Mark Packard
  • Professor
Research Areas
  • Affective Science
  • Behavioral & Cellular Neuroscience



Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:00-11:00 in ILSB 3149B

Accepting Students for 2024-2025?: Yes

Memberships: Institute for Neuroscience

Selected Publications

    • Goodman, J., Ressler, R., Packard, M. G.  Enhancing and impairing extinction of habit memory through modulation of NMDA receptor activity in the dorsolateral striatum.  Neuroscience, 352, 216-225, 2017.

    • Goodman, J., Gabriele, A., Packard, M. G. Differential effects of neural inactivation of the dorsolateral striatum on response and latent extinction.  Behavioral Neuroscience, 313, 143-148, 2017.

    • Packard, M. G., Ressler, R., Goodman, J. Emotional modulation of habit memory: Neural mechanisms and implications for psychopathology. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 20, 25-32, 2018.

    • Goodman, J. Packard, M. G., The role of the dorsal striatum in extinction: A memory systems perspective.  Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 150, 48-55, 2018.

    • Goodman, J., Packard, M. G.  There is more than one kind of extinction learning.  Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 13, 2019. Impact Factor: 3.92