Anne Raymond
  • Professor
  • Paleontology
  • Geobiology
Research Areas
  • Ancient Life & Environments
  • Environmental & Engineering Geology & Geophysics


President-Elect, Paleontological Society


  • Geol 101 Principles of Geology
  • Geol 207 Dinosaur World
  • Geol 650 Paleoecology
  • Geol 658 Earth Systems through Deep Time

Research Interests

  • Paleobotany
  • Geobiology
  • Paleoecology
  • Modern Wetlands
  • Terrestrial Organic Carbon in Marine Environments

Educational Background

  • A. B. Harvard University 1977
  • Ph.D. University of Chicago 1983

Awards & Honors

  • Fellow, Geological Society of America, 2020 - present

  • Fellow, Paleontological Society, 2015 - present

  • Texas A&M Association of Former Students College Teaching Award, 2009

  • Earl Cook Professor of Geosciences, 2003 - 2008

  • Texas A&M Association of Former Students College Teaching Award, 1988

  • Mary Ingraham Bunting Science Fellowship, Harvard University 1986-1987

  • N.S.F. Graduate Fellowship 1977-1981

  • University of Chicago Robert C. McCormick Fellowship 1977-1981

Selected Publications

  • Amosu, A.*, Imsalem, M.*, Raymond, A., Sun, Y. 2020. FischerLab:  An application for generating fischer plots and dynamic fischer plots from wireline well-logs and stratigraphic data.  Earth 1(1):36-48. doi:10.3390/earth1010004

  • Raymond, A., Lambert, L., Jr., and Costanza, S. H. 2019.  Are coal balls rare? A cyclostratigraphic analysis of coal-ball occurrences in North America. International Journal of Coal Geology 206:65-79.

  • Imsalem, M.*, Amosu, A.*, Wehner, M.*, Raymond, A. and Sun, Y. 2018, Reservoir quality assessment of the Lower Acacus and Tannezuft formations in the NC4 block, Ghadames Basin, Libya: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 68, p. 255–268. 

  • Raymond, A., Wehner, M.* and Costanza, S. H., 2014.  Permineralized Alethopteris ambigua (Lesquereux) White:  A medullosan with relatively long-lived leaves, adapted for sunny habitats in mires and floodplains.  Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 200:82-96.

  • Raymond, A., Slone, E. D. J.* and Wehner, M.* 2013.  A new permineralized Alethopteris from the Kalo Formation and a simple method for distinguishing permineralized Alethopteris species.  New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 60: 338-342.

  • Kelley, P. H., Fastovsky, D. E., Wilson, M. A. Laws, R., A., and Raymond, A. 2013.  From paleontology to paleobiology:  a half-century of progress in understanding life history.   In:  Bickford, M. E. (ed.) The Web of Geological Sciences:  Advances, Impacts and Interactions.  Boulder, CO, Geological Society of America, p. 191-232.

  • O’Keefe, J. M. K., Bechtel, A., Christans, K., Dai, S., DiMichele, W. A., Eble, C. F., Esterle, J. S., Mastalerz, M., Raymond, A. L., Valentim, B. V., Wagner, N. J., Ward, C. R.,  and Hower, J. C., 2013.  On the fundamental difference between coal rank and coal type.  International Journal of Coal Geology 118: 58-87.

  • Raymond, A.,  Guillemette, R.,  Jones, C., and Ahr W., 2012.  Carbonate petrology and geochemistry of Pennsylvanian coal balls from the Kalo Formation of Iowa.  International Journal of  Coal Geology 94:137-149. doi:10.1016/j.coal.2012.01.007

  • Heise, E. A.*, Raymond, A., Parsons-Hubbard, K., Walker, S. E., Staff*, G. M., Powell, E. A., Brett, C. and Ashton-Alcox, K. A., 2011.  Wood taphonomy in mairne carbonate environments:  Experimental results. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 312: 363-379. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2011.04.031

  • Powell, E. N., Staff, G. M.*, Callender, W. R.,* Ashton-Alcox, K. A., Brett, C. E., Parsons-Hubbard, K. M., Walker, S.A., Raymond, A. 2011.  Taphonomic degradation of molluscan remains during thirteen years on the continental shelf and slope of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 312: 209-232. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.12.006

  • Powell, E. N., Staff, G. M.*, Callender, W. R.*, Ashton-Alcox, K. A., Brett, C. E., Parsons-Hubbard, K. M., Walker, S. A., Raymond, A.  2011.  The Influence of molluscan taxon on taphofacies development over a broad range of environments of preservation: The SSETI Experience.   Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 312: 233-264. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2011.01.008

  • Hower, J. C., O’Keefe, J. M. K.*, Eble, C. F., Raymond, A., Valentim, B., Volk, T. J., Richardson, A. R., Satterwhite, A. B., Hatch, R. S., Stucker, J. D., and Watt, M. A., 2011.  Notes on the origin of intertinite macerals in coal:  Evidence for fungal and arthropod transformations of degraded macerals.  Int. J. Coal Geol.  86: 231-240. doi:10.1016/j.coal.2011.02.005

  • Raymond, A., Lambert, L.,* Costanza, S. H., Slone, E. J.* and Cutlip, P. G.* 2010.  Cordaiteans in paleotropical wetlands:  An ecological re-evaluation . International Journal of Coal Geology, 83(2-3): 248-265. doi:10.1016/j.coal.2009.10.009.Raymond, A., and McCarty, R.* 2009.  Pachytesta crenulata n. sp., a new medullosan ovule from the Pennsylvanian of Iowa.  Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 156: 283-306 DOI:10.1016/j.revpalbo.200903.007.

