Roger R. Reese
  • Professor
  • Ralph R. Thomas Class of 1921 Endowed Professorship in Liberal Arts
  • Phone: 979-845-7151
  • Email:
  • Office: Melbern G. Glasscock Building, 109A
  • Document: CV
Research Areas
  • War & Society


Roger Reese received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas in 1990 and joined the Texas A&M History Department that same year. Dr. Reese specializes in Soviet social history in general, and the social history of the Imperial and Russian Soviet militaries in particular. Dr. Reese has written seven books on the Russian and Soviet military and won the Moncado prize from the Society for Military History for an outstanding article in military history and the Tomlinson Book Prize from the World War One Historical Association for his book on the Russian Imperial Army.  His current research focus is on issues that span the divide between Russian and Soviet military history.

Research Interests

  • Social and Military History of the Soviet Union

Educational Background

  • Ph.D. University of Texas 1990

Selected Publications

  • The Imperial Russian Army in Peace, War, and Revolution, 1856-1917, (University Press of Kansas, 2019)

    Stalin's Reluctant Soldiers book cover Stalin's Reluctant Soldiers
    Russia's Army. A History from the Napoleonic Wars to the War in UkraineRussia's Army
    Why Stalin's Soldiers FoughtWhy Stalin's Soldiers Fought
    Red CommandersRed Commanders
    The Soviet Military ExperienceThe Soviet Military Experience