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College of Arts & Sciences

A large proportion of the faculty are concerned with the neurobiological mechanisms that underlie behavioral and psychological processes. Within the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, approaches span from molecular/cellular to neural systems, cognition, imaging, and clinical application. Across areas, researchers are exploring factors that influence affect (e.g., pain, fear), compulsive behavior, the effect of stress, neural injury and trauma, learning, memory, language, decision making and motor behavior.

Many neuroscience faculty are members of the Texas A&M Institute for Neuroscience (TAMIN), which provides additional opportunities for graduate training. Weekly colloquia provide an opportunity to hear internationally recognized leaders within the field.

Neuroscience research within the department is funded by the National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), Mental Health (NIMH), Drug Abuse (NIDA), and a variety of private foundations.

Brian Anderson

  • APS Fellow, Charles Puryear Professorship in Liberal Arts
Brian Anderson

Jessica Bernard

  • Professor
Jessica Bernard

Carlos Bolaños

  • Naomi Lewis Endowed Faculty Fellow
  • Professor
Carlos Bolaños

Rebecca Brooker

  • Professor
Rebecca Brooker

Shoshana Eitan

  • Associate Professor
Shoshana Eitan

James Grau

  • Mary Tucker Currie Professor, APA & APS Fellow
  • Professor
James Grau

Annmarie MacNamara

  • Associate Professor
Annmarie MacNamara

Vani Mathur

  • Associate Professor of Diversity Science and Well-Being
  • Associate Professor
Vani Mathur

Justin Moscarello

  • Assistant Professor
Justin  Moscarello

Joseph Orr

  • Associate Department Head
  • Associate Professor
Joseph Orr

Mark Packard

  • Professor
Mark Packard

Rachel Smith

  • BCN Area Coordinator
  • Associate Professor
Rachel Smith

Rongxiang Tang

  • Assistant Professor
Rongxiang Tang

Jyotsna Vaid

  • Fellow: APA, APS, AAAS, and Psychonomic Society
  • Professor
Jyotsna Vaid

Steven Woltering

  • Associate Professor
Steven Woltering

Darrell Worthy

  • Associate Professor
Darrell  Worthy