability of TT Arietis.  Astrophysical Journal 270, 211-225 (1983).
  7. Welsh, W.F., Horne, K., and Gomer, R. On the location of the oscillations in AE Aquarii.  Astrophysical Journal 410, L39-L42 (1993).
  8. Martell, P.J., Horne, K., Baptista, R., Gomer, R.H., and Price, C.M. The Oscillating Emission Components in DQ Her.  ASP Conference Series, 56, 342-345 (1994).
  9. Martell, P.J., Horne, K., Price, C.M., and Gomer, R.H. Taking the pulse of DQ Herculis.  Astrophysical Journal 448, 380-394 (1995).
  10. Welsh, W.F., Horne, K., and Gomer, R. A study of the absorption lines from the donor star in the exotic cataclysmic variable AE Aquarii.  Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 275, 649-670 (1995).
  11. Welsh, W.F., Horne, K., and Gomer, R. Flares and flickering in the cataclysmic variable AE Aquarii.  Lecture Notes in Physics 454, 278-279 (1995).
  12. Welsh, W.F., Horne, K., and Gomer, R.H. Doppler signatures of Ha flares in AE Aquarii.   Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 298, 285-302 (1998).
  13. Bloom, J.S., Frail, D.A., Kulkarni, S.R., Djorgovski, S.G., Halpern, J.P., Marzke, R.O., Patton, D.R., Oke, J.B., Horne, K.D., Gomer, R., Goodrich, R., Campbell, R., Moriarty-Schieven, F.H., Redman, R.O., Feldman, P.A., Costa, E., Masetti, N. The discovery and broad-band follow-up of the transient afterglow of GRB 980703. Astrophysical Journal 508, L21-L24 (1998).
  14. Steeghs, D., O’Brien, K., Horne, K., Gomer, R., and Oke, B. Emission line oscillations in the dwarf nova V2051 Ophiuchi. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 323, 484-496 (2001).
  15. O’Brien, K., Horne, K., Boroson, B., Still, M., Gomer, R., Oke, J.B., Boyd, P., and Vrtilek, S.D. Keck II spectroscopy of mHz quasi-periodic oscillations in Hercules X-1.  Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 326, 1067-1075  (2001).
  16. Skidmore, W., Pearson, K.J., O’Brien, K., Horne, K., and Gomer, R. Fireballs and oscillations in AE Aqr., The Physics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects: ASP Conference Series  261, 169-170 (2002).
  17. Skidmore, W., O’Brien, K., Horne, K., Gomer, R.H., Oke, J.B., and Pearson, K.J. High speed Keck spectroscopy of flares and oscillations in AE Aquarii.  Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 338, 1057-1066 (2003).
  18. O’Brien, K., Horne, K, Gomer, R.H., Oke, J.B., and van der Klis, M. High-speed Keck II and RXTE spectroscopy of Cygnus X-2: (I) Three X-ray components revealed by spectral variability.   Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 350, 587-595. (2003).
  19. Skidmore, W., Gomer, R.H, Horne, K., O’Brien, K., Oke, B. and Pearson, K.J. High Speed Keck Spectroscopy of Flickering in AM Her.  IAU Colloquium 190 on Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables: ASP Conference Series, 315, 163-169 (2004).


  1. Gomer, R.H., and Lazarides, E.  The synthesis and deployment of filamin in chicken skeletal muscle.  Cell 23, 524-532 (1981).
  2. Wang, C., Gomer, R.H., and Lazarides, E.  Heat shock proteins are methylated in avian and mammalian cells.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 78, 3531-3535 (1981).
  3. Gomer, R.H., and Lazarides, E.  Switching of filamin polypeptides during myogenesis in vitro.  J. Cell Biol.  96, 321-329 (1983).
  4. Gomer, R.H., and Lazarides, E.  Highly homologous filamin polypeptides have different distributions in slow and fast muscle fibers.  J. Cell Biol.  97, 818-823 (1983).
  5. Reymond, C.D., Gomer, R.H., Mehdy, M.C., and Firtel, R.A.  Developmental regulation of a Dictyostelium gene encoding a protein homologous to mammalian ras protein.  Cell  39, 141-148 (1984).
  6. Gomer, R.H., Datta, S., and Firtel, R.A.  Sequencing homopolymer regions.  Focus 7, 6-7 (1985).
  7. Gomer, R.H., Datta, S., Mehdy, M., Crowley, T., Sivertson, A., Nellen, W., Reymond, C., Mann, S., and Firtel, R.A.  Regulation of cell-type specific gene expression in Dictyostelium.  Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol.  50, 801-812 (1985).
  8. Crowley, T.E., Nellen, W., Gomer, R.H., and Firtel, R.A.  Phenocopy of discoidin I- minus mutants by anti-sense transformation in Dictyostelium.  Cell  43, 633-641 (1985).
  9. Datta, S., Gomer, R.H., and Firtel, R.A.  Spatial and temporal regulation of a foreign gene by a prestalk specific promoter in transformed Dictyostelium discoideum.  Mol. Cell. Biol.  6, 811-820 (1986).
  10. Reymond, C.D., Nellen, W., Gomer, R.H., and Firtel, R.A. Regulation of the Dictyostelium ras gene during development and in transformants.  In Progress in Developmental Biology, Part A (H.C. Slavkin, Ed.), Alan R. Liss, New York,  pp. 17-21 (1986).
  11. Gomer, R.H., Armstrong, D., Leichtling, B.H., and Firtel, R.A. cAMP induction of prespore and prestalk gene expression in Dictyostelium is mediated by the cell-surface cAMP receptor.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA  83, 8624-8628 (1986).
  12. Reymond, C.D., Gomer, R.H., Nellen, W., Theibert, A., Devreotes, P., and Firtel, R.A. Phenotypic changes induced by a mutated ras gene during the development of Dictyostelium transformants.  Nature  323, 340-343 (1986).
  13. Gomer, R.H., Datta, S., and Firtel, R.A. Cellular and subcellular distribution of a cAMP-regulated prestalk protein and prespore protein in Dictyostelium discoideum: A study on the ontogeny of prestalk and prespore cells.  J. Cell Biol.  103, 1999-2015 (1986).
  14. Gomer, R.H., and Firtel, R.A. Tissue morphogenesis in Dictyostelium discoideum.  In Molecular Approaches to Developmental Biology (R.A. Firtel and E.H. Davidson, Eds.).  Alan R. Liss, New York.  pp. 373-383 (1987).
  15. Datta, S., Mann, S.K.O., Hjorth, A., Gomer, R.H., Howard, P., Armstrong, D., Reymond, C., Silan, C., and Firtel, R.A. cAMP-regulated gene expression during Dictyostelium development is mediated by the cell-surface cAMP receptor.  In Genetic Regulation of Development, 45th Symposium for the Society of Developmental Biology (W.F. Loomis, Ed.).  Alan R. Liss, New York.  pp. 33-61 (1987).
  16. Gomer, R.H. A strategy to study development and pattern formation: Use of antibodies against products of cloned genes.  In Methods in Cell Biology (J.A. Spudich, Ed.).  Academic Press, New York, pp. 471-487 (1987).
  17. Gomer, R.H., and Firtel, R.A. Cell-autonomous determination of cell-type choice in Dictyostelium development by cell-cycle phase.  Science  237, 758-762 (1987).
  18. Price, M.G. and Gomer, R.H. Mitoskelin: A mitochondrial protein found in cytoskeleton preparations.  Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton  13, 274-287 (1989).

