Vani Mathur
  • Associate Professor of Diversity Science and Well-Being
  • Associate Professor
Research Areas
  • Affective Science
  • Diversity Science
  • Neuroscience
  • Social & Personality Psychology


Professional Links

Selected Publications

  • *Indicates a student co-author

    • *AuBuchon, K.E., Stock, M.L., Mathur, V.A., Attey, B., Bowleg, L. (in press). Bystander acknowledgment mitigates the psychological and physiological pain of racial discrimination for Black young adults: A randomized clinical trial. The Journal of Pain.
    •  *Boring, B.L., *Walsh, K.T., Ng, B.W., Schlegel, R.J.,  Mathur, V.A. (2024). Experiencing pain invalidation is associated with underreporting of pain: A social psychological perspective on pain communication. The Journal of Pain, 25(5), 104428.
    • =Mathur, V.A.=Payano Sosa, J.S., Keaser, M.L., Meiller, T.F., Seminowicz, D.A. (2023). The social context of Burning Mouth Syndrome: An exploratory pilot study of stigma, discrimination, and pain. Pain Medicine.  =equal author contributions

    • *Nanavaty, N., *Walsh, K.T., *Boring, B.L., Ganesan, A., Carter-Sowell, A.R., Mathur, V.A. (2023). Acute ostracism-related pain sensitization is enhanced in the context of accumulated lifetime experiences of ostracism. The Journal of Pain.

    • *Boring, B.L., *Richter, A., Mathur, V.A. (2023). Higher self-perceived stress reactivity is associated with increased chronic pain risk. PAIN Reports, 8(2), e1068.

    • Hood, A.M., Morias, C.A., Aroke, E.N., Booker, S.Q., Campbell, L.C., Campbell, C.M., Goodin, B.R., Janevic, M., Kapos, F.P., Mathur, V.A., Merriwether, E.N., Letzen, J.E. (2023). Antiracism CoaliTION in Pain Research (ACTION-PR): Guiding principles for equity in reporting. The Journal of Pain, 24(1), 19-21.

    • *Nanavaty, N., Thompson, C.G., Meagher, M.W., McCord, C., Mathur, V.A. (2023). Traumatic life experience and pain sensitization: Meta-analysis of laboratory findings. Clinical Journal of Pain, 39(1), 15-28.

    • *Walsh, K.T., *Nanavaty, N., *Boring, B.L., Carter-Sowell, A.R., Mathur, V.A. (2022). Lifetime experiences of ostracism and mechanisms of pain. Frontiers in Pain Research, 3, 1037472

    • *Walsh, K.T., *Boring, B.L., *Nanavaty, N., *Guzman, H., Mathur, V.A. (2022). Sociocultural context and pre-clinical pain facilitation: Multiple dimensions of racialized discrimination experience by Latinx Americans are associated with enhanced temporal summation of pain. The Journal of Pain. [OA epub ahead of print]

    • *Boring, B.L., Ng, B.W., *Nanavaty, N., Mathur, V.A. (2022). Over-rating pain is overrated: A fundamental self-other bias in pain reporting behavior. The Journal of Pain. [OA epub ahead of print]

    • Letzen, J.E., Mathur, V.A., Janevic, M., Burton, M.D., Hood, A.M., Morias, C.A., Booker, S.Q., Campbell, C.M., Aroke, E.N., Goodin, B.R., Campbell, L.C., Merriwether, E.N. (2022). Confronting racism in pain research: Reframing study designs. The Journal of Pain, 23(6), 893-912.

    • Morias, C.A., Aroke, E.N., Letzen, J.E., Campbell, C.M., Hood, A.M., Janevic, M., Mathur, V.A., Merriwether, E.N., Goodin, B.R., Booker, S.Q., Campbell, L.C. (2022). Confronting racism in pain research: A call to action. The Journal of Pain, 23(6), 878-892.

    • Hood, A.M., Booker, S.Q., Morias, C.A., Goodin, B.R., Letzen, J.E., Campbell, L.C., Merriwether, E.N., Aroke, E.N., Campbell, C.M., Mathur, V.A., Janevic, M. (2022). Confronting racism in all forms of pain research: A shared commitment for engagement, diversity, and dissemination. The Journal of Pain, 23(6), 913-928.

    • Mathur, V.A., Trost, Z., Ezenwa, M., Sturgeon, J.A., Hood, A. (2022). Mechanisms of injustice: What we (don’t) know about racialized disparities in pain. PAIN, 163(6), 999-1005.

    • Janevic, M., Mathur, V.A., Booker, S.Q., Morais, C., Meints, S., Yeager, K.A., Meghani, S.H. (2022) Making pain research more inclusive: Why and how. The Journal of Pain, 23(5), 707-728.

    • *Boring, B.L., *Maffly-Kipp, J., Mathur, V.A., Hicks, J.A. (2022). Meaning in life and pain: The differential effect of coherence, purpose, and mattering on pain severity and the development of chronic pain. Journal of Pain Research, 15, 299-314.

    • Mathur, V.A., *Nyman, T., *Nanavaty, N., *George, N., Brooker, R.J. (2021). Trajectories of pain during pregnancy predict symptoms of postpartum depression. PAIN Reports, 6(2), e933.

    • *Boring, B.L., *Walsh, K.T., *Nanavaty, N., Ng, B.W., Mathur, V.A. (2021). How and why do patient concerns influence pain reporting?: A qualitative analysis of personal accounts and perceptions of others’ use of numerical pain scales. Frontiers in Psychology – Health Psychology, 12, 2232.

    • *Kim, H., *Nanavaty, N., Ahmed, H., Mathur, V.A., Anderson, B.A. (2021). Motivational salience guides attention to valuable and threatening stimuli: Evidence from behavior and fMRI. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33(12), 2440-2460.

    • *Boring, B.L., *Walsh, K.T., *Nanavaty, N., Mathur, V.A. (2021). Shame mediates the relationship between pain invalidation and depression. Frontiers in Psychology – Health Psychology, 12, 5673.