Ping Chang
  • Professor
  • Louis & Elizabeth Scherck Chair in Oceanography
  • Phone: (979) 845-8196
  • Email:
  • Office: Eller O&M 624


Dr. Chang holds the Louis & Elizabeth Scherck Chair in Oceanography and served as the Director of the International Laboratory for High-Resolution Earth System Prediction (iHESP) at Texas A&M University from 2019 to 2021. He specializes in climate dynamics, climate prediction, and high-resolution global and regional climate modeling. Dr. Chang and his collaborators have made groundbreaking advances in these fields. He has published over 200 refereed journal articles and book chapters, co-chaired the International CLIVAR Atlantic Research Panel, and contributed to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the American Meteorological Society (AMS).


Numerical Ocean Modeling I (OCNG 615, Credit 4)

Numerical Ocean Modeling II (OCNG 616, Credit 4)

Theories of Ocean Circulation (OCNG 617, Credit 3)

Elements of Ocean Wave Theory (OCNG 612, Credit 3)

Dynamics of the Ocean and Atmosphere (OCNG 614, Credit 3)

Meteorological Oceanography (OCNG 651, Credit 3)

Numerical Methods for Geosciences (ATMO/GEOP/OCNG 618, Credit 3)

Research Interests

Current Research Projects:

  • NSF Convergence Accelerator Track E: Combining Global High-Resolution Climate Simulations with Ocean Biogeochemistry, Fisheries and Decision-Making Models to Improve Sustainable fisheries (PI: P. Chapman, Co-PI: Z. Zhang, SP: P. Chang and others) sponsored by NSF
  • Understanding the relative roles of Atlantic vs. Pacific coupled dynamics in initializing decadal climate predictions (PI: S. Yeager, Co-PI: P. Chang and W. Cheng) sponsored by DOC
  • Assessing the influence of background state and climate variability on tropical cyclones using initialized ensembles and mesh refinement in E3SM (PI: R. Saravanan, Co-PI: P. Chang) sponsored by DOE
  • International Laboratory for High-Resolution Earth System Prediction (iHESP) (PI: P. Chang) sponsored by QNLM and TAMU

Educational Background

  • Ph.D., Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA, 1985
  • M.A., Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA, 1984
  • M.E., Mechanical Engineering, City College of New York, New York, NY, USA, 1983
  • B.S., Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, East China Engineering Institute, Nanjing, China., 1982

Awards & Honors

  • 1993-1998: National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award
  • 2000-2002: Faculty Fellow, Texas A&M University
  • 2003: TAMU Association of Former Students Distinguished Achievement Award
  • 2014: Follow of the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo
  • 2014: Followship of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
  • 2015: Francis Bretherton Visitorship of NCAR Climate & Global Dynamics
  • 2019: Fellow of American Meteorological Society
  • 2023: Inaugural College of Arts and Sciences of Texas A&M University Research Impact Award
  • 2024: Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Selected Publications

  • Krumhardt, K. M., M. C. Long, C. M. Petrik, M. Levy, F. S. Castruccio, K. Lindsay, L. Romashkov, A. Deppenmeier, R. Denéchère, Z. Chen, L. Landrum, G. Danabasoglu, P. Chang, From nutrients to fish: Impacts of mesoscale processes in a global CESM-FEISTY eddying ocean model framework, Progress in Oceanography (2024).

    Liu, X., R. Saravanan, P. Chang, D. Fu, L. Xie. Droughts in Wind and Solar Power: Assessing Climate Model Simulations for a Net-Zero Energy Future, Geophys. Res. Lett. (2024). DOI: 10.1029/2024GL109416

    Xie, L., S. Majumder, T. Huang, Q. Zhang, P. Chang, D.J. Hill, M. Shahidehpour. The role of electric grid research in addressing climate change, Nature Climate Change (2024).

    Zhang, Q., P. Chang, D. Fu, S.G. Yeager, G. Danabasoglu, F. Castruccio, N. Rosenbloom, Enhanced Atlantic Meridional Mode Predictability in a High-Resolution Prediction System, Sci. Adv., 10, eado6298 (2024). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.ado6298.

    Liu, X., R. Saravanan, D. Fu, P. Chang, C. Patricola, T. O’Brien. How do climate model resolution and atmospheric moisture affect the simulation of unprecedented extreme events like the 2021 Western North American heat wave? Geophys. Res. Lett.  (2024). 51, e2024GL108160.

    Li, Y., W. Weijer, P. Kurtakoti, M. Veneziani, P. Chang. Bering Strait Ocean Heat Transport Drives Decadal Arctic Variability in a High-Resolution Climate Model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 51, e2024GL108828 (2024).