19a. Kauvar, L.M., Cheung, P.Y.K., Gomer, R.H., and Fleischer, A.A.  Paralog chromatography.  Biotechniques  8, 204-209 (1990).

19b. Kauvar, L.M., Cheung, P.Y.K., Gomer, R.H., and Fleischer, A.A.  Paralog chromatography.  BioChromatography  5, 22-26 (1990).  (Explanation:  James Ellingboe, the editor of both BioTechniques and BioChromatography, after acceptance of 19a, requested that he be able to reprint it as 19b.)

  1. Gomer, R.H., Yuen, I.S., and Firtel, R.A. A secreted 80×103 Mr protein mediates sensing of cell density and the onset of development in Dictyostelium.  Development  112, 269-278 (1991).
  2. Yuen, I.S., Taphouse, C., Halfant, K., and Gomer, R.H. Regulation and processing of a secreted protein that mediates sensing of cell density in Dictyostelium.  Development  113, 1375-1385 (1991).
  3. Jain, R., Murtagh, J.J.Jr., Gomer, R.H. Increasing specificity and yield from the PCR-RACE technique.  BioTechniques  12, 58-59 (1992).
  4. Jain, R., Yuen, I.S., Taphouse, C.R., and Gomer, R.H. A density sensing factor controls development in Dictyostelium.  Genes & Development  6, 390-400 (1992).
  5. Clarke, M., Dominguez, N., Yuen, I.S., and Gomer, R.H. Growing and starving Dictyostelium cells produce distinct density-sensing factors.  Dev. Biol.  152, 403-406 (1992).
  6. Schatzle, J., Bush, J., Dharmawardhane, S., Firtel, R.A., Gomer, R.H., and Cardelli, J. Characterization of the signal transduction pathways and cis-acting DNA sequence responsible for the transcriptional induction during growth and development of the lysosomal a-mannosidase gene in Dictyostelium discoideum.  J. Biol. Chem.  268, 19632-19639 (1993).
  7. Price, M.G., and Gomer, R.H. Skelemin, a cytoskeletal M-disc periphery protein, contains motifs of adhesion/recognition and intermediate filament proteins.  J. Biol. Chem.  268, 21800-21810 (1993).
  8. Price, M.G., Caprette, D.R., and Gomer, R.H. Different temporal patterns of expression result in the same type, amount and distribution of filamin (ABP) in cardiac and skeletal myofibrils. Cell Motil. Cytoskel.  27, 248-261 (1994).
  9. Jain, R., and Gomer, R.H. A developmentally regulated cell surface receptor for a density-sensing factor in Dictyostelium.  J. Biol. Chem.  269, 9128-9136 (1994).
  10. Yuen, I.S., and Gomer, R.H. Cell density-sensing in Dictyostelium by means of the accumulation rate, diffusion coefficient and activity threshold of a protein secreted by starved cells.  J. Theoretical Biology  167, 273-282 (1994).
  11. Gomer, R. Knowing that you’re among friends.  Current Biology  4, 734-735 (1994).
  12. Yuen, I.S., Jain, R., Bishop, J.D., Lindsey, D.F., Deery, W.J., Van Haastert, P.J.M., and Gomer, R.H. A density-sensing factor regulates signal transduction in Dictyostelium.  J. Cell Biol.  129, 1251-1262 (1995).
  13. Clay, J., Ammann, R., and Gomer, R.H. Initial cell-type choice in a simple eukaryote:  Cell-autonomous or morphogen-gradient dependent?  Dev. Biol.  172, 665-674 (1995).
  14. Clarke, M. and Gomer, R.H. PSF and CMF, autocrine factors that regulate gene expression during growth and early development of Dictyostelium.  Experientia  51, 1124-1134 (1995).
  15. Gomer, R.H. and Ammann, R. A cell-cycle phase-associated cell-type choice mechanism monitors the cell cycle rather than using an independent timer.  Dev. Biol.  174, 82-91 (1996).
  16. Spann, T.P., Brock, D.A., Lindsey, D.F., Wood, S.A., and Gomer, R.H. Mutagenesis and gene identification in Dictyostelium by shotgun antisense.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA  93, 5003-5007 (1996).
  17. Brock, D.A., Buczynski, F., Spann, T.P., Wood, S.A., Cardelli, J., and Gomer, R.H. A Dictyostelium mutant with defective aggregate size determination.  Development  122, 2569-2578 (1996).
  18. Van Haastert, P.J.M., Bishop, J.D., and Gomer, R.H. The cell density factor CMF regulates the chemoattractant receptor cAR1 in Dictyostelium.  J. Cell Biol.  134, 1543-1549 (1996).
  19. Wood, S.A., Ammann, R.R., Brock, D.A., Li, L., Spann, T.P., Gomer, R.H.  RtoA links initial cell type choice to the cell cycle in Dictyostelium.  Development  122, 3677-3685  (1996).
  20. Brazill, D.T., Gundersen, R. and Gomer, R.H. A cell-density sensing factor regulates the lifetime of a chemoattractant-induced Ga-GTP conformation.  FEBS Letters  404, 100-104.  (1997).
  21. Gomer, R.H. Cell-density sensing: Come on inside and tell us about it.  Current Biology  7, R721-R722  (1997).
  22. Jain, R., Brazill, D.T., Cardelli, J.T., Bush, J., and Gomer, R.H. Autocrine factors controlling early development.  In Dictyostelium-A Model System for Cell and Developmental Biology. (Y. Maeda, K. Inouye, and I. Takeuchi, Eds.)  Universal Academy Press, Inc., Tokyo, Japan.  pp. 219-234  (1997).
  23. Spann, T.P., Brock, D.A., and Gomer, R.H. Shotgun antisense mutagenesis.  In Antisense Technologies:  A Practical Approach.  (Lichtenstein, C. and Nellen, W. Eds.)  Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.  pp. 273-279  (1997).
  24. Gomer, R.H. Antisense: a key tool for cell and developmental studies in Dictyostelium. Genetic Engineering  20, 135-141  (1998).
  25. Brazill, D.T., Lindsey, D.F., Bishop, J.D., and Gomer, R.H. Cell-density sensing mediated by a G-protein-coupled receptor activating phospholipase C.  J. Biol. Chem.  273, 8161-8168  (1998).
  26. Lindsey, D.F., Amerik, A., Deery, W.J., Bishop, J.D., Hochstrasser, M., and Gomer, R.H. A deubiquitinating enzyme that disassembles free polyubiquitin chains is required for development but not growth in Dictyostelium.  J. Biol. Chem.  273, 29178-29187  (1998).
