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College of Arts & Sciences

Emanuel and Carol Parzen Prize for Statistical Innovation

The Parzen Prize is awarded by the Department of Statistics at Texas A&M University and is selected by the members of the Parzen Prize Committee (consisting of three internal faculty members and two external faculty members). The prize consists of an honorarium of $1000 and travel to College Station, TX, to present a lecture at the Prize Ceremony.

To promote the dissemination of statistical innovation, the Emanuel and Carol Parzen Prize for Statistical Innovation is awarded in even numbered years to a North American statistician whose outstanding research contributions include innovations that have had impact on practice and whose Ph.D degree is at least 25 years old.

Past Winners

History and Goals of the Emanuel & Carol Parzen Prize for Statistical Innovation

Pictures for Interview with Emanuel Parzen

A Last Lecture 1949-2009: Quantiles are “Optimal”

The Department of Statistics at Texas A&M University would like to express its appreciation to those who by their gifts support the Emanuel and Carol Parzen Fund at The Texas A&M Foundation.