    Xu, G., M.C. Rencurrel, P. Chang, X. Liu, G. Danabasoglu, S.G. Yeager, M. Steele, W. Weijer, Y. Li, N. Rosenbloom, F. Castruccio, Q. Zhang. High-resolution modelling identifies the Bering Strait's role in amplified Arctic warming. Nature Climate Change, 14, 615-622 (2024).

    Xu, G., P. Chang, Q. Zhang. Origins of biweekly sea surface temperature variability in the eastern equatorial Pacific and Atlantic. Geophys. Res. Lett. 51, e2023GL107328 (2024).

    Small, R. J., J. Kurian, P. Chang, G. Xu, H. Tsujino, S. Yeager, G. Danabasoglu, W. Kim, A.   Altuntas, F. Castruccio. Eastern Boundary upwelling in ocean-sea-ice simulations forced by CORE and JRA55-DO: mean state and variability. J. Clim., 37, 2821-2848 (2024). DOI:

    Danso, D.K., C.M. Patricola, J. Kurian, P. Chang, P. Klotzbach, I-I. Lin, Air-sea coupling influence on projected changes in major Atlantic hurricane events, Weather and Climate Extremes, 43, 100649 (2024).

    Song, Z., P. Chapman, J. Tao, P. Chang, H. Gao, H. Liu, C. Brannstrom & Z. Zhang, Mapping the Unheard: Analyzing Trade-Offs between Fisheries and Offshore Wind Farms Using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Ann. Am. Assoc. Geogr., 114, 536-554 (2024).

    Fu, D., P. Chang, X. Liu, Using Convolutional Neural Network to Emulate Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Activity, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth System, 15, e2022MS003596 (2023).

    Xu, G., P. Chang, R.J. Small, G. Danabasoglu, S.G. Yeager, S. Ramachandran, and Q. Zhang, Enhanced upper ocean warming projected by the eddy-resolving Community Earth System Model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2023GL106100 (2023).

    Kim, W.M., S.G. Yeager, G. Danabasoglu, P. Chang, Exceptional multi-year prediction skill of the Kuroshio Extension in the CESM high-resolution decadal prediction system, npj Clim Atmos Sci 6, 118 (2023).

    Yeager, S.G., P. Chang, G. Danabasoglu, N Rosenbloom, Q. Zhang, F.S. Castruccio, A. Gopal, M. Rencurrel, I.R. Simpson, Reduced Southern Ocean warming enhances global skill and signal-to-noise in an eddy-resolving decadal prediction system, npj Clim Atmos Sci 6, 107 (2023).

    Zheng, X., L. Xie, K. Lee, D. Fu, J. Wu, and P. Chang, Impact of climate simulation resolutions on future energy system reliability assessment: A Texas case study, iEnergy, 2, no. 3, pp. 222-230 (2023).  doi: 10.23919/IEN.2023.0014.

    Lu, L., S. Zhang, Y. Jiang, X. Yu, M. Li, Y. Chen, P. Chang, G. Danabasoglu, Z. Liu, C. Zhu, X. Liu, and L. Wu, An Improved Coupled Data Assimilation System with a CGCM Using Multi-Time-Scale High-Efficiency EnOI-Like Filtering, J. Clim. 36, 6045-6067 (2023). DOI:

    Liu, S., P. Chang, X. Wan, S. G. Yeager, and I. Richter, Role of the Maritime Continent in the remote influence of Atlantic Niño on the Pacific, Nat. Commun. 14, 3327 (2023).

    Small, R. J., V. Rousseau, R. Parfitt, L. Laurindo, L. O’Neill, R. Masunaga, N. Schneider, P. Chang, Near-surface wind convergence over the Gulf Stream – the role of SST revisited, J. Clim., 36, 5527-5548 (2023). DOI:

    Chang, P., G. Xu, J. Kurian, R. J. Small, G. Danabasoglu, S. G. Yeager, F. Castruccio, Q. Zhang, N. Rosenbloom, and P. Chapman. Uncertain Future of Sustainable Fisheries Environment in Eastern Boundary Upwelling Zones Under Climate Change, Communications Earth & Environment, 4, 19 (2023).

    Li, Xudong, D. Fu, J. Nielsen-Gammon, S. Gangrade, S.-C. Kao, P. Chang, M. M. Hernández, N. Voisin, Z. Zhang, and H. Gao. Impacts of climate change on future hurricane induced rainfall and flooding in a coastal watershed: A case study on Hurricane Harvey, J. Hydrol. 616, 128774 (2023).

    Kido, S., I. Richter, T. Tozuka, and P. Chang. Understanding the interplay between ENSO and related tropical SST variability using linear inverse models, Clim. Dyn., 61, 1029-1048 (2023).