  27. Gomer, R.H. Cell Density Sensing in a Eukaryote.  ASM News  65, 23-29  (1999).
  28. Gomer, R.H. Gene identification by shotgun antisense.  Methods  18, 311-315  (1999).
  29. Brock, D.A. and Gomer, R.H. A cell-counting factor regulating structure size in Dictyostelium.  Genes & Development  13, 1960-1969 (1999).
  30. Deery, W.J. and Gomer, R.H. A putative receptor mediating cell-density sensing in Dictyostelium. J. Biol. Chem.  274, 34476-34482 (1999).
  31. Brazill, D.T., Caprette, D.R., Myler, H.A., Hatton, R.D., Ammann, R.R., Lindsey, D.F., Brock, D.A., and Gomer, R.H. A protein containing a serine-rich domain with vesicle-fusing properties mediates cell cycle-dependent cytosolic pH regulation.  J. Biol. Chem.  275, 19231-19240  (2000).
  32. Roisin-Bouffay, C., Jang, W., Caprette, D.R., and Gomer, R.H. A precise group size in Dictyostelium is generated by a cell-counting factor modulating cell-cell adhesion.  Mol. Cell  6, 953-959 (2000).
  33. Azhar, M., Kennady, P.K., Pande, G., Espiritu, M., Holloman, W., Brazill, D., Gomer, R.H., and Nanjundiah, V. Cell cycle phase, cellular Ca2+ and development in Dictyostelium discoideum.  Int. J. Dev. Bio.  44, 405-414 (2001).
  34. Gomer, R.H. Not being the wrong size. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology  2, 48-54 (2001).
  35. Tang, L., Ammann, R., Gao, T., and Gomer, R.H. A cell number-counting factor regulates group size in Dictyostelium by differentially modulating cAMP-induced cAMP and cGMP pulse sizes.  J. Biol. Chem. 276, 27663-27669 (2001).
  36. Brazill, D.T., Meyer, L.R., Hatton, R.D., Brock, D.A., and Gomer, R.H. ABC transporters required for endocytosis and endosomal pH regulation in Dictyostelium. J. Cell Sci. 114, 3923-3932 (2001).
  37. Tang, L., Gao, T., McCollum, C., Jang, W., Vicker, M.G., Ammann, R.R., and Gomer, R.H. A cell number-counting factor regulates the cytoskeleton and cell motility in Dictyostelium. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 99, 1371-1376 (2002).
  38. Sharma S.K., Brock D.A., Ammann R.R., DeShazo T., Khosla M., Gomer R.H., and Weeks G. The Cdk5 homologue, Crp, regulates endocytosis and secretion in Dictyostelium and is necessary for optimum growth and differentiation. Dev. Biol. 247, 1-10 (2002).
  39. Brock, D.A., Hatton, R.D., Giurgiutiu, D.-V., Scott, B., Ammann, R., and Gomer, R.H. The different components of a multisubunit cell number-counting factor have both unique and overlapping functions. Development  129, 3657-3668 (2002).
  40. Lewis, Z.A., Correa, A., Schwerdtfeger, C., Link, K.L., Xie, X., Gomer, R.H., Thomas, T., Ebbole, D.J., and Bell-Pedersen, D. Overexpression of WHITE COLLAR-1 (WC-1) activates circadian clock-associated genes, but is not sufficient to induce most light-regulated gene expression in Neurospora crassa.  Molecular Microbiology  45, 917-31 (2002).
  41. Bishop, J.D., Moon, B.C., Harrow, F., Gomer, R.H., Dottin, R.P., and Brazill, D.T. A second UDP glucose pyrophosphorylase is required for differentiation and development in Dictyostelium discoideum.  Biol. Chem. 277, 32430-32437 (2002).
  42. Gao, T., Ehrenman, K., Tang, L., Leippe, M., Brock, D.A., and Gomer, R.H. Cells respond to and bind countin, a component of a multisubunit cell-number counting factor. J. Biol. Chem. 277, 32596-32605 (2002).
  43. Deery, W.J., Gao, T., Ammann, R.A., and Gomer, R.H. A single cell-density sensing factor stimulates distinct signal transduction pathways through two different receptors. J. Biol. Chem. 277, 31972-31979 (2002).
  44. Jang, W., Chiem, B., and Gomer, R.H. A secreted cell-number counting factor represses intracellular glucose levels to regulate group size in Dictyostelium. J. Biol. Chem. 277, 39202-39208 (2002).
  45. Gomer, R.H., Gao, T., Tang, Y., Knecht, D., and Titus, M.A. Cell motility mediates tissue size regulation in Dictyostelium.  Muscle Res. Cell Motil. 23, 809-815 (2002).
  46. Gomer, R.H. and Brazill, D. The versatile Dictyostelium discoideum.  Meeting Report: International Dictyostelium Conference 2002.  154, 5-10 (2003)
  47. Brock, D.A., Hatton, R.D., Giurgiutiu, D.-V., Scott, B., Jang, W., Ammann, R., and Gomer, R.H. CF45-1, a secreted protein which participates in group size regulation in Dictyostelium. Eukaryotic Cell 2, 788-797 (2003).
  48. Ochsner, S.A., Day, A.I., Rugg, M.S., Breyer, R.M., Gomer, R.H., and Richards, J.S. Disrupted function of TNF-a stimulated gene 6 blocks cumulus cell-oocyte complex expansion.  Endocrinology  144,4376-84 (2003).
  49. Pilling, D., Buckley, C.D., Salmon, M., and Gomer, R.H. Inhibition of fibrocyte differentiation by serum amyloid P.  Journal of Immunology  171, 5537-5546 (2003).
  50. Correa, A., Lewis, Z.A., Green, A.V., March, I.J., Gomer, R.H., and Bell-Pedersen, D. Microarray profiling reveals multiple oscillators regulate circadian gene expression in Neurospora.  Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 100, 13597-13602. (2003).
  51. Brock, D.A., Ehrenman, K., Ammann, R., Tang, Y., and Gomer, R.H. Two components of a secreted cell-number counting factor bind to cells and have opposing effects on cAMP signal transduction in   J. Biol. Chem.  278, 52262-52272 (2003).
  52. Ehrenman, K., Yang, G., Hong, W-P., Gao, T., Jang, W., Brock, D.A., Hatton, R.D., Shoemaker, J.D., and Gomer, R.H. Disruption of aldehyde reductase increases group size in  J. Biol. Chem.  279, 837-847 (2004).
