Justin  Moscarello
  • Assistant Professor
Research Areas
  • Affective Science
  • Behavioral & Cellular Neuroscience

Selected Publications

    • Oleksiak CR, Plas SL, Carriaga D, Vasudevan K, Maren S, Moscarello JM (2024) Ventral hippocampus mediates inter-trial responding in signaled active avoidance. Behavioural Brain Research, 470: 115701.
    • Guerra DP, Wang W, Souza KA, Moscarello JM (2023) A sex-specific role for the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in proactive defensive behavior. Neuropsychopharmacology, 48: 1234-1244.

    • Moscarello JM, Penzo M (2022) The central nucleus of the amygdala and the construction of defensive modes across the threat imminence continuum. Nature Neuroscience, 25: 999-1008.

    • Oleksiak CR, Ramanathan KR, Miles OW, Perry SJ, Maren S, Moscarello JM (2021) Ventral hippocampus mediates the context dependence of two-way signaled avoidance in male rats. Neurobiology of Learning & Memory, 183: 107458. 
    • Moscarello JM (2020) Prefrontal cortex projections to the nucleus reuniens suppress freezing following two-way signaled avoidance training. Learning & Memory, 27: 119-123.
    • Moscarello JM, Hartley CA (2017) Agency and the calibration of motivated behavior. Trends in Cognitive Science, 21(10): 725-735.