Bradford Clement
  • Professor Emeritus
  • Director of Science Services


  • Member (Chair) of the Institute for Rock Magnetism, University of Minnesota, Review and Advisory Committee, 2013-present
  • Member of Continental Scientific Drilling Coordinating Office Policy Committee,  2015-Present

Research Interests

My individual research focuses on using paleomagnetism to document the behavior of Earth’s magnetic field, particularly during polarity reversals and excursions, and using rock magnetism to understand  past environmental change.

As the Director of the JOIDES Resolution Science Operator of the International Ocean Discovery Program, I work to assist the international marine science community in accessing the sediment and rock record beneath the oceans in order to better understand past climate change, the tectonic processes that form and shape the ocean basins, the deep biosphere, Earth Resources and Earth Hazards.

Research Focus

Educational Background

  • Ph.D. Geology, Columbia University
  • M.A. Geology, Columbia University
  • B.S. Geology, University of Georgia

Awards & Honors

  • Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi

  • Florida International University Award for excellence in undergraduate teaching, 1994

  • Florida International University Award Outstanding Teaching Award, 2000

  • Florida International University Award Excellence in Research Award, 2005

  • Texas A&M Bush Excellence Award for Faculty in Public Service, 2016

Selected Publications

  • Clement, B. M., Jose Javier, Jay P. Sah and Michael S. Ross, 2011, The effects of wildfires on the magnetic properties of soils in the Everglades, Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 36, 460–466, DOI: 10.1002/esp.2060

  • Clement, B. M., S. Haggerty, J. Harris, 2007, Magnetic Inclusions in Diamonds, Earth and

  • Planetary Science Letters, 267, 333-340, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.11.052.

  • Clement, B. M., 2007, Geomagnetic polarity reversals, Observations, in Encyclopedia of Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism, Gubbins, D., Herrero-Bervera, E. eds., Springer, The Netherlands, p. 324-328.

  • Clement, B. M., 2004, The dependence of geomagnetic polarity reversal durations on site latitude, Nature, 428 ,637-639.

  • Acton, G. D., Okada, M., Clement, B. M., Lund, S.P., and T, Williams, 2002, Paleomagnetic overprints in ocean cores and their relationship to shear deformation caused by piston coring, J. Geophys. Res., 107, 10,1029.

  • Yang, Z., Clement, B. M., Acton, G. D., Lund, S. P., Okada, M., Williams, T., 2001, Records of the Cobb Mountain Subchron from the Bermuda Rise (ODP Leg 172), Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 193, 303-313.