Adam Seipp
  • Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Professor
  • Phone: 979-845-5996
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  • Office: Melbern G. Glasscock Building, 216A
  • Document: CV
Research Areas
  • Public History
  • U.S. in the World
  • War & Society

Research Interests

Dr. Seipp’s research focuses on war and social change in modern Germany, transatlantic relations, and the history of the Holocaust.  He is the author or editor of The Ordeal of Peace: Demobilization and the Urban Experiences in Britain and Germany, 1917-1921 (2009), Strangers in the Wild Place: Refugees, Americans, and a German Town, 1945-1952 (2013), Modern Germany in Transatlantic Perspective (with Michael Meng, 2017), and The Berlin Airlift and the Making of the Cold War (with John Schuessler and Thomas Sullivan, 2022).

He is currently working on two research projects.  The first is a social history of the American military presence in the Federal Republic of Germany from 1945-1995.  The second examines the role of testimony in shaping narratives of concentration camp liberation in the United States and Germany.  Since 2018, he has published articles in Central European HistoryHolocaust and Genocide StudiesJournal of Military HistoryGerman Politics and Society, and War in History.  Among his recent publications is an article about an American board game that became a prominent symbol for the West German Peace Movement, which appeared in 2022 in War and Society.  He also published an article in Modern American History (open access) about the U.S. military and humanitarian assistance in Cold War Germany.

Seipp’s research has been funded by the Fulbright Program, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), German Marshall Fund, German Historical Institute – Washington, Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs, and the US Army Military History Institute.  He serves as a DAAD Research Ambassador and is a fellow of the Texas A&M Arts and Humanities Program.  He is a Faculty Affiliate of the Albritton Center for Grand Strategy

Areas of Speciality

  • European War and Society
  • Germany
  • Transnational History

Selected Publications