As a society, we must be able to find and efficiently use natural resources and safeguard those resources for future generations. Our students and faculty conduct fundamental and applied research to further these goals in study areas including improved hydrocarbon exploration and extraction methods, natural hazard assessment and mitigation, water scarcity and contamination, and human-Earth system interactions.
Mauro Becker
- Professor of the Practice
- Office: Halbouty 255
- Phone: (979) 458-2572
- Email: mbecker@tamu.edu

Benchun Duan
- Professor
- Francesco Paolo di Gangi/Heep Endowed Professorship in Theoretical Geophysics
- Earthquake source physics
- computational seismology
- geomechanics
- Office: Halbouty 153
- Phone: 979-845-3297
- Email: bduan@tamu.edu

Mark Everett
- Professor of Geophysics
- Howard Karren Professor
- Near-surface Applied Geophysics
- Office: Halbouty 357A
- Phone: 979-450-9824
- Email: everett@geo.tamu.edu

Ethan Grossman
- Professor and Michel T. Halbouty Chair
- Director, Stable Isotope Geosciences Facility
- Stable isotope geochemistry
- Clumped isotopes
- Global change
- Paleoclimates
- Hydrogeochemistry
- Office: Halbouty 210
- Phone: 979-845-0637
- Email: e-grossman@tamu.edu

Hiroko Kitajima
- Associate Professor and Texas A&M Presidential Impact Fellow
- Francesco Paolo di Gangi/Heep Endowed Professorship in Theoretical Geophysics
- Graduate Director
- Experimental Rock and Soil Mechanics
- Office: Halbouty 159
- Phone: 979-458-2717
- Email: kitaji@tamu.edu

Peter Knappett
- Associate Professor
- Hydrogeology
- Geogenic contaminants, aquifer, groundwater-surface water, arsenic, fluoride, fecal bacteria, viruses, environmental health, Bangladesh, Mexico, geothermal, urban aquifers
- Office: Halbouty 254
- Phone: 979-845-2006
- Email: knappett@tamu.edu

Nicholas Perez
- Associate Professor
- Tectonics
- Basin dynamics
- Fold-thrust belts
- Continental rifts
- Office: Halbouty 309
- Phone: 979-845-6529
- Email: ndperez@tamu.edu

Michael C. Pope
- Professor
- Interim Director, Berg-Hughes Center for Petroleum and Sedimentary Systems
- Sedimentology
- Sequence stratigraphy
- Carbonate
- Siliciclastic
- Unconventional resources
- Office: Halbouty 51
- Phone: 979-845-4376
- Email: mcpope@tamu.edu

Julia Reece
- Associate Professor
- Chair Graduate Admissions Committee
- Sedimentology
- Sediment Mechanics
- Office: Halbouty 251
- Phone: 979-458-2728
- Email: jreece@geos.tamu.edu

Hongbin Zhan
- Professor of Geology & Geophysics, Water Management & Hydrological Science, and Energy Institute
- Holder of Dudley J. Hughes '51 Chair in Geology and Geophysics
- Subsurface hydrology
- Environmental Geoscience
- Environmental fluid mechanics
- Subsurface chemical/heat transport
- Geothermal energy production and storage
- Office: Halbouty 259
- Phone: 979-862-7961
- Email: zhan@tamu.edu

Centers & Labs