  • Parsons-Hubbard, K. M., Powell, E. N., Raymond, A., Walker, S. E., Brett, C., Ashton-Alcox, K., Shepard, R. N., Krause, R., and Deline, B., 2008. The taphonomic signature of a brine seep and the potential for Burgess Shale style preservation.  Journal of Shellfish Research 27(1):227-239. 

  • Powell, E. N., Callender, W. R., Staff, G. M.*, Parsons-Hubbard, K. M., Brett, C., Walker, S. E, Raymond, A., and Ashton-Alcox, K., 2008.  Molluscan shell condition after eight years on the sea floor -- Taphonomy in the Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas.  Journal of Shellfish Research 27(1):191-225.

  • Baez-Cazull, S. E.*, McGuire, J. T., Cozzarelli, I. M., Raymond, A., and Welsh, L.*, 2007.  Centimeter-scale characterization of biogeochemical gradients at a wetland-aquifer interface using capillary electrophoresis.  Applied Geochemistry 22(12): 2664-2683.

  • Raymond, A., Gensel, P., and Stein, W. A.  2006. Phytogeography of Late Silurian macrofloras.  Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 142: 165-192.

  • O’Keefe, J. M.* K., Sancay, R. H.,*, Raymond, A, and Yancey, T. E., 2005.  A comparison of late Paleocene and late Eocene lignite depositional systems using palynology, upper Wilcox and upper Jackson Groups, east-central Texas.  In:  Warwick, P. A. (ed.) Coal Depositional Systems.  GSA Special Paper 387: 59-71.

  • Raymond, A. and Metz, C.* 2004.  Ice and its consequences: Glaciation in the Late Ordovician, Late Devonian, Pennsylvanian-Permian, and Cenozoic compared.  Journal of Geology 112: 655-670.

  • Staff, G. M.,* Callender, W. R.*, Powell, E. N., Parsons-Hubbard, K. M., Brett, C. E., Walker, S. E., Carlson, D. D., White, S., Raymond, A., Heise, E. A.* 2002. Taphonomic trends along a forereef slope:  Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas.  I. Location and Water Depth.  Palaios 17: 50-65.

  • Staff, G. M., Callender, W. R., Powell, E. N., Parsons-Hubbard, K. M., Brett, C. E., Walker, S. E., Carlson, D. D., White, S., Raymond, A., Heise, E. A. 2002.  Taphonomic trends along a forereef slope:  Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas.  II. Time. Palaios 17:  66-83.

  • Powell, E. N., Parsons-Hubbard, K. M., Callender, W. R.*, Staff, G. M.*, Rowe, G. T., Brett, C. E., Walker, S. E., Raymond, A., Carlson, D. D., White, S., Heise, E. A.*, 2002.  Taphonomy on a continental shelf and slope:  two-year trends -- Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology

  • 184:1-35.

  • Raymond, A., Cutlip, P.*, and Sweet, M. 2001.  Rates and processes of terrestrial nutrient cycling in the Paleozoic:  The world before beetles, termites and flies. Pp 235-283.  In:  Allmon, W., and Bottjer, D. (eds.) Evolutionary Paleoecology. Columbia University Press, New York.

  • Zhou Yu-Xing*, Raymond, A., and Eble, C.  2000.  Lower Chesterian (Late Visean) palynomorphs from the Black Warrior Basin, Northwest Alabama.  Proc. Ninth International Palynological Congress: 69-76.

  • Parsons-Hubbard, K., Callender, W. R., Powell, E. A. N., Brett, C. E., Walker, S. E., Raymond, A., and Staff, G. M. 1999.  Rates of burial and disturbance on experimentally-deployed molluscs:  Gulf of Mexico Shelf and Slope and Bahamas Platform Edge.  Palaios 14:  337-351. 

  • Raymond, A., Phillips, M. K.* Gennett, J. A.* and Comet, P., 1997.  Palynology and paleoecology of Eocene lignites from the Manning Formation (Jackson Group) outcrop in the Lake Somerville Spillway.  International Journal of Coal Geology 34(3/4):  195-223

  • Raymond, A., 1996.  Latitudinal patterns in the diversification of mid-Carboniferous land plants:  Climate and the floral break.  In:  Leary R. L. (ed.) Patterns in Paleobotany:  Proceedings of a Czech-U.S. Carboniferous Paleobotany Workshop.  Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers 26:  1-18.

