Mauro Becker
  • Professor of the Practice

Research Interests

Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Basin Evolution

Continental and Transitional Rift Depositional Systems

Atlantic Margin Deep Water Depositional Systems

Integrated Reservoir Geologic Characterization and Modeling

Petroleum Field Development and Management

Educational Background

  • PhD Geology – The University of Texas at Austin, (1993-1996)
  • Msc Geology – Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil, (1983-1984)
  • BSc Geology – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, (1977-1981)

Selected Publications

  • Becker, M.R., Lake, L.W. and Tyler, N. 1997. Fractal properties of braided fluvial deposits for characterization and simulation of reservoir heterogeneity. Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE 38951 – Fifth Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference and Exhibition. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

  • Ballim, P.R., Faria, R.T., Becker, M.R., Carrasco, B.N. and Teixeira, P.W., 1997. Reservoir studies in fluvial deposits: from outcrops to stochastic characterization and flow simulation. Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE 39000. Proceedings of the Fifth Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference and Exhibition. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 12p.

  • Santos, R. A., Souza Jr., O.G., Becker, M.R. and Alves, R.R. 1998. Stochastic simulation of deep water oligocene turbidites (Campos Basin) guided by a stratigraphic model based seismic inversion. American Association of Petroleum Geologists. International Conference & Exhibition, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, p.754- 755.

  • Bruhn, C.H., Becker, M.R., Arienti, L.M., Rodrigues, E.B., Abreu, C.E.B.S., Alves, R.R.P., Castro, D.D., Santos, R.A., Freitas, L.C.S, Barros, A.P. and Sarzenski, D.J. 1998, Contrasting styles of Oligocene/Miocene turbidite reservoirs from deep water Campos Basin, Brazil. AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists Convention, Salt Lake City,UT, USA, v.1, p.4.

  • Becker, M.R., Carvalho, O. A., Alves, R.R.P., Santos, R.A., Barros, A.P., Rodrigues, M.R., Souza Jr,O.G. and Rodrigues,C.R.O. 1998. High-resolution stratigraphy of a Miocene/Oligocene turbidite reservoir from deep-water south-central Campos Basin, Brazil. AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists - International Conference & Exhibition. Rio de Janeiro, p.402-403.

  • Becker, M.R., Tyler, N. and Lake, L.W. 1998. Sedimentologic architecture and permeability structure of braided fluvial deposits in the cretaceous Acu Formation, Potiguar Basin, northeast Brazil. AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists - International Conference & Exhibition. Rio de Janeiro, p.790-791.

  • Assis, O.C., Becker, M.R., Melo, J.R.C., Franz, E.P., Alves, R.R.P., Rodriguez, M.R., Maciel, W.B., Souza, O.G., and Johann, P.R. 1998. Barracuda and Caratinga giant oil fields, deep water Campos Basin, Brazil. In: Proceedings of the 30th annual Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 8879, v. 1, p. 611-617, Houston, TX, USA.

  • Arienti, L.M., Caddah, L.F.G., Becker, M.R., Rodrigues, E.B., Becker, M.R., Abreu, C.J. and Bruhn, C.H.L. 1998. Contrasting Middle Eocene and upper Oligocene/Lower Miocene deep-water facies and processes from Campos Basin, Brazil. AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists. International Conference & Exhibition, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, p. 400-401.

  • Fetter, M.R.L., Bruhn, C.H.L., Cora, C.A.G., Becker, M.R., Alves, R.R.P. and Sarzenski, D.J. 1999. architecture of sand-rich, turbidite reservoirs from deep water Campos basin, Brasil. AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists Convention, San Antonio, TX, USA.

  • Carrasco, B.N. and Becker, M.R., 1999. High-resolution stratigraphic architecture of fluvio-eolian reservoir analogous exposures: the Jurassic Sergipe Formation, Reconcavo Basin, Brazil. AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists Convention, San Antonio, TX, USA, A22.

  • Johann, P.R.S., Abreu, C.E.B.S., Alves, R.R.P., Bruhn, C.H.L., Freitas, L.C.S., Becker, M.R., Maciel, W.B., Santos, M.B., Souza Jr., O.G., Sarzenski, D.J., Assis, O.C. 1999. Seismic geoinversion as a horizontal well positioning tool: applications in the Marlim and Barracuda Fields, deep-water Campos Basin. 6th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, 4 p., Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

  • Cunha, L.B., Barroso, A.S., Romeu, R.K., Sombra, C.L., Cortez, M.M.M., Backheuser, Y., Lopes, M.R.F., Schwerdesky, G., Bruhn, C.H.L. and Becker, M.R., 1999. A multi-scale approach to improve reservoir characterization and forecasting: the Albacora Field (offshore Brazil) study. EAGE/SPE International Symposium on Petroleum Geostatistics, Toulouse, France.

  • Moraes, M.A.S., Becker, M.R., Monteiro, M.C., Almeida Netto, S.L., 2000. Using outcrop analogs to improve 3D heterogeneity modeling of Brazilian sand-rich turbidite reservoirs, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists. Gulf Coast Section. Research Conference, Houston, TX, USA, p.587- 605.

  • Carrasco, B.N., Portella, R.C.M. and Becker, M.R., 2001. Studies of sedimentological heterogeneities and their impact in fluid flow simulation. SPE 69472, 7th Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, 13 p, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • Becker, M.R. and Sombra, C.L. 2011. Geosciences Challengers to Develop and Produce Pre-salt Fields, Offshore SE Brazil. Proceedings of the International Gas Union Research Conference 2011, Seoul, South Korea.

  • Becker, M.R., Friedrich, A., Poletto, C.A. 2012, Northeast Brazilian Carbonate outcrops: geologic laboratory for research with Brazilian Universities with focus in petroleum reservoirs. Paper IBP 1470_13 presented at the Rio Oil & Gas Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

  • Watkins, E., Navarro, A.F., Syrio, J.C., Riera, L.A., Nguyen, N., Cruz, P.S., Leite, R. and Becker, M.R. 2013, Cascade and Chinook Fields: integrated overview of the reservoirs. Paper OTC 24163-MS presented at the 2013 Offshore Technology Conference, May 06 - 09, 2013, Houston, TX, USA

  • Watkins, E. A., J. Tamashiro, M. C. Torrez Canaviri, N. Martin, E. Guliyev, R. Leite, N. (V.) Nguyen, A. Aina, and M. R. Becker, 2015, A geology-based, non-seismic attribute method to generate facies, lithology, and petrophysical parameters in the Chinook and Cascade fields, Walker Ridge, Gulf of Mexico, USA: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 65, p. 403–419.

  • Moraes, F.D., Haddad, Z.A., Becker, M.R. and Nguyen, N., 2016, Gulf of Mexico Lower Tertiary Development Wells – Cascade Field Case History – Paper OTC 27041 presented at the 2016 Offshore Technology Conference, May 02 - 05, 2016, Houston, TX, USA