Marion Nachon
  • Associate Research Scientist
  • Lecturer
Main Research fields: Planetary Geosciences; NASA Mars rover missions; Space-analog robotic missions

Education & Appointments

2020 - Current   Associate Research ScientistTexas A&M University.

Spring 2024: Lecturer. Planetary Geology (GEOL 310), Texas A&M University - Department of Geology and Geophysics

2018 - 2020   Postdoctoral Research AssociateTexas A&M University.

2016 - 2018   Postdoctoral Research AssociateUniversity of California Davis.

Science collabortaor, NASA Mars Science Laboratory mission - Mast Camera (Mastcam), Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI), Mars Descent Imager (MARDI) Team member.

2012 - 2016   Ph.D. Earth and Planetary Sciences. Université de Nantes - Laboratoire Planétologie et Géodynamique, France. 

Dissertation: "Study of martian surface chemistry and mineralogy, using ChemCam data and LIBS (Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) experiments".

Science collaborator, NASA Mars Science Laboratory mission - ChemCam (Chemistry and Camera) instrument Team member. 

2010 - 2012   M.Sc. Earth and Planetary Sciences. Université Paris Sud, France.

2007 - 2010   B.Sc. Earth and Environmental Sciences. Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

Including 1 year ERASMUS exchange at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.

Research Interests

Space Mission Experience & Research Grants awarded


2020 - 2024



1 of the 13 Participating Scientist, NASA Mars 2020 mission, Perseverance rover.

PI of NASA grant “Coupling datasets from PIXL and SuperCam instruments and rover cameras to characterize Mars’ geological record at the millimetric/micrometric scale”.

Activities: Data analysis: Instruments PIXL and SuperCam/LIBS, Mastcam-Z images and Mars orbital images analysis.  Rover operations: Campaign Science LeadPIXL and SuperCam sPUL (Science Payload Uplink Link role).  Participation in Jezero crater mapping effort.

2016 – 2018



Science collaborator, NASA Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission, Curiosity rover.

Mast Camera (Mastcam), Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI), Mars Descent Imager (MARDI) Team member.

Activities: Mastcam and MAHLI data analysis.  Talks at MSL Team meetings.  Suggestion and organization of the 1st and 2nd MSL students & postdocs meeting.



European Space Agency (ESA) Summer School.

Activities: Team-work design of a space mission concept.

2012 – 2016



Science collaborator, NASA Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission, Curiosity rover.

ChemCam (Chemistry and Camera) instrument Team member.

Activities: ChemCam/LIBS instrument data analysis, science data quality assessment, reports writing.  Participation to rover operations: sPDL (Science Payload Downlink Link role).  Talk at the MSL Team meeting.  Data training of colleagues and students.


Space-Analog Mission Experience & Research Grants awarded


2022 – 2025

Co-Investigator for NASA-funded project LASSIE “Legged Autonomous Surface Science In Analogue Environments”.

Activities: Fieldwork campaigns (White Sands, NM; Mount Hood, OR) coordination of logistics and research plans across the 3 main teams (geosciences, technology, cognitive sciences).  Data and samples collection, and analysis (including micro-XRF).


Participant in NASA project SAND-E “Semi-Autonomous Navigation for Detrital Environments”, led by Pr. R. Ewing.

Activities: preparation and participation in Fieldwork campaign in Iceland; Committee member and supervision participation for a Master and a Ph.D degrees. Student trained on XRF laboratory analyses; conference abstracts writing.


Other Planetary Geosciences Projects & Research Grants awarded

2022 - 2023


PI of the Seed Grant from the Texas A&M University Program for Promoting Research Collaborations:

“Optimizing the analysis and interpretation of geobiological datasets in the quick-pace context of operating the NASA Perseverance rover on Mars”.

Collaborative research across the Departments of Geology, Statistics, International Studies, Psychology & Brain Sciences.


2018 - 2023


Participant in NASA-funded “X-ray Florescence (XRF) technologies for biosignature screening in aeolian environments”, led by Dr. Ewing and Dr. Tice.

Activities: fieldwork and aeolian samples collection (Utah, Texas), micro-XRF data acquisition and data analysis.

Selected Publications


  • French: native language.   
  • English: Fluent.   
  • Spanish: Fluent. (¡Dispuesta y encantada de hablar de temas Espaciales/Geológicos/Científicos en español!)