  53. Roisin-Bouffay, C., and Gomer, R.H. Comment atteindre la bonne taille. Médecine/Sciences.  20, 219-224 (2004).
  54. Gao, T., Knecht, D., Tang, L., Hatton, R.D., and Gomer, R.H. A cell number counting factor regulates Akt/Protein Kinase B to regulate Dictyostelium discoideum group size. Eukaryotic Cell  3, 1174-1185 (2004).
  55. Jang, W., and Gomer, R.H. Exposure of cells to a cell-number counting factor decreases the activity of glucose-6-phosphatase to decrease intracellular glucose levels in Eukaryotic Cell  4, 72-81 (2005).
  56. Kolbinger, A., Gao, T., Brock, D., Ammann, R., Kisters, A., Kellermann, J., Hatton, D., Gomer, R.H., and Wetterauer, B. A cysteine-rich extracellular protein containing a PA14 domain mediates quorum sensing in Dictyostelium. Eukaryotic Cell 4, 991-998 (2005).
  57. Brock, D.A. and Gomer, R.H. A secreted factor represses cell proliferation in Dictyostelium.  Development  132, 4553-4562 (2005).
  58. Dallon, J. Jang, W, and Gomer, R.H. Mathematically modeling the effects of counting factor in Dictyostelium discoideum.  Mathematical Medicine and Biology  23, 45-62. (2006).
  59. Pilling, D., Tucker, N., and Gomer, R.H. Aggregated IgG inhibits human fibrocyte differentiation.  Leukocyte Biology, 79, 1242-1251 (2006).
  60. de Paula, R.M., Lewis, Z.A., Greene, A.V., Seo, K.S., Morgan, L.W., Vitalini, M.W., Bennett, L., Gomer, R.H., and Bell-Pedersen, D. Two circadian timing circuits in Neurospora crassa cells share components and regulate distinct rhythmic processes.  Journal of Biological Rhythms. 21, 159-168 (2006).
  61. Pilling, D. and R.H. Gomer. Regulatory Pathways for Fibrocyte Differentiation. In Fibrocytes: New Insights into Tissue Repair and Systemic Fibrosis (R. Bucala, Ed.).  World Scientific, Singapore.  37-60 (2006).
  62. Jang, W. and Gomer, R.H. A factor in crude cytosol regulates glucose-6-phosphatase activity in crude microsomes to regulate group size in Dictyostelium. Biol. Chem. 281, 16377-16383 (2006).
  63. Brock, D.A., van Egmond, W.N., Shamoo, Y., Hatton, R.D., and Gomer, R.H. A 60 kDa protein component of the counting factor complex regulates group size in   Eukaryotic Cell 5, 1532-1538 (2006).
  64. Whitney, N., Pearson, L.J., Lunsford, R., McGill, L., Gomer, R.H., and Lindsey, D.F. A putative Ariadne-like ubiquitin ligase is required for Dictyostelium   Eukaryotic Cell, 5, 1820-1825 (2006).
  65. Haudek, S.B., Xia, Y., Huebener, P., Lee, J.M., Carlson, S., Crawford, J.R., Pilling, D., Gomer, R.H., Trial, J., Frangogiannis, N.G., and Entman, M.L. Bone Marrow-derived Fibroblast Precursors Mediate Ischemic Cardiomyopathy in Mice.  Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 103, 18284-18289 (2006).
  66. Bakthavatsalam, D., Brazill, D., Gomer, R.H., Eichinger, L., Rivero, F., and Noegel, A.A. An unusual G protein coupled receptor mediates cell density sensing in   Current Biology, 17, 892-897 (2007).
  67. Pilling, D., Roife, D., Wang, M., Ronkainen, S.D., Crawford, J.R., Travis, E.L., and Gomer, R.H. Reduction of bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis by serum amyloid P.  Journal of Immunology, 179, 4035-4044 (2007).
  68. Gao, T, Roisin-Bouffay, C., Hatton, R.D., Tang, L., Brock, D.A., DeShazo, T., Olson, L., Hong, W-P., Jang, W., Canseco, E., Bakthavatsalam, D., and Gomer, R.H. A cell-number counting factor regulates levels of a novel protein, SslA, as part of a group-size regulation mechanism in Dictyostelium.  Eukaryotic Cell, 6, 1538-1551 (2007).
  69. de Paula, R.M., Vitalini, M.W., Gomer, R.H., and Bell-Pedersen, D. Complexity of the Neurospora crassa Circadian Clock System: Multiple Loops and Oscillators. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 72, 345-351 (2007).
  70. Brazill, D. and Gomer, R.H. A eukaryotic neighbor: Dictyostelium discoideum.  In Myxobacteria: Multicellularity and Differentiation (D.E. Whitworth, Ed).  ASM Press, Washington, DC.  pp 439-452 (2008).
  71. Naik-Mathuria, B., Pilling, D., Crawford, J.R., Gay, A.N., Smith, C.W., Gomer, R.H., and Olutoye, O.O. Serum Amyloid P inhibits dermal wound healing.  Wound Repair and Regeneration, 16, 266-273 (2008).
  72. Shao, D.D., Suresh, R., Vakil, V., Gomer, R.H., and Pilling, D. Th-1 cytokines inhibit, and Th-2 cytokines promote fibrocyte differentiation.  Journal of Leukocyte Biology.  83, 1323-1333 (2008).
  73. Gomer, R.H. Circulating progenitor cells and scleroderma.  Current Rheumatology Reports, 10, 183-188 (2008).
  74. Jang, W. and Gomer, R.H. Combining experiments and modeling to understand size regulation in Dictyostelium.  Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 5, S49-S58 (2008).
  75. Bakthavatsalam, D., Brock, D.A., Nikravan, N.N., Houston, K.D., Hatton, R.D. and Gomer, R.H. The secreted Dictyostelium protein CfaD is a chalone.  Cell Science, 121, 2473-2480 (2008).
  76. Tang, Y. and Gomer, R.H. A protein with similarity to PTEN regulates aggregation territory size by decreasing cAMP pulse size during Dictyostelium discoideum  Eukaryotic Cell, 7, 1758-1770 (2008).
  77. Tang, Y. and Gomer, R.H. CnrN regulates Dictyostelium group size using a counting factor -independent mechanism.  Communicative & Integrative Biology, 1, 185-187 (2008).
  78. Choe, J. M., Bakthavatsalam, D., Phillips, J.E., and Gomer, R. H. Dictyostelium cells bind a secreted autocrine factor that represses cell proliferation.  BMC Biochemistry, 10, 4 (2009).
  79. Jang, W., Schwartz, O., and Gomer, R.H. A cell number counting factor alters cell metabolism.  Communicative & Integrative Biology, 2, 293-297 (2009).