  • Webb, G. E., Sando, W. J. and Raymond, A., 1997.  Mississippian latitudinal diversity gradients (Western Interior United States):  Testing the limits of high resolution diversity data. Journal of Paleontology 71(5):  780-791.

  • De Wet, C. B., Moshier, S. O., Hower, J.C., De Wet, A. P., Brennan, S. T., Helfrich, C. T., Raymond, A. L., 1997.  Disrupted coal and carbonate facies within two Pennsylvanian cyclothems, southern Illinois Basin, United States. GSA Bulletin 109 (10): 1231-1248.

  • Raymond, A., and Metz, C. M.*, 1995,  Laurussian land-plant diversity during the Silurian and Devonian:  Mass extinction, sampling bias, or both?  Paleobiology  21(1):  74-91.

  • Staub, J. R., Esterle, J. S., and Raymond, A., 1991.  Comparative geomorphic analysis of central Appalachian coal beds and Malaysian peat deposits. Bull. Soc. geol. France 162:  339-351.

  • Kelley, P. H., and Raymond, A., 1991.  Brachiopod migration, diversity and evolution in the Southern Hemisphere during the early and middle Carboniferous.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology and Palaeoecology 86:23-39.

  • Raymond, A., Kelley, P. H., and Lutken, C. B., l990.  Dead by degrees:  Articulate brachiopods, paleoclimate, and the mid-Carboniferous extinction event.  Palaios 5(2):  111-123.

  • Kelley, P. H., Raymond, A.,  and Lutken, C. B., 1990.  Carboniferous brachiopod migration and latitudinal diversity:  a new paleoclimatic method.  In:  McKerrow, W. S. and Scotese, C. R. (eds.) Paleozoic Biogeography and Paleogeography.  Geological Society Memoir 12:  325-332.

  • Covington, D. J.* and Raymond, A., 1989.  Taxonomic uniformitarianism:  the problem with shoot/root ratios of peats.  Rev. Palaeobot.  Palynol. 58:  85-94.

  • Raymond, A., Kelley, P. H., and Lutken, C. B., 1989.  Polar glaciers and life at the equator:  the history of Dinantian and Namurian (Carboniferous) climate.  Geology 17:  408-411.

  • Raymond, A., 1988.  The paleoecology of a coal-ball deposit from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Iowa dominated by Cordaitalean gymnosperms.  Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 53:  233-250.

  • Ziegler, A. M., Raymond, A., Gierlowski, T. C., Horrell, M. A., Rowley, D. B., and Lottes,  A. L., 1987.  Coal, climate and terrestrial productivity:  the Present and Early Cretaceous compared.  In:  Scott, A. C. (ed.) Coal and coal-bearing strata:  Recent Advances.  Geological Society of London Special Publication  No. 32:  25-50.

  • Raymond, A., Kelley, P. H., and Lutken, C. B., 1987.  Comment on 'Frasnian/Fammenian mass extinction and cold-water oceans.  Geology 15:  777.

  • Raymond, A., 1987.  Paleogeographic distribution of Early Devonian plant traits.  Palaios 2:  113-132.

  • Raymond, A., 1987.  Interpreting ancient swamp communities:  Can we see the forest in the peat?  Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 52:  217-231.

  • Gennett, J. A.*, Raymond, A., and Parker, W. C., 1986.  Changes in floral composition within depositional environments in Texas Jackson Group lignites.  Transactions G.C.A.G.S. 36:  449-456.

  • Raymond, A., 1985.  Phytogeography, floral diversity and climatic amelioration during the Early Carboniferous (Dinantian).  Paleobiology 11:  293-309.

  • Raymond, A., Parker, W. C., and Barrett, S. F., 1985, Phytogeography of the Early Devonian, p. 129-167.  In:  Tiffney, B. (ed.) Geological Factors and the Evolution of Plants.  Yale University Press, New Haven.

  • Raymond, A., Parker, W. C., and Parrish, J. T., 1985, Phytogeography and paleoclimatology of the Early Carboniferous, p. 169-222.  In:  Tiffney, B. (ed.), Geological Factors and the Evolution of Plants.  Yale University Press, New Haven.

  • Rowley, D. B., Raymond, A., Parrish, J. T., Lottes, A. L., Scotese, C. R., and Ziegler, A. M., 1985.  Carboniferous paleogeographic and paleoclimatic reconstructions.   International Journal of Coal Geology  5:  7-42.

  • Raymond, A. and Phillips, T. L., 1983, Evidence for an Upper Carboniferous mangrove community, in Teas, H. (ed.) Biology and Ecology of Mangroves.  Tasks for Vegetation Science 8:  19-30.

  • Ziegler, A. M., Bambach, R. K., Parrish, J. T., Barrett,  S. F., Gierlowski, E. H., Parker, W. C., Raymond, A., and Sepkoski , J. J., Jr., 1981, Paleozoic biogeography and climatology, p. 231-266.  In:  Niklas, K. J. (ed.), Paleobotany, Paleoecology, and Evolution:  Vol. 2. Praeger Publishers, New York. 

  • * Denotes student or former student co-author