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College of Arts & Sciences

Winfred Arthur, Jr.

Emerald LiteratiNetwork Most Downloaded Articles Top 200



Winfred Arthur, Jr.

College of Liberal Arts Research Award.



Winfred Arthur, Jr.

Association for Psychological Science Fellow

Recognizes outstanding contributions to the science of psychology in the areas of research, teaching, service, and/or application 


Winfred Arthur, Jr.

College of Liberal Arts Cornerstone Fellow

Recognizes outstanding and sustained contributions to research, teaching, and service


Winfred Arthur, Jr.

American Psychological Association Fellow (Division 14)

Recognizes unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of psychology, including having a national impact on the field


Mindy Bergman

Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center Faculty Fellow



John Edens

American Psychology-Law Society (APA Division 41)/American Academy of Forensic Psychology

Saleem Shah Award for Early Career Contributions 


James Grau

Mary Tucker Currie Professor of Liberal Arts



James Grau

American Psychological Association President of Division 6

Devoted to studying the biology of behavior


James Grau

Texas A&M University Faculty Fellow Award



James Grau

Association for Psychological Science Fellow

Recognizes outstanding contributions to the science of psychology in the areas of research, teaching, service, and/or application


James Grau

University Research Award



James Grau

University Faculty Fellow Award



Rob Heffer

Texas Psychological Association Outstanding Contribution to Education Award

Recognizes a truly distinguished contribution to psychology in the area of education.


Rob Heffer

Texas A&M University Center for Teaching Excellence Student Led Appreciation for Excellence in Teaching Award



Rachel Hull

Pi Beta Phi Honor Society Outstanding Professor



Rachel Hull

Texas A&M University Center for Teaching Excellence Student Led Appreciation for Excellence in Teaching Award



Rachel Hull

Texas A&M University Center for Teaching Excellence Student Led Appreciation for Excellence in Teaching Award.



Arnold LeUnes

Delta Gamma Sorority Professor of the Year Award



Arnold LeUnes

Texas A&M University Collegiate Panhellenic Council and Delta Zeta Sorority Outstanding Panhellenic Professor Award



Heather Lench

Springer Outstanding Manuscript Reviewer Award

Recognizes a member of the editorial board who consistently provides reviews of manuscripts that have improved the quality of editorial decisions and significantly improved the quality of published manuscripts


Heather Lench

American Psychological Association New Investigator Award in Experimental Psychology

Honors outstanding new investigators based on an empirical paper


Stephen Maren

Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology APA



Stephen Maren

LS&A Excellence in Education Award



Stephen Maren

Association for Psychological Science Fellow

Recognizes outstanding contributions to the science of psychology in the areas of research, teaching, service, and/or application


Stephen Maren

American Psychological Association Fellow (Division 6)

Recognizes unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of psychology, including having a national impact on the field


Mary Meagher

College of Liberal Arts Cornerstone Fellow

Recognizes outstanding and sustained contributions to research, teaching, and service


Mary Meagher

American Psychological Association Fellow (Division 12)

Recognizes unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of psychology, including having a national impact on the field


Mary Meagher

Texas A&M University Undergraduate Honors Program Service Award



Mary Meagher

TAMU Women’s Former Student Association Research Award



Mary Meagher

American Psychological Association Fellow (Division 6)

Recognizes unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of psychology, including having a national impact on the field


Mary Meagher

Texas A&M University Women’s Progress Award

Honors students, staff, faculty, and administrators who encourage and promote sensitivity to and awareness of issues that relate to women


Les Morey

College of Liberal Arts Distinguished Achievement in Research Award



Les Morey

Northern Illinois University Distinguished Alumnus Award

Awards a graduate who has achieved outstanding success or recognition at the national, regional, or statewide level.


Les Morey

Society for Personality Assessment Fellow

Recognizes psychologists who have demonstrated particular competence in methods of personality assessment.


Les Morey

Listed as among the most productive scholars in Clinical Psychology, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 63, 1209-1215



Stephanie C. Payne

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology award

Featured top poster paper presented at 23rd annual meeting


Stephanie C. Payne

Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center Faculty Fellow



Stephanie C. Payne

Ray A. Rothrock ’77 Fellow in Liberal Arts

Encourages and supports the completion of exceptionally promising post-promotion projects and continued outstanding teaching 


Stephanie C. Payne

George Mason University Industrial/Organizational Psychology Student Association Distinguished Alumni Award

Honors alumni who exemplifies best practices in research and/or application of IO Psychology.


Doug Snyder

Texas Psychological Association Award for Outstanding Contributions to Science

Recognizes a significant scientific contribution in the discovery and development of new information, empirical or otherwise, to the body of psychological knowledge


Doug Snyder

American Psychological Association Distinguished Contribution to Family Psychology Award



Jyotsna Vaid

Mexican American and U.S. Latino Research Center Faculty Fellow



Jyotsna Vaid

Office of Executive Vice President and Provost Faculty Diversity Award for Outstanding Achievement



Jyotsna Vaid

Association for Psychological Science Fellow

Recognizes outstanding contributions to the science of psychology in the areas of research, teaching, service, and/or application 


Jyotsna Vaid

Texas A&M University Undergraduate Research Fellows Faculty Mentor Award



Jyotsna Vaid

Texas A&M University Outstanding Service to International Studies Degree Program



Jyotsna Vaid

Texas A&M University Undergraduate Honors Program Service Award



Jyotsna Vaid

Texas A&M University Honors Teacher/Scholar Award

 Identifies, celebrates, and encourages participation in Honors instruction by accomplished scholars.