  80. Gomer, R.H., Pilling, D, Kauvar, L.M., Ellsworth, S., Ronkainen, S.D., Roife, D., and Davis, S.C. A Serum Amyloid P-binding hydrogel speeds healing of partial thickness wounds in pigs.  Wound Repair and Regeneration, 17, 397-404 (2009).
  81. Bakthavatsalam, D., Choe, J.M., Hanson, N.E. and Gomer, R.H. A Dictyostelium chalone uses G proteins to regulate proliferation.  BMC Biology, 7, 44 (2009).
  82. Pilling, D., Fan, T., Huang, D., Kaul, B., and Gomer, R.H. Identification of markers that distinguish monocyte-derived fibrocytes from monocytes, macrophages, and fibroblasts.  PLoS ONE, 4, e7475 (2009).
  83. Vakil, V., Sung, J.J., Piecychna, M., Crawford, J.R., Kuo, P., Abu-Alfa, A.K., Cowper, S.E., Bucala, R., and Gomer, R.H. A gadolinium–containing magnetic resonance image contrast agent promotes fibrocyte differentiation.  Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 30, 1284-1286 (2009).
  84. Pilling, D., Vakil, V., and Gomer, R.H. Improved serum-free culture conditions for the differentiation of human and murine fibrocytes.  Journal of Immunological Methods, 351, 62-70 (2009).
  85. Gomer, R.H. and Lupher, M.L. Investigational approaches to therapies for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.  Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs, 19, 737-745 (2010).
  86. Bakthavatsalam, D., and Gomer, R.H. The secreted proteome profile of developing Dictyostelium discoideum cells.  Proteomics, 10, 2556-2559 (2010).
  87. Phillips, J.E. and Gomer, R.H. The ROCO kinase QkgA is necessary for proliferation inhibition by autocrine signals in Dictyostelium discoideum.  Eukaryotic Cell, 9, 1557-1565 (2010).
  88. Crawford, J.R., Pilling, D., and Gomer, R.H. Improved serum-free culture conditions of spleen-derived murine fibrocytes.  Journal of Immunological Methods, 363, 9-20 (2010).
  89. Maharjan, A.S., Pilling, D., and Gomer, R.H. Toll-like receptor 2 agonists inhibit fibrocyte differentiation.  Fibrogenesis & Tissue Repair, 3, 23 (2010).
  90. Gomer, R.H., and Pilling, D. Turning the dial: Regulating serum amyloid P levels to improve wound healing.  Journal of Clinical Dermatology, 1, 2 (2010). Note: this on-line journal has since closed.
  91. Jang, W. and Gomer, R.H. Initial cell type choice in   Eukaryotic Cell, 10, 150-155 (2011).
  92. Gan, Y., Herzog, E.L., and Gomer, R.H. Pirfenidone treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, 7, 39-47 (2011).
  93. Gomer, R.H., Jang, W., and Brazill, D. Cell density sensing and size determination.  Development, Growth & Differentiation, 53, 482-494 (2011).
  94. Phillips, J.E., Huang, E., Shaulsky, G., and Gomer, R.H. The Putative bZIP transcription factor BzpN slows proliferation and functions in the regulation of cell density by autocrine signals in Dictyostelium. PLoS ONE, 6, e21765 (2011).
  95. Maharjan, A., Pilling, D., and Gomer, R.H. High and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid differentially regulate human fibrocyte differentiation. PLoS ONE, 6, e26078 (2011).
  96. Gomer, R.H. and Pilling, D. Fibrocytes and collagen-producing cells of the peripheral blood.  In Fibrocytes (R. Bucala, Ed.).  World Scientific, Singapore  pp 17-27 (2012).
  97. Pilling, D. and Gomer, R.H. Regulatory pathways of fibrocyte development.  In Fibrocytes (R. Bucala, Ed.).  World Scientific, Singapore  pp 29-43 (2012).
  98. Crawford, J.R., Bjorklund, N.L., Taglialatela, G., and Gomer, R.H. Brain Serum amyloid P levels are reduced in individuals that lack dementia while having Alzheimer’s disease neuropathology.  Neurochemical Research, 37, 795-801 (2012).
  99. Kolonin, M.G., Evans, K.W., Mani, S.A., and Gomer, R.H. Alternative origins of stroma in normal organs and disease.  Stem Cell Research, 8, 312-323 (2012).
  100. Phillips, J.E. and Gomer, R.H. A secreted protein is an endogenous chemorepellant in Dictyostelium discoideum.  Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 109, 10990-10995 (2012).
  101. Pilling, D. and Gomer, R.H. Differentiation of circulating monocytes into fibroblast-like cells.  Methods in Molecular Biology, 904, 191-206 (2012).
  102. Crawford, J.R., Pilling, D., and Gomer, R.H. FcγRI mediates serum amyloid P inhibition of fibrocyte differentiation.  Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 92, 699-711 (2012).
  103. Cox, N., Pilling, D., and Gomer, R.H. NaCl potentiates human fibrocyte differentiation.  PLoS ONE, 7, e45674 (2012).
  104. Maharjan, A.S., Roife, D., Brazill, D., and Gomer, R.H. Serum Amyloid P inhibits granulocyte adhesion.  Fibrogenesis & Tissue Repair, 6, 2 (2013).
  105. Herlihy, S.E., Tang, Y., and Gomer, R.H. A Dictyostelium secreted factor requires a PTEN-like phosphatase to slow proliferation and induce chemorepulsion. PLoS ONE, 8, e59365 (2013).
  106. Herlihy, S.E., Pilling, D., Maharjan, A.S., and Gomer, R.H. Dipeptidyl-peptidase IV is a human and murine neutrophil chemorepellent.  Journal of Immunology, 190, 6468-6477 (2013).
  107. White, M.J.V., Glenn, M., and Gomer, R.H. Trypsin potentiates human fibrocyte differentiation.  PLoS ONE, 8, e70795 (2013).
  108. Gomer, R.H. New approaches to modulating idiopathic pulmonary fibr  Current Allergy and Asthma Reports, 13, 607-612 (2013).
  109. Bakthavatsalam, D., White, M.J.V., Herlihy, S.E., Phillips, J.E., and Gomer, R.H. A Retinoblastoma orthologue is required for the sensing of a chalone in Dictyostelium.  Eukaryotic Cell, 13, 376-382 (2014).
  110. Pilling, D. and Gomer, R.H. Persistent lung inflammation and fibrosis in Serum Amyloid P

