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College of Arts & Sciences

Welcome to the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences

Our faculty and students share three goals:

  • To conduct and disseminate innovative scientific research that impacts the discipline and provides service to the community.
  • To train outstanding doctoral-level research scientists and practitioners.
  • To provide a one-of-a-kind undergraduate education that prepares students for life-long learning through the development of critical thinking skills and a broad intellectual perspective.

Faculty in Psychological and Brain Sciences are engaged in innovated research programs in diverse areas of specialization. Recognized both nationally and internationally, faculty members have received   numerous awards  for research, teaching, and service. Collectively, the faculty hold several million dollars in research grants from the National Science Foundation, National Institute of Mental Health, as well as other federal and state agencies and foundations.

We offer a PhD in five areas of specialization:   Behavioral and Cellular Neuroscience,   Clinical Psychology,   Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience,   Industrial-Organizational Psychology, and   Social and Personality Psychology. The department enrolls approximately 100 graduate students and offers numerous opportunities for student collaboration with faculty. The student to faculty ratio is roughly 3:1 which allows individualized attention to develop research and professional skills. The Clinical Psychology program is accredited by the American Psychological Association.

In addition to our five areas of specialization, we have overlapping research interests that bridge traditional areas of psychology. These research themes include:

We offer undergraduate training in Psychological and Brain Sciences to approximately 1,400 students. We engage in opportunities for field experiences and research with faculty and graduate students. We focus on developing the ability to think critically about how to ask and answer questions about human and animal behavior, with the goal of improving the human condition. Students have opportunities to learn from scholars who are leaders in the field on a variety of topics in psychology.