William (Will) Lamb
  • Professor
  • Metamorphic Petrology
  • Geochemistry
  • Deep-Seated Fluids

Research Interests

Metamorphic petrology and geochemistry; the characterization of metamorphism in the earth's crust and mantle including temperatures, pressures and, in particular, fluid compositions and movements.  This research includes fieldwork, petrography, microprobe analyses, phase equilibria, fluid inclusions analyses (natural and synthetic), and stable isotopic analyses.

Research Focus

  • Metamorphic Petrology
  • Geochemistry
  • Deep-Seated Fluids

Educational Background

  • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1987

Selected Publications

  • Hunt, L.E. and Lamb W.M. (2019) Application of mineral equilibria to estimate fugacities of H2O, H2, and O2 in mantle xenoliths from the southwestern U.S.A. American Mineralogist, v. 104, pp. 333-347.

  • Stewart, E., Newman, J., B. Tikoff, B., Donnelly, S., German, L., Chatzaras, V., Lamb, W.M., Miller, B., and Kruckenberg, S.C. (2019) Chapter 6: Coupled deformation and melt-migration events recording subduction initiation, Dun Mountain ophiolite, New Zealand.  Geological Society, London, Memoirs, v. 49, pp. 93-117.

  • Kilgore, M. L., Peslier, A.H., Brandon, A. D., and Lamb, W. M. (2018) Water and Oxygen Fugacity in the Lithospheric Mantle Wedge beneath the Northern Canadian Cordillera (Alligator Lake).  Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.  https://doi.org/10.1029/ 2018GC007700

  • Kang, P., and Lamb W.M. (2017) Using mineral equilibria to estimate H2O activities in peridotite from the Western Gneiss Region of Norway.  American Mineralogist, v. 102, pp. 1021-1036.

  • Stewart, E., Lamb, W., Newman, J., & Tikoff, B. (2016) The Petrological and Geochemical Evolution of Early Forearc Mantle Lithosphere: an example from the Red Hills Ultramafic Massif, New Zealand.  Journal of Petrology, v. 57, pp. 751-776.

  • Lamadrid, H.M., Lamb, W.M., Santosh, M., and Bodnar, R.J. (2014) Raman spectroscopic characterization of H2O in CO2-rich fluid inclusions in granulite facies metamorphic rocks.  Gondwana Research. v. 26, pp. 301-310.

  • Lamb, W.M., Guillemette, R., Popp, R.K., Fritz, S.J., and Chmiel, G.J. (2012) Determination of Fe3+/FeTotal using the Electron Microprobe: A Calibration for Amphiboles. American Mineralogist, v. 97, pp. 951-961.