(Apcs-/-) knockout mice.  PLoS ONE, 9, e93730 (2014).

  1. Phillips, J.E. and Gomer, R.H. The p21-activated kinase (PAK) family member PakD is required for chemorepulsion and proliferation inhibition by autocrine signals in Dictyostelium discoideum.  PLoS ONE, 9, e96633 (2014).
  2. DeBord, J.D., Smith, D.F., Anderton, C.R., Heeren, R.M.A., Paša-Tolić, L., Gomer, R.H., and Fernandez-Lima, F.A. Secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging of Dictyostelium discoideum aggregation streams.  PLoS ONE, 9, e99319 (2014).
  3. Pilling, D., Crawford, J.R., Verbeek, J.S., and Gomer, R.H. Inhibition of murine fibrocyte differentiation by cross-linked IgG is dependent on Fcg  Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 96, 275-282 (2014).
  4. Cox, N., Pilling, D., and Gomer, R.H. Distinct Fcγ receptors mediate the effect of Serum Amyloid P on neutrophil adhesion and fibrocyte differentiation.  Journal of Immunology, 193, 1701-8 (2014).
  5. Cox, N., Pilling, D., and Gomer, R.H. Serum Amyloid P: a systemic regulator of the innate immune response.  Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 96, 739-743 (2014).
  6. Pilling, D., Zheng, Z., Vakil, V., and Gomer, R.H. Fibroblasts secrete Slit2 to inhibit fibrocyte differentiation and fibrosis.  Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 111, 18291-18296 (2014).
  7. White, M.J.V., Galvis-Carvajal, E., and Gomer, R.H. A brief exposure to tryptase or thrombin potentiates fibrocyte differentiation in the presence of serum or serum amyloid P.  Journal of Immunology, 194, 142-150 (2015).
  8. Phillips, J.E. and Gomer, R.H. Partial genetic suppression of a loss of function mutant of the Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis-associated protease TPP1 in Dictyostelium discoideum.  Disease Models & Mechanisms, 8, 147-156 (2015).
  9. Pilling, D., Cox, N., Vakil, V., Verbeek, J.S., and Gomer, R.H. The long pentraxin PTX3 promotes fibrocyte differentiation.  PLoS ONE, 10, e0119709 (2015).
  10. Cox, N., Pilling, D., and Gomer, R.H. DC-SIGN activation mediates the differential effects of SAP and CRP on the innate immune system and inhibits fibrosis in mice.  Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 112, 8385-8390 (2015).
  11. Herlihy, S.E., Brown, M.L., Pilling, D., Weeks, B.R., Myers, L.K., and Gomer, R.H. Role of the Neutrophil Chemorepellent Soluble Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV in Decreasing Inflammation in a Murine Model of Arthritis. Arthritis & Rheumatology, 67, 2634-2638 (2015).
  12. White, M.J.V., Roife, D., and Gomer, R.H. Galectin-3 binding protein secreted by breast cancer cells inhibits monocyte-derived fibrocyte differentiation.  Journal of Immunology, 195, 1858-1867 (2015).
  13. Pilling, D., Vakil, V., Cox, N., and Gomer, R.H. TNF-a-stimulated fibroblasts secrete lumican to promote fibrocyte differentiation.  Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 112, 11929-11934 (2015).
  14. White, M.J.V. and Gomer, R.H. Trypsin, tryptase, and thrombin polarize macrophages towards a pro-fibrotic M2a phenotype.  PLoS ONE, 10, e0138748 (2015).
  15. Herlihy, S.E., Stark, H.E., Lopez-Anton, M., Cox, N., Keyhanian, K., Fraser, D.J., and Gomer, R.H. Peritoneal dialysis fluid and some of its components potentiate fibrocyte differentiation.  Peritoneal Dialysis International, 36, 367-373 (2016).
  16. Suess, P.M. and Gomer, R.H. Extracellular polyphosphate inhibits proliferation in an autocrine negative feedback loop in Dictyostelium discoideum. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 291, 20260-9 (2016).
  17. Abeydeera, N.D., Egli, M., Cox, N., Mercier, K., Conde, N., Pallan, P.S., Mizurini, D.M., Sierant, M., Hibti, F.E., Hassell, T., Wang, T., Liu, F., Liu, H., Martinez, C., Sood, A.K., Frydman, C., Monteiro, R., Gomer, R.H., Nawrot, B., and Yang, X. Evoking picomolar binding in RNA by a single phosphorodithioate linkage. Nucleic Acids Research, 44, 8052-8064 (2016).
  18. Phillips, J.E. and Gomer, R.H. A canine model for Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis highlights the promise of gene therapy for lysosomal storage diseases.  Annals of Translational Medicine, 4, S20 (2016).
  19. Herlihy, S.E., Tang, Y., Phillips, J.E., and Gomer, R.H. Functional similarities between the Dictyostelium protein AprA and the human protein Dipeptidyl-Peptidase IV.  Protein Science, 26, 578-585 (2017).
  20. Suess, P.M., Watson, J., Chen, W., and Gomer, R.H. Extracellular polyphosphate signals through Ras and Akt to prime Dictyostelium discoideum cells for development. Cell Science, 130, 2394-2404 (2017).
  21. Pilling, D., Galvis-Carvajal, E., Karhadkar, T., Cox, N., and Gomer, R.H. Monocyte differentiation and macrophage priming are regulated differentially by pentraxins and their ligands.  BMC Immunology, 18, 30 (2017).
  22. Xiang, W., Cox, N., and Gomer, R.H. Identification of compounds that decrease numbers of Mycobacteria in human macrophages in the presence of serum amyloid P.  Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 102, 857-869 (2017).
  23. Karhadkar, T.R., Pilling, D., Cox, N., and Gomer, R.H. Sialidase inhibitors attenuate pulmonary fibrosis in a mouse model. Scientific Reports, 7, 15069 (2017).
  24. Chen, W., Pilling, D., and Gomer, R.H. C-Reactive Protein (CRP) but not the related pentraxins serum amyloid P and PTX3 inhibits the proliferation and induces apoptosis of the leukemia cell line Mono Mac 6.  BMC Immunology, 18, 47 (2017).
  25. Chen, W., Pilling, D., and Gomer, R.H. Dietary NaCl affects bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis in mice.  Experimental Lung Research, 43, 395-406 (2017).
  26. White, M.J.V., Chinea, L.E., Pilling, D., and Gomer, R.H. Protease activated-receptor 2 is necessary for neutrophil chemorepulsion induced by trypsin, tryptase, or dipeptidyl peptidase IV.  Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 103, 119-128 (2018).
  27. Tang, Y., Wu, Y., Herlihy, S.E., Brito-Aleman, F.J., Ting, J.H., Janetopoulos, C., and Gomer, R.H. An autocrine proliferation repressor regulates Dictyostelium discoideum proliferation and chemorepulsion using the G protein-coupled receptor GrlH.  mBio, 9, e02443-17 (2018).
  28. Pilling, D. and Gomer, R.H. The development of serum amyloid P as a possible therapeutic.  Frontiers in Immunology, 9, 2328 (2018).
