Steven Woltering
  • Associate Professor
Research Areas
  • Neuroscience


Steven Woltering is an associate professor in the department of Educational Psychology since September 2014 and jointly appointed with the department of Psychology and the TAMIN institute. He is the director and founder of the Neurobiological lab for Learning and Development (NLD) which promotes, and educates on, the use of biometrics in social and health sciences. You can learn more about the NLD's mission, research, and capability from this website:

Awards & Honors

  • Outstanding New Faculty Award. CEHD Dean's Development Council Award. (2017)

Selected Publications

    • Brooker, R. J., Bates, J. E., Lahat, A., Buss, K. A., Kujawa, A., Lamm, C., Canan, M. J., Moser, J. S., Dennis-Tiwary, T. A., Petersen, I. T., Gatzke-Kopp, L. M., Hoyniak, C., Tang, T., Klein, D. N., Woltering, S., & Schmidt, L. A. (2019). Conducting Event-Related Potential (ERP) Research with Young Children: A Review of Components, Special Considerations and Recommendations for Research on Cognition and Emotion. Journal of Psychophysiology. [IF = 2.9]
    • Jia, Y., Chen, S., Deutz, N. E. P., Bukkapatnam, S. T. S., & Woltering, S.*(In press). Psychometric evaluation of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Sleep and Biological Rhythms. [IF = 0.7]
    • Woltering, S., Gu, C., Liu, Z., & Tannock, R. (2019). Visuospatial Working Memory Capacity in the Brain after Working Memory Training in Adult ADHD: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Attention Disorders. [IF = 3.7]
    • Chen, S., Jia, Y., & Woltering, S.* (2018). Neural Differences of Inhibitory Control between Adolescents with Obesity and Their Peers. International Journal of Obesity, 42, 1753-1761. [IF = 5.2]
    • Deutz, M.H.F., Shi, Q., Vossen, H., Huijding, J., Prinzie, P., Dekovic, M., Van Baar, A.L., & Woltering, S.* (2018). Evaluation of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire - Dysregulation Profile (SDQ-DP). Psychological Assessment, 30(9), 1194. DOI: 10.1037/pas0000564. [IF = 3.3]
    • Deutz, M. H. F., Woltering, S., Vossen, H.G.M., Dekovic, M., van Baar., A.L., Prinzie., P. (2018). Underlying Psychophysiology of Dysregulation: Resting Heart Rate and Heart Rate Reactivity in Relation to Childhood Dysregulation. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2018.09.434 [IF = 6.3]
    • Liu, Z., Tannock, R., & Woltering, S.*(2017). Effects of Working Memory Training on Neural Correlates of Go/Nogo Response Control in Adults with ADHD: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Neuropsychologia, 95, 54-72.
    • Liu, Z., Glizer, D., Tannock, R., & Woltering, S. (2016). EEG alpha power during maintenance of information in working memory in adults with ADHD and its plasticity due to working memory training: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Neurophysiology, 127 (2), 1307-1320
    • Woltering, S., Lishak, V., Hodgson, N., Granic, I. & Zelazo, P. D. (2016). Executive function in children with aggressive and comorbid internalizing behavior problems. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 57 (1), 30-38
    • Woltering, S., Shi, Q. (2016). On the Neuroscience of Self-regulation in Children with Disruptive Behavior Problems: Implications for Education. Review of Educational Research, 86 (4), 1085-1110
    • Gray, S., Fettes, P., Woltering, S., Mawjee, K., & Tannock, R. (2015). Symptom Manifestation and Impairments in College Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Learning Disabilities.
    • Mawjee, K., Woltering, S., & Tannock, R. (2015). Working memory training in post-secondary students with ADHD: a randomized controlled study. PLOS ONE. 10(9), e0137173.
    • Woltering, S., Liao, V., Liu, Z. & Granic, I. (2015). Neural Rhythms of Change: Long-term Improvements after Treatment in Children with Disruptive Behavior Problems. Neural Plasticity
    • Woltering, S., Lishak, V., Elliott, B., Ferraro, L., & Granic, I. (2015). Dyadic attunement and physiological synchrony during mother-child discussions: An exploratory study in children with and without externalizing behavior problems. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 1-10
    • Gray, S., Woltering, S., & Tannock, R. (2014). The Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS): utility in college students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. PeerJ, 2, e324.
    • Kim, S., Liu, Z., Glizer, D., Tannock, R., & Woltering, S. (2014). Adult ADHD and Working Memory: Neural evidence of impaired encoding. Clinical Neurophysiology. 125, 1596-1603.
    • Liu, Z. X., Woltering, S., & Lewis, M. D. (2014). Developmental change in EEG theta activity in the medial prefrontal cortex during response control. NeuroImage, 85, 873-887
      Woltering, S., Bazargani, N., & Liu, Z. X. (2013). Eye blink correction: a test on the preservation of common ERP components using a regression based technique. PeerJ, 1, e76.
    • Woltering, S., Liu, Z., Rokeach, A., & Tannock, R. (2013). Neurophysiological differences in inhibitory control between adults with ADHD and their peers. Neuropsychologia, 51, 1888-1895
    • Granic, I., Meusel, L. A., Lamm, C., Woltering, S., & Lewis, M. D. (2012). Emotion regulation in children with behavior problems: Linking behavioral and brain processes. Development and psychopathology, 24(03), 1019- 1029.
    • Woltering, S., Jung, J., Liu, Z., & Tannock, R. (2012). Resting state EEG oscillatory power differences in ADHD college students and their peers. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 8(1), 60
    • Woltering, S., Granic, I., Lamm, C., & Lewis, M. D. (2011). Neural changes associated with treatment outcome in children with externalizing problems. Biological Psychiatry, 70(9), 873-879.
    • Chapman, H. A., Woltering, S., Lamm, C., & Lewis, M. D. (2010). Hearts and minds: Coordination of neurocognitive and cardiovascular regulation in children and adolescents. Biological Psychology, 84(2), 296- 303.
    • Woltering, S., & Lewis, M. D. (2009). Developmental pathways of emotion regulation in childhood: A neuropsychological perspective. Mind, Brain, and Education, 3(3), 160-169.