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College of Arts & Sciences

A Field Camp for 5th-12th Grade Science Teachers

Group of geology students and faculty

What is G-Camp?

G-Camp is a 16-day field camp for 5th-12th grade science teachers that provides firsthand experience with the principles of geology in the field, helps you develop new curriculum and virtual field trips for your classroom, and makes outdoor learning fun and exciting. This field experience takes place in Texas, New Mexico and Colorado at locations such as an outcrop, the slope of a volcano, the footwall of a fault, a spectacular glacial valley, the toe of a landslide and a pristine flowing stream.

The 2024 dates are Saturday, June 29 to Sunday, July 14. Participants must arrive in College Station on Saturday afternoon/evening, June 29, 2024. We will depart College Station on Tuesday, July 2 at 6:30 a.m. We will return to College Station in the early afternoon/evening of Sunday, July 14. Breakfasts are provided by most hotels.

Participants are responsible for their own transportation to and from College Station; however, all travel expenses (bus, hotels) during G-Camp will be covered, and teachers who complete the requirements will receive a stipend to cover meals during G-Camp.

G-Camp will provide teachers with an introduction to the principles of geology, as well as the opportunity to develop and share curriculum materials to teach the standards required for 5th grade through 12th grade. During the trip, we will explore geologic landscapes, volcanic features, ancient marine deposits, sand dunes, faults, glacial landscapes, streams, landslides, energy resources and mineral resources. G-Camp will travel from College Station through north Texas to New Mexico, Colorado and back through New Mexico. We will go from slightly above sea level to elevations higher than 13,000 feet. The views and knowledge will take your breath away!

We travel by commercial bus to each field location and stay in motels along the way. Although we will not be walking long distances each day to reach outcrops and landforms, being able to walk several miles during the day at high elevations is a requirement for participation in G-Camp.

Applying for G-Camp

The first step is completing the application and submitting it along with two letters of recommendation. Please give your references as much time as possible to respond to your request for references — apply early!


Applications are now open for summer 2024. Approximately thirty teachers will be selected for G-Camp. The staff will evaluate the applications and determine the teachers selected.

So, what are you waiting for? Complete your application for G-Camp today! The exciting world of geology awaits you.

If you have any questions, please contact Michael Pope at

Apply Here for G-Camp 2024

View the G-Camp 2024 Itinerary

G-Camp Staff

Mike Pope

Mike Pope was born and raised in California, he earned a B.S. in Earth and Space Sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles, an M.S. in Geology from the University of Montana, and a Ph.D. from Virginia Tech. Mike studied Precambrian carbonates during a post-doc at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology then worked at Mobil for one year. Mike taught at Washington State University for 10 years before moving to Texas A&M University, where he teaches courses in sedimentology, stratigraphy, field methods and field camp. His research focuses on carbonate rocks and their climate and oceanographic records. Mike recently stepped down as department head of Geology and Geophysics at Texas A&M and he is a Fellow of the Geological Society of America. Mike likes being involved in G-Camp because both his parents were long-time elementary teachers and he values the hard work and dedication of teachers.

Carolyn Schroeder

Carolyn taught Earth Science in Texas public schools for 30 years before returning to Texas A&M to earn her Ph.D. in science education. She is currently a research scientist in the Center for Mathematics and Science Education in the office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. She authored a paper describing the conduct and results of a meta-analysis of science teaching strategies that was published in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching and wrote a booklet for Texas classroom teachers on effective science teaching strategies. She is also Project Director of the TAMU Regional Collaborative for Excellence in Science Teaching and very active in providing professional development for teachers in the region, particularly in the Earth sciences. Carolyn was Texas Earth Science Teacher of the Year in 1986 and is a charter member of the Texas Earth Science Teachers Association. For 11 years, she worked as teacher consultant and lab instructor for National Science Foundation Summer Earth Science Teacher Institutes in the Geology Department at Texas A&M. She also taught a summer geology course for five years at Bryan High School that involved an 11-day camping field trip to West Texas.

Kevin Gamache

Kevin received his Ph.D. in Water Management and Hydrological Sciences from Texas A&M in 2014, where his research focus was on water scarcity in the western United States. He has been documenting G-Camp in pictures and video since 2009. Kevin retired from the United States Air Force in 2005 and currently works full time for The Texas A&M University System and teaches part time at The George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M. His wife Rita is a retired 5th grade teacher.

Scott Azar

Scott is a passionate educator who has been teaching for 14 years. He currently teaches Earth Science and Intro to Research at a high school and an alternative education high school in the Bellmore-Merrick School district, where he is also a District Technology Mentor. He has a B.S. in Earth Science and Adolescent Education from SUNY Oneonta, an M.A. in Long Island Geology and Adolescent Education from Stony Brook University, and a second M.S. in School and District Leadership from Mercy College. He is currently a doctoral student at Long Island University, studying innovative and transformative education.

Scott was recently inducted as a New York State Master Teacher. He is passionate about supporting teachers and teaching science well. He is also a strong advocate for the use of effective educational technology usage, which he believes allows students to develop critical thinking skills and real-world problem-solving skills.