  29. Pilling, D., Chinea, L.E., Consalvo, K.M., and Gomer, R.H. Different isoforms of the neuronal guidance molecule Slit2 directly cause chemoattraction or chemorepulsion of human neutrophils.  Journal of Immunology, 202, 239-248 (2019).
  30. Rijal, R., Consalvo, K.M., Lindsey, C.K., and Gomer, R.H. An endogenous chemorepellent directs cell movement by inhibiting pseudopods at one side of cells.  Molecular Biology of the Cell, 30, 242-255 (2019).
  31. Behrens, N.E., Lipke, P.N., Pilling, D., Gomer, R.H., and Klotz, S.A. Serum Amyloid P Component Binds Fungal Surface Amyloid and Decreases Human Macrophage Phagocytosis and Secretion of Inflammatory Cytokines.  mBio, 10, e00218-19 (2019).
  32. Suess, P.M., Tang, Y., and Gomer, R.H. The putative G protein-coupled receptor GrlD mediates extracellular polyphosphate sensing in Dictyostelium discoideum. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 30, 1118-1128 (2019).
  33. Suess, P.M., Chinea, L.E., Pilling, D., and Gomer, R.H. Extracellular polyphosphate promotes macrophage and fibrocyte differentiation, inhibits leukocyte proliferation, and acts as a chemotactic agent for neutrophils.  Journal of Immunology, 203, 493-499 (2019).
  34. Gomer, R.H. The use of diffusion calculations and Monte Carlo simulations to understand the behavior of cells in Dictyostelium  Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 17, 684-688 (2019).
  35. Pilling, D., Cox, N., Thompson, M.A., Karhadkar, T.R., and Gomer, R.H. Serum amyloid P and a Dendritic Cell-Specific Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-3-Grabbing Nonintegrin ligand inhibit high fat diet-induced adipose tissue and liver inflammation and steatosis in mice.  American Journal of Pathology, 189, 2400-2413 (2019).
  36. Consalvo, K.M., Rijal, R., Tang, Y., Kirolos, S.A., Smith, M.R., and Gomer, R.H. Extracellular signaling in   International Journal of Developmental Biology, 63, 395-405 (2019).
  37. Karhadkar, T.R., Chen, W., and Gomer, R.H. Attenuated pulmonary fibrosis in sialidase-3 knockout (Neu3-/-) mice.  American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, 318, L165-L179 (2020).
  38. Roife, D., Fleming, J.B., and Gomer, R.H. Fibrocytes in the Tumor Microenvironment.  Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 1224, 79-85 (2020).
  39. Tang, Y., and Gomer, R.H. An improved shotgun antisense method for mutagenesis and gene identification.  Biotechniques, 68, 163-165 (2020).
  40. Chen, W., Lamb, T.R., and Gomer, R.H. TGF-β1 Increases Sialidase 3 Expression in Human Lung Epithelial Cells by Decreasing its Degradation and Upregulating its Translation.  Experimental Lung Research, 46, 75-80 (2020).
  41. Chen, W., Karhadkar, T.R., Ryu, C., Herzog, E.L., and Gomer, R.H. Reduced sialylation and bioactivity of the anti-fibrotic protein serum amyloid P in the sera of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.  ImmunoHorizons, 4, 352-362 (2020).
  42. Rijal, R., Cadena, L.A., Smith, M.R., Carr, J.F., and Gomer, R.H. Polyphosphate is an extracellular signal that can facilitate bacterial survival in eukaryotic cells.  Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 117, 31923-31934 (2020).
  43. Pilling, D., Karhadkar, T.R., and Gomer, R.H. A CD209 ligand and a sialidase inhibitor differentially modulate adipose tissue and liver macrophage populations and steatosis in mice on the methionine and choline-deficient (MCD) diet.  PLoS ONE, 15, e0244762 (2020).
  44. Pilling, D., Karhadkar, T.R., and Gomer, R.H. High-fat diet-induced adipose tissue and liver inflammation and steatosis in mice are reduced by inhibiting sialidases.  American Journal of Pathology, 191, 131-143 (2021).
  45. Karhadkar, T.R., Meek, T.D., and Gomer, R.H. Inhibiting sialidase-induced TGF-β1 activation attenuates pulmonary fibrosis in mice.  Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 376, 106-117 (2021).
  46. Karmakar, R., Tyree, T., Gomer, R.H., and Rappel, W-J. Cell dispersal by localized degradation of a chemoattractant.  Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 118, e2008126118 (2021).
  47. Karhadkar, T.R., Pilling, D., and Gomer, R.H. Serum Amyloid P inhibits single stranded RNA-induced lung inflammation, lung damage, and cytokine storm in mice.  PLoS ONE, 16, e0245924 (2021).
  48. Tang, Y., Zimmerhanzel, D.E., McCullough, J.R., Cadena, L.A., and Gomer, R.H. An Autocrine Negative Feedback Loop Inhibits discoideum Proliferation Through an IP3/ Ca2+ Pathway.  mBio, 12, e0134721 (2021).
  49. Kirolos, S.A., Rijal, R., Consalvo, K.M., and Gomer, R.H. Using Dictyostelium to Develop Therapeutics for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.  Frontiers Cell and Developmental Biology, 9, 710005 (2021).
  50. McCullough, J., Fey, P., Rahman, R., Wallace, M., Morey, S., Sahlberg, K., McGonagle, E., Hess, D., Hatfield, C., Sarmiento, M.-R., Velasquez, J., and Gomer, R.H. Annotating Putative discoideum Proteins Using I-TASSER. microPublication Biology, 2021:10.17912/micropub.biology.000420 (2021).
  51. Kirolos, S.A. and Gomer, R.H. A chemorepellent inhibits local Ras activation to inhibit pseudopod formation to bias cell movement away from the chemorepellent.  Molecular Biology of the Cell, 33, ar9 (2022).
  52. Consalvo, K.M., Kirolos, S.A., Sestak, C.E., and Gomer, R.H. Sex-based differences in human neutrophil chemorepulsion. Journal of Immunology, in press.
  53. Rijal, R. and Gomer, R.H. Proteomic analysis of Dictyostelium discoideum by mass spectrometry. Submitted.
  54. Castellanos, A., Gomer, R.H., and Fernandez-Lima, F. Submicron 3-D mass spectrometry imaging reveals an asymmetric molecular distribution on chemotaxing cells. Submitted.
  55. Pilling, D., Sahlberg, K., Karhadkar, T.R., Chen, W., and Gomer, R.H. The sialidase NEU3 promotes pulmonary fibrosis in mice. Submitted.
  56. Rijal, R., Kirolos, S.A., Rahman, R.J., and Gomer, R.H. Dictyostelium discoideum cells sense their local density and retain nutrients when the cells are about to overgrow their food source. Submitted.
  57. Kirolos, S.A., Procaccia, S.R., Groover, K.E., Das, R., Rijal, R., and Gomer, R.H. Identification of novel proteins in the Dictyostelium discoideum chemorepulsion pathway using REMI. Submitted.
  58. Chen, W., Pilling, D., and Gomer, R.H. A mRNA motif mediates TGF-β1 upregulation of NEU3 translation in human lung fibroblasts. Submitted.
  59. Kirolos, S.A., Pilling, D., and Gomer, R.H. The extracellular sialidase NEU3 primes neutrophils. Submitted.


