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College of Arts & Sciences

“The Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences offers research opportunities for students who register for PBSI 484/491 under the direction of a professor. These intensive research experiences put students into teams with faculty and graduate students to work on original research projects. This valuable, hands-on training in research skills prepares students for both graduate work in specific domains as well as in scientific thinking for future employment. PBSI 484 is a field experience and PBSI 491 is a research experience structured by the professor. In addition to the scientific training that students receive, PBSI 484 and 491 provide students with the opportunity to establish professional relationships with other undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty members. These collaborators and mentors frequently work with students on their post-baccalaureate plans and applications.”

Field Experience (PBSI 484)

Participation in an approved mental health, criminal justice, school, industrial or other approved setting; field experiences supervised by an appropriate professor within an area of student interest; course requirements vary with the setting, the supervising professor and the needs of the individual student. May be repeated for credit.

Research (PBSI 491)

Includes working with one of our faculty members in their research laboratory or on a specific research project. The specific structure of the research experience is set by the instructor and participation requires approval of the instructor. This is an opportunity to learn about current methods and science in psychology or neuroscience and to work closely with faculty, graduate students, and fellow undergraduates. It can also prepare you to undertake a thesis or honors project. You must have approval of the instructor to take part in research.

Participation in any of the experiences listed above requires that you and the instructor complete a contract that details the expectations for working on the project. These forms are below.

Opportunities for research will be posted outside of the advising office (Milner Hall Room 205) as they are received. After you’ve spoken to a faculty member about participating in their research lab, bring one of the above contracts to the professor, and then email the form to during the open registration time period (see advising tab for information).

Talk to an Undergraduate Research Ambassador and learn how to get started and get the most from your Honors and/or Research experiences from a student’s point of view!

Present at Student Research Week