  1. Gomer, R. H. and Pilling, D. Methods of detecting the inhibition of fibrocyte formation and methods and compositions for enhancing fibrocyte formation. European patent 1576368 (2009).

Germany patent 60326273.2 (2009)

Spain patent 2318195T3 (2009)

France patent 1576368 (2009)

United Kingdom patent 1576368 (2009)

Ireland patent 1576368 (2009)

Italy patent 1576368 (2009)

  1. Gomer, R. H. and Pilling, D. Methods and compositions for suppressing fibrocyte differentiation and methods for suppressing fibrosis. Australian patent 2003-300266 (2010).
  2. Gomer, R. H. and Pilling, D. Methods of suppressing fibrosis and fibrocyte formation. US 7,666,432 (2010).
  3. Gomer, R. H. and Pilling, D. Compositions and methods for suppressing fibrocytes and for detecting fibrocyte differentiation. US 7,763,256 (2010).
  4. Gomer, R. H. and Pilling, D. Wound healing dressing for enhancing fibrocyte formation. US 7,935,682 (2011).
  5. Gomer, R. H. and Pilling, D. Methods and compositions for suppressing fibrocyte differentiation. European patent 1596880 (2011).

Austria patent 1596880 (2011)

Belgium patent 1596880 (2011)

Bulgaria patent 1596880 (2011)

Republic of Cyprus patent 1596880 (2011)

Czech Republic patent 1596880 (2011)

Denmark patent 1596880 (2011)

Estonia patent 1596880 (2011)

Finland patent 1596880 (2011)

France patent 1596880 (2011)

Germany patent 1596880 (2011)

Greece patent 20110401295 (2011)

Hungary patent 1596880 (2011)

Ireland patent 1596880 (2011)

Italy patent 1596880 (2011)

Luxembourg patent 1596880 (2011)

Monaco patent 1596880 (2011)

Netherlands patent 1596880 (2011)

Portugal patent 1596880 (2011)

Romania patent 1596880 (2011)

Slovak Republic patent 1596880 (2011)

Slovenia patent 1596880 (2011)

Spain patent 2362655T3 (2011)

Sweden patent 1596880 (2011)

Switzerland patent 1596880 (2011)

Turkey patent TR201105029 (2011)

United Kingdom patent 1596880 (2011)

  1. Gomer, R. H. and Pilling, D. Compositions and methods for suppressing fibrocytes. US 8,012,472 (2011).
  2. Gomer, R. H. and Pilling, D. Treatment methods for fibrosis related disorders. US 8,057,802 (2011).
  3. Gomer, R. H. and Pilling, D. Methods of detecting the inhibition of fibrocyte formation and methods and compositions for enhancing fibrocyte formation. Japanese patent 4,819,364 (2011).
  4. Gomer, R. H. and Pilling, D. Compositions and methods for suppressing fibrocytes. US 8,187,599 (2012).
  5. Gomer, R. H. and Pilling, D. Treatment of fibrosis related disorders. US 8,187,608 (2012).
  6. Gomer, R. H. and Pilling, D. Methods and compositions for suppressing fibrocyte formation and methods for suppressing fibrosis. Japanese patent 4,922,560 (2012).
  7. Gomer, R. H. and Pilling, D. Use of Serum Amyloid P (SAP) and related compositions for the suppression of fibrosis-related diseases. Canadian patent 2,509,241 (2013).
  8. Gomer, R. H., and Cox, N. Fibrosis Inhibiting Compounds and Methods of Use Thereof in the

Prevention or Treatment of Fibrosing Diseases. Australian patent 2014324574 (2018).

  1. Gomer, R. H. and Cox, N. Compositions associated with and methods of managing neutrophil movement. Australian patent 2014324566 (2019).
  2. Gomer, R. H. and Cox, N. Fibrosis Inhibiting Compounds for Use in the Prevention or Treatment of Fibrosing Diseases. European Patent 3065548 (2019).
  3. Gomer, R.H.; Cox, N. Compositions Associated with and Methods of Managing Neutrophil Movement. European Patent 3052480 (2020).


Patent applications not in above list of issued patents:

  1. Gomer, R. H.; Pilling, D.; Cox, N. Anti-Fibrotic Sialidase Inhibitor Compounds and Methods of Use. Japanese application 2019-512857 (2017).
  2. Gomer, R. H.; Pilling, D.; Cox, N. Anti-Fibrotic Sialidase Inhibitor Compounds and Methods of Use. Australian application 2017325024 (2017).
  3. Gomer, R. H.; Pilling, D.; Cox, N. Anti-Fibrotic Sialidase Inhibitor Compounds and Methods of Use. European application 17783606.1 (2017).
  4. Gomer, R.H., Pilling, D., Cox, N. and Karhadkar, T.R. Anti-Fibrotic Sialidase Inhibitor Compounds and Methods of Use. US application 20190201485 / 16/293379 (2019).
  5. Gomer, R.H., Meek, T.D., Karhadkar, T.R., and Pilling, D. Anti-fibrotic NEU3 inhibitor Compounds and Methods of Use. US application 2020017504 / 17/430287 (also filed as PCT/US2020/017504, Australian patent application 2020221054, European patent application 20755169.8, Japanese patent application 2021-547082, and Canadian patent application 3129891 (2020).
  6. Gomer, R.H., Pilling, D., and Karhadkar, T.R. Therapeutics for Treatment of COVID-19 Symptoms.  US application 202063036907; also filed as PCT/US2021/036147 (2020).
  7. Gomer, R.H., Pilling, D., and Karhadkar, T.R. Therapeutics for Treatment of COVID-19 Symptoms.  US application 202063036915; also filed as PCT/US2021